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Grownups peeing in public swimming pools

80 replies

mumsgirl1 · 15/03/2017 13:55

Having a discussion with mums at school and someone said she did this.
Totally rank!
I know the water is chlorinated, but how can you p* in the pool where other peoples faces go. Bloody well get out and pee, the toilets are not far.Angry

OP posts:
IllMetByMoonlight · 17/03/2017 00:55

Yes, Barbara, another Scandi swimmer here, used to naked groin and crack scrubbing pre-swim, for the benefit of the common good. With soap, washing the hair too. Anyone trying to avoid washing properly would be challenged by another user of the facilities, like "...Err, wtf?!" Changing and shower rooms (and saunas) are single-sex but open plan, so not much privacy. None of this gross 'getting in to my costume before I leave the house'.
In the UK, I put my kids in the bath as soon as we get back from the pool and lather them up. But we still go swimming regularly.

GreyStars · 17/03/2017 00:31

I also had been told the water turns green, realised the truth about this as my cousin was told it was purple.

We prepared ourselves to confront our mums.,. So they tried to tell us when we confronted them with this outrageous lie! that different counties (as we lived in different ones) had different colours to identify the pee.

Then they both burst out laughing and we remained forever suspicious of them Grin

coconuttella · 17/03/2017 00:21

WTF. Brits don't shower before going into the pool?

If I showered earlier that day and am wearing clean clothes, and have done nothing to make me dirty or sweaty, I don't see it as necessary.... also I am about to get into chlorinated water! Very few people i notice having proper showers before getting into a pool. Have never pissed in a pool though... surely that's 100x worse than not showering beforehand.

Morphene · 16/03/2017 23:18

runcible I would imagine most rational people would be more than willing to make an exception for adults who cannot control urination!

I personally certainly am. Swim as you please :)

buttfacedmiscreant · 15/03/2017 20:56

chlorine in the pool isn't what usually makes your eyes sting, it is when the chlorine reacts with things like pee, sweat, sunscreen. Overnight pools have a chance to clean,filter and be sanitised so if I swim in a public pool I try to do it when they first open, and as little as possible last thing before they close.

WildBelle · 15/03/2017 20:31

Yes peeing in your wetsuit is totally the done thing (I used to surf a lot). Get in waist deep, then aaaaaaah. Warms you up a treat, and as long as you stay in the water for an hour or two it flushes out pretty well. And you have to rinse your wetsuit in fresh water afterwards to stop it from going manky from the salt water. There's a brand of wetsuit cleaner called Piss I say, everyone does it.

As an aside, I shat in a swimming pool once. I was only 2 though. They had to evacuate the pool.

WankingMonkey · 15/03/2017 20:06

According to Wikipedia urine indicator dye does not exist but a lot of people believe that it does. The article also says that the urine concentration is actually higher in hot tubs, which due to being massively smaller, I can easily believe.

Nevermind, should have read the full thread thoroughly before posting Blush

WankingMonkey · 15/03/2017 20:04

Trying to imagine the direction the conversation must have gone in for someone to admit pissing in the swimming pool Grin Did she just randomly come out with it?

I actually thought pools had some dye stuff that if you pee it turns the water bright blue/purple so everyone could tell. Mind, my mother told me this when I was about 13 and it stuck in my head, I wonder if she just said this to make sure I never did it Hmm

RuncibleSp00n · 15/03/2017 19:47

It's a bit of a non-issue for me. I don't find any of it that weird or gross to be honest. Which probably means I'm gross myself Blush!

I've peed once or twice in the pool before when I've had really no choice (in pool with baby and toddler, and I suffer from over-active bladder disorder which can result in horrendously bad urgency to pee (often with no notice) and resultant occasional urinary incontinence when my meds aren't working so well.
Peeing self in pool is hugely less socially frowned upon than peeing oneself in the self scan area of coop or in the playground/on a bus/in a greetings card shop etc, all of which have happened to me lately

I know there'll be people who think that people like me shouldn't go swimming but I want to give my kids a love of water and exercise, and it's v beneficial for my wobbly mental health.

I guess it's pretty unpleasant for other swimmers though, and reading the overwhelming tide of horrified opinion on here has made me think twice about whether I should really be swimming anymore Sad.

TheSilveryPussycat · 15/03/2017 19:27

(I once swam in a canal, while on a canal-boat holiday. It was lovely and warm, and it was sort of alright as I can only do a v stately breast-stroke.

Next day a dead sheep floated by...)
Mind you, this was a few decades ago.

Biffsboys · 15/03/2017 18:56

This is just one of the reasons I never go swimming Hmm

gluteustothemaximus · 15/03/2017 18:28

The pool couldn't have emptied more quickly if a shark had turned up.

Grin Grin

MagicalMrsMistoffelees · 15/03/2017 18:22

I needed to go in the sea once but my body would just not let me go no matter how hard I tried. It was the weirdest sensation - needing the toilet so badly but somehow unable to relax enough to actually go. I actually had to get out and find a toilet. So I could never wee in a swimming pool even if I wanted to - which I don't.

One of my sons pooed in the pool on holiday. The pool couldn't have emptied more quickly if a shark had turned up. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of our lives. 😳

remoaniac · 15/03/2017 18:20

I don't know if I have a very robust constitution but I swim once a week and have never been ill. [touches wood]

It's impossible not to ingest the water - in fact on a couple of occasions I have swallowed so much I have blown up like a balloon and had to lie down. I did feel dreadful. It has only happened once or twice in the 10 years I've been swimming but was rather horrible.

And for people outside the UK - yes we are disgusting. Where I am , you have to walk through a foot pool and you are told to shower, but nobody does. The kids have to wear swimming hats for their lessons but the adults don't. and nobody does in public sessions.

gluteustothemaximus · 15/03/2017 18:19

I only realised adults did this recently. Can't even remember how it came up, but lady in question said she could never be arsed to get out a pee, so she pees in the pool. Doesn't everybody, she said.

Er, no!!!

Mumsnet responses to peeing in the shower, at home, were overewhelmingly disgusted. But peeing in the swimming pool, is 'meh'.

Must be the reason we don't do swimming.

Wtfdoicare · 15/03/2017 18:14

Sallygoroundthemoon I know and I totally agree, he is disgusting with regard to personal hygiene. He wouldn't be the only one though Sad.

Magicpaintbrush · 15/03/2017 18:12

Scratch that last post - just seen the other post about the purple wee indicator not being real. Dammit.

I still can't believe people do this. They should be bloody well ashamed - nobody else wants to swim in your piss thanks!!!!!

Magicpaintbrush · 15/03/2017 18:09

I am so naïve - it never occurred to me that grown adults would be so utterly disgusting and selfish as to pee in a public swimming pool. Children I can understand, but adults? WTAF???? Surely that could make other people ill?

Also, isn't there some kind of chemical in the pool that will turn urine purple or something if somebody pees, therefore making the culprit very obvious - or is that an urban legend?

BarbaraofSeville · 15/03/2017 18:05

I once saw a fish having a poo while diving. Made me giggle, not sure why. I don't know anything about fish biology but I'm sure they all do it with some sort of regularity.

Screwinthetuna · 15/03/2017 17:34

I hate swimming pools for this reason. I used to wee in the pool as a kid (although the fear of the dreading purple water myth soon stopped that) but wouldn't dream of it as an adult.
The shit/phlegm/pubes/snot/norovirs are worse than the wee though. Wish my kids could learn to swim in the ocean instead of public pools!

FairytalesAreBullshit · 15/03/2017 17:22

That was a joke about the jacuzzi in the gym years ago, you can't see underneath, so how many men have you know...

Plus periods, you can wear a tampon in the bath, but it fills with water and some of it drains out I'd suspect.

The thought of diving in a pool must be gross. I don't want to know what's down there. I used to jump in stirring all that up, no wonder I got sick.

FairytalesAreBullshit · 15/03/2017 17:15

Can you remember that AIBU one about the older kid who full on spewed in the pool, during a lesson I think, kid got out of pool, kids still in pool, lifeguard sifts chunks out with a float, then lets baby and Dad pretty much in same area, with no clean up protocol.

I got sick after swimming in a pool once, I was maybe 14. I didn't go to public baths ever again. I went to one on holiday years ago, but kept our faces out of the water. I don't know if that's enough.

I remember one DC being invited into a private pool, they had baby diaper swim shorts, I always wondered if a child defecates, how does it stay sealed?

Even though told not to both my DC thought/think it's hilarious to say they peed in the pool, so I warn them about the bright red dye in some pools that will trail after them. Maybe harsh, but it's grim.


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Morphene · 15/03/2017 17:12

hmmm so is it okay to wee in the showers at the pool?

DD wears a suit thing and it is the biggest ball ache to get back on after a wee when its wet, so she just goes in the shower.

Better than the pool right?

MadameCholetsDirtySecret · 15/03/2017 17:09

I don't ever use any form of public swimming pool. I don't like splashing around in human soup. Grin

BaggypantsCrimplesnitch · 15/03/2017 17:03

Grownups peeing in public swimming pools

I wouldn't do it, but I'm sure there are people who do. As long as it isn't off the top diving board...

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