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AIBU to put coloured stripes in my grey hair?

24 replies

AlisonBlunderland · 28/02/2017 18:22

I admit, I'm having a (late) mid life crisis with the big 60 on the horizon.

My best feature is my grey hair, cut in an inverse bob. The rest of me is fairly men, but I get a load of compliments about my hair. It looks better grey than the blonde I used to dye it.
I fancy some chunky bright stripes through it.
Are hair chalks really temporary or do I risk ending up with permanent pastel hair like Mrs Slocombe?

OP posts:
AlisonBlunderland · 28/02/2017 23:43

opalmoon I don't possess straighteners.
I've got an old curling iron somewhere

OP posts:
justilou · 28/02/2017 23:40

Have you seen the new colour-changing dye that's about to hit the streets? Here is a link. I would love this, but my hair is blonde and getting lighter and lighter with age.

tissuesosoft · 28/02/2017 23:36
OpalMoon · 28/02/2017 22:59

I've done some research and it looks likes the chalks need straighteners to set the colour. I shall go investigate the high street for pastels and report back.

RaspberryOverloadsOnChilli · 28/02/2017 20:52

I am growing the dye out of my hair, and my hair is clearly largely white. I plan to have the underside coloured blue and purple and grow old(er) disgracefully 😁

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 28/02/2017 20:21

What if it rains? Confused Don't wear a white top.

CruCru · 28/02/2017 20:16

I think the hair chalks that I have have a warning that very light blonde hair may retain the colour for longer. Don't think it mentions white or grey hair but it probably means that it will take a couple of washes to get it out.

IThinkIMadeYouUpInsideMyHead · 28/02/2017 20:12

DH and I sometimes use hair chalks in team colours when we're going to matches. It's great for a quick, temporary colour change.

Wet your hair before applying and use a bit of hairspray to keep it on your hair rather than your clothes/neck. It'll wash out in a couple of washes.

applespearsbears · 28/02/2017 20:01

My 70+ mum regularly puts pink stripes in her hair and it looks fab! Go for it

AuntJane · 28/02/2017 19:51

I've used chalks with great success - best to wet your hair before use. They wash out completely in three or four washes.

A word of warning - they can get on your clothes.

Arealhumanbeing · 28/02/2017 19:27

Sounds fab.

As far as I'm aware though, grey hair can be unusually porous and may "suck up" the colour meaning it will hang around for longer than usual.

Do you go to a hairdresser? Mine puts a pink toner on my (blonde) hair when I feel like it.

Katedotness1963 · 28/02/2017 19:03

I recently saw a FB video post showing a young woman colouring her hair "unicorn" colours. It was gorgeous!! I'd love to have my hair like that...if I were younger. I am thinking maybe I can get away with something less drastic. I think grey hair is stunning, I have a friend who went from blonde to a silvery grey and it's beautiful, I'm quite jealous.

JadziaSnax · 28/02/2017 19:02

Do it! If I had grey hair, I'd have the brightest colours available.

MOISTOWLETT · 28/02/2017 18:55

I'm sure you'd get lots of compliments! If I saw you I'd be sure to tell you how great it looks! 😊

Iflyaway · 28/02/2017 18:52

Yea! Go for it.

The weather most days is grey enough Grin

scurryfunge · 28/02/2017 18:36

I hit the big 50 next week and thought that buying Pixie Lott's hair chalk would liven up the grey. They don't. Hardly visible.
(Gullible and

weaselwords · 28/02/2017 18:34

Do it! My mate does this and it looks fab.

AlisonBlunderland · 28/02/2017 18:33

opalmoon you do it first, then tell me if it washes out! Grin

OP posts:
OpalMoon · 28/02/2017 18:32

I am looking to do this too. I don't know about chalks, but willing to learn Smile

TheElephantofSurprise · 28/02/2017 18:31

On your head be it...

Go for it.

SleepFreeZone · 28/02/2017 18:29

You can do what you like 👍

NiceMoustache · 28/02/2017 18:27

Do it.


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BeautyQueenFromMars · 28/02/2017 18:27

In answer to your title question: No, go for it.

I don't really know the answer to your chalk question though, sorry.

AlisonBlunderland · 28/02/2017 18:26

Fairly meh!
Not fairly men...

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