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to raise one eyebrow ever so slightly that MNHQ have used this turn of phrase?

62 replies

bibbitybobbityyhat · 05/04/2017 17:27

A discussion of the day:

Interviews - taking the piss?

Now, call me old fashioned, but did they really mean to say that?

There is a very scatalogical side to Mumsnet, what with the resident poo troll and Mumsnetters describing themselves as "losing their shit" or "not giving a shit" hither and thither.

I don't know why, but I don't expect it from HQ.

Consider this bosom hoiked.

OP posts:
StarryIllusion · 06/04/2017 17:01

Grin That's me informed then. NerrSnerr good luck with the birth and I wish your cunt a speedy recovery.

fascicle · 06/04/2017 13:43

I agree with Helena. It's in keeping with the tone of the site and relatively mild in comparison to what gets posted by members.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 06/04/2017 13:03

Taking the piss is a common phrase

Is it? It seemed to have coped without ever having to use it. Or hear it.

HelenaGWells · 06/04/2017 12:59

If anyone reading anything to do with mumsnet is precious about swears they are in the wrong place. Much worse is prevalent all over the boards. Taking the piss is a common phrase.

reuset · 06/04/2017 12:54

Never! I wouldn't dare, and I'm not one of the faint hearted. Grin Too many people get offended by the word cunt, no matter what the context.

PortiaCastis · 06/04/2017 12:47

My cunt hurts today as I was shagging last night.Smile

NerrSnerr · 06/04/2017 12:44

Starry 'my cunt hurts today' it probably will later as I am about to have a baby

StarryIllusion · 06/04/2017 10:39

Just going off on a little tangent here but in what situation would one use the word cunt but not to insult anyone?

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 06/04/2017 08:44

Why shouldn't MNHQ swear? MN isn't run by the government and they're not supposed to be role models or authority figures. They also weren't abusing anyone

I'll get flamed for this but I find much of the swearing tiresome and childish. It is so over used it rarely adds anything to the points a poster is making. The expression being discussed is horrible. I can't see any reason for using it on here or in real life. Other options are available.

NerrSnerr · 06/04/2017 08:37

Bloody hell. They said the word piss. I'm more surprised that someone actually noticed and it registered as a 'thing'.

Why shouldn't MNHQ swear? MN isn't run by the government and they're not supposed to be role models or authority figures. They also weren't abusing anyone.

IfYouGoDownToTheWoodsToday · 06/04/2017 08:22


I don't think I've ever seen a member of MNHQ swear, as suggested by another poster.

MNHQ shouldn't need to resort to such a phrase. It's like a HT swearing imo.

Catsize · 06/04/2017 08:20

OP, I am with you. Inappropriate and unnecessary.

HardcoreLadyType · 06/04/2017 08:11

I used to know someone who had a contract for taking urine samples from people. (Not really sure why. Maybe corporate random drug tests?) His business was called "Taking the Piss".

LadyLothian · 06/04/2017 07:31

Another Irish one here. Taking the mickey is seen as a polite way of saying taking the piss. But you have to use mickey in the right context for it to mean a penis.

Context is everything Wink

AnnieAnoniMouse · 06/04/2017 01:29

Complete over reaction.

Taking the piss.... what?

reuset · 06/04/2017 01:28

It reflects the posts/posters on here, which is no bad thing. I'm slightly eyebrow raised too, though, OP, that somebody said it. Looking forward to hearing what they'll say Grin

kali110 · 06/04/2017 01:21

I'm really struggling to understand what the problem us.
You don't like the fact they used 'take the piss' Confused
Mumnets are not exactly known for being softly softly, and also, it's hardly swearing.
I don't get it.

MadMags · 06/04/2017 01:20

I'm Irish and Mick is not a derogatory name for a man, nor is taking the mickey offensive!

Yes, mickey is used in certain parts of Dublin for a penis. Mickey money, for example, refers to children's allowance Grin.

Having a paddy is offensive.

And taking the piss should be inoffensive everywhere in the world both real and virtual!

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 06/04/2017 01:14

I dislike all these scatalogical phrases. I don't even want to write them and would never say them.

I really hate that awful "boils my ..." Never heard it anywhere apart from MN.

2017SoFarSoGood · 06/04/2017 01:07

bibbity I completely get where you are coming from. Perhaps too much James Bond(ish) influence, but 'HQ" should be above the scatological. After all, they are up there somewhere

As to regular posters swearing, as you were people. I have learned so very many magical turns of phrase here it is an education!

NancyWake · 06/04/2017 01:00

Mickey doesn't rhyme with piss, tho there's a bit of assonance.

NotStoppedAllDay · 06/04/2017 00:32

What's the objection to it. Wing on the homepage but not elsewhere on MN?

Why is the homepage special?


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BlueFolly · 06/04/2017 00:25

I'm with you OP. Love the fact that this is a sweary place, but HQ should only do it if it's damn funny, and 'taking the piss' doesn't make the grade.

KindleBueno · 05/04/2017 23:37

No I am not. You're all being mean!

bibbitybobbityyhat · 05/04/2017 23:31

I've posted on this site almost every day for the past 10 years, so I know very well what it's like. I swear quite a bit myself.

I didn't say I was offended by the word "piss".

I said wibu to raise one eyebrow "ever so slightly" at the use of it on their home page.

But never mind, run away with it and make out I'm a fuddy duddy who'd be better off at NetMums, why not Hmm.

I didn't know it was advertised as "the one with the swearing" to be fair. I seem to remember a while ago they were asking for people to consider not swearing so much because MN was being blocked from search engines in places like libraries!

I'll report my post and see what they say.

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