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AIBU to just stop going to concerts

26 replies

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 14:46

Yesterday took my DSDs to see X Factor at the O2 (please do not judge me on this).

I know this isn't a "serious" music concert but we paid a lot of money to go (£50 each) and it was their birthday present and they were excited and we had a really nice day out.

My gripe is that we were seated and every now and then people stood etc - fine - but the family in front sat both their kids on their laps and draped themselves over the empty seats and then allowed their kids to stand on the seats rendering it impossible for us to see.

My bigger gripe is there was a girl two rows in front who waved what looked like the biggest lit up phone in the world throughout the whole concert and there were people everywhere with iPads and phones filming it and obstructing others view.

I have been to several other concerts (without the kids) recently too where I have been placed behind a fellow attendee with a fucking iPad. Are they actually going to watch it back when they get home - or is it a stealth boast to post on social media?

AIBU to either stop going to concerts (because I just come away irritated) or start some kind of campaign to ban phones and iPads from them so people have to just watch the fucking concert enjoy the moment?

OP posts:
Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 16:38

Ah a convert Lelly Grin

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