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Grownups peeing in public swimming pools

80 replies

mumsgirl1 · 15/03/2017 13:55

Having a discussion with mums at school and someone said she did this.
Totally rank!
I know the water is chlorinated, but how can you p* in the pool where other peoples faces go. Bloody well get out and pee, the toilets are not far.Angry

OP posts:
BarbaraofSeville · 15/03/2017 14:40

Apparently unless you are actually washing your arse there is residual shit particles that are shed

In Denmark and Iceland at least, they make you have a very thorough naked shower following diagrams showing you exactly where to wash, including pits, groin, arse etc before you enter a public swimming pool.

If people from those countries swim in the UK, they probably think the water is filthy, which it probably is. I have done scuba diving training in swimming pools and near the bottom it is a soup of floating bits of skin, plasters, hair etc

I don't pee in swimming pools but do in the sea.

JonesyAndTheSalad · 15/03/2017 14:45

Of course they do. This is why I won't go in them.

All those arses and fannies sharing the same bath basically.

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 15/03/2017 14:48

I've recently being feeling bad that I haven't ever really taken ds swimming, on account of my hatred of swimming pools.

This thread makes me realise I was probably right the first time Envy

BadTasteFlump · 15/03/2017 14:48

I once saw a poo floating in a pool - it was an outdoor pool on holiday. It was fished out with a net by one of the lifeguards and everyone just carried out like nothing had happened Confused

I kept out for the next few days.

Idefix · 15/03/2017 14:53

Ha Barbara I pee in my wetsuit too! Never ever in a swimming pool.

14yrs ago one of the dc I minded contracted ecoli from out local baby pool and suffered long term damage to her kidneys. Dc was in picu and recovery took many months. It was shattering how our weekend meet up with dc and parents could result in such a awful event Sad. My dc still recall when we first met up on a outing from hospital how fragile their friend had become.

I have never been keen on swimming in uk ever since. I live in Europe where there are strict on pre washing.

Hairandbeauty123 · 15/03/2017 14:54

Laughing my head off at BadTasteFlump's comment!!! 😂

BeMorePanda · 15/03/2017 14:56

Of course public pools are full of pee etc.
People are gross

I get out to pee, my kids get out to pee, but this doesn't mean everyone gets out to pee and it naieve to think they do.

My 4 yo took a mouth full of water once and vomited in the pool . They evacuated the pool, added chemicals and kept it empty for 30 minutes.

Renaissance2017 · 15/03/2017 14:56

I always remember the Dirty Harry quote; As popular as a turd in a swimming pool....

BarbaraofSeville · 15/03/2017 15:02

Of course have peed in the sea in my wetsuit. I think it is commonly said amongst surfers/divers and any other wetsuit wearers that anyone who claims to have not pissed in a wetsuit is lying, or hasn't spent much time in one.

I have however had a couple of 'near misses' while diving in a drysuit where I have momentarily forgotten the consequences (drysuits are totally sealed to keep all the water out and you generally wear an undersuit or even normal clothes underneath).

BadTasteFlump · 15/03/2017 15:03

So does it escape in a wetsuit or are you sloshing it around for the rest of the day?

BarbaraofSeville · 15/03/2017 15:11

I'm not sure. Wetsuits have a layer of water which your body warms up to keep you warm. If you want to wash water through while you wear it you can pull the neck open and water goes in and washes out too.

However, I dive in a semi dry suit which is a really tight wetsuit with very limited water wash through. A lot of the water collects in the boots that I wear. I have surrupticiously sniffed the water on removing wetsuits and boots and it never smells pissy and always rinse my wetsuit and boots really well and shower myself as soon as I can and can live with the fact that I may sometimes have some of my own piss on me.

There is an awful lot of faffing in diving both before and after a dive and I simply wouldn't be able to do the requiste faffing and hold in a wee at the same time so the easiest thing is to have a wee in the sea early in the dive and hope as much as possible washes through.

Idefix · 15/03/2017 15:16

What ^ Barbara says, it sort of mixes with the water that seeps in and keeps you warm. My wetsuit doesn't smell of wee, usually wear it for a good 4 + hrs at a time.

Idefix · 15/03/2017 15:17

Grin at close shave in dry suit...that would smell!

Roomster101 · 15/03/2017 15:20

It's is gross to deliberately pee in the water but perhaps she has a weak bladder and can't help it. At least pee is usually sterile unlike many other bodily fluids.
I always shower before swimming and I think most pools instruct people to do so. Inevitably some won't and there will be small children who pee even if adults don't so never swallow the water!

JungleInTheRumble · 15/03/2017 15:22

Ok so the message I'm getting from this thread is that pool water doesn't turn green if you pee in it? Who knew...

Lalalandfill · 15/03/2017 15:23

Saying 'Oh children, do it so we might as well ...' is LUDICROUS. Children do lots of gross/stupid things adults shouldn't do

Peeing in pools is vile, all you people making excuses about it. You're lazy 'mares. Get out and use the toilet or wait until you've finished

JungleInTheRumble · 15/03/2017 15:24

I've never cared about peeing when diving. The amount of fish poop in the water, your wee is probably cleaner than the sea.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 15/03/2017 15:24

Pee is only sterile until it leaves the body isn't it?

BarbaraofSeville · 15/03/2017 15:26

Jungle I thought it was purple or blue Wink

According to Wikipedia urine indicator dye does not exist but a lot of people believe that it does. The article also says that the urine concentration is actually higher in hot tubs, which due to being massively smaller, I can easily believe.

JungleInTheRumble · 15/03/2017 15:30

Yet another reason I'll never be getting in a hot tub...

BarbaraofSeville · 15/03/2017 15:39

I knew that people shed skin and had sex in hot tubs, but I hadn't realised that people pee in them too. Probably because it's usually adults only and there's a toilet nearby.

VestalVirgin · 15/03/2017 15:39

In Denmark and Iceland at least, they make you have a very thorough naked shower following diagrams showing you exactly where to wash, including pits, groin, arse etc before you enter a public swimming pool.

WTF. Brits don't shower before going into the pool? Shock

Well, that explains why so many mumsnetters are of the opinion males should be allowed to use women's changing rooms and showers ... wait. Do you also wear your usual underwear under the swimsuit, so that you are never actually naked? That would explain it all.

In Germany, last time I went to a public pool, there weren't any helpful diagrams (perhaps they only do those in the regions where there's many UK tourists? Grin), but it is kinda the expected thing that you shower naked and wash thoroughly.

There is no excuse for peeing in a public pool in Germany. But we have adequate privacy in changing rooms, showers, AND toilets.

Which apparently is not the case, or will soon not be the case, in the UK. So I don't feel like it is my place to judge.


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Roomster101 · 15/03/2017 15:44

WTF. Brits don't shower before going into the pool?

I think there are usually signs telling people to but because the showers aren't private, many people will shower with their swimming costumes on rather than naked.

TheSilveryPussycat · 15/03/2017 15:51

A psychologist writes:

The P is in swimming.

(couldn't resist)

TheSilveryPussycat · 15/03/2017 15:52
  • Psychologist
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