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AIBU to just stop going to concerts

26 replies

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 14:46

Yesterday took my DSDs to see X Factor at the O2 (please do not judge me on this).

I know this isn't a "serious" music concert but we paid a lot of money to go (£50 each) and it was their birthday present and they were excited and we had a really nice day out.

My gripe is that we were seated and every now and then people stood etc - fine - but the family in front sat both their kids on their laps and draped themselves over the empty seats and then allowed their kids to stand on the seats rendering it impossible for us to see.

My bigger gripe is there was a girl two rows in front who waved what looked like the biggest lit up phone in the world throughout the whole concert and there were people everywhere with iPads and phones filming it and obstructing others view.

I have been to several other concerts (without the kids) recently too where I have been placed behind a fellow attendee with a fucking iPad. Are they actually going to watch it back when they get home - or is it a stealth boast to post on social media?

AIBU to either stop going to concerts (because I just come away irritated) or start some kind of campaign to ban phones and iPads from them so people have to just watch the fucking concert enjoy the moment?

OP posts:
Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 16:38

Ah a convert Lelly Grin

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Lelly0503 · 26/02/2017 16:37

I have done it. I went to a Beyoncé concert a few years ago and I recorded most of it on my phone, I was sat so high up I wasn't stood up or obstructing anyone's view. I actually have no idea why I did , I suppose it was to show my friends afterwards. It was so blurry and shaky and all you could hear was my screeching in the background. I have since been to another 3 concerts over the years and I keep my phone In my pocket the whole time, I enjoy being in the moment and think I can watch it clips on YouTube after if there's anything I wanna see again.

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 16:29

Is there anyone reading this who does it?

Can you please explain why? Grin

OP posts:
RedSauce · 26/02/2017 16:27

I'm just old enough to remember a few years of going to gigs before everyone had mobile phones. They have been the worst thing to happen to live music. I can't stand it.

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 16:23

That's the thing - I guess it is up to the individual artist - BUT when camcorders first came out you didn't get people filming gigs, why is an iPad any different? It's not like you carry that around with you like you would a phone.

If I pay £50 to see an artist I think the least I deserve the the assurance there will not be some idiot stood in front of me watching it through a screen.

OP posts:
Magzmarsh · 26/02/2017 16:16

KATE not late, stupid phone

Magzmarsh · 26/02/2017 16:15

The late bush gigs in 2014 all recording devices were banned, it was bliss.

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 16:14

It's sad though eh? Sad

We need a campaign

OP posts:
GerdaLovesLili · 26/02/2017 16:13

I gave up gig-going when it became the norm for people to wave phones around. That's not what I go for.

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 15:46

No - she was filming one song at the beginning (not obstructing anyone's view) and I told her off and made her put her phone away.

OP posts:
Guitargirl · 26/02/2017 15:44

You told your DSD off for 'filming the whole thing'? So your family were actually doing what you've just started a thread to complain about?

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 15:38

The standing up didn't bother me at all - was just a bit conscious that when we stood the people behind had to stand etc and the children stood on the seats meant our kids couldn't see even when standing.

OP posts:
Wishforsnow · 26/02/2017 15:36

I don't understand why anyone would be sitting during a concert.

mellicauli · 26/02/2017 15:32

We went to Ronnie Scott's last phones allowed. No chatting during the music. You can sit at the front or stand & dance at the back. It was a fantastic gig for grown ups.

ClashCityRocker · 26/02/2017 15:29

Throw a cup of wee over them and their iPhones.

That'll learn them.

Yanbu op, I don't get it either.

TrollTheRespawnJeremy · 26/02/2017 15:27

I can understand taking a photo at a show- but filming is just stupid. The quality is crap and the sound is awful- nobody watches this pish. Just fucking enjoy the show so that I don't have to watch it through your bloody screen

Champers4Pampers · 26/02/2017 15:24

YANBU, this is one of my pet hates. I spend a lot of money going to gigs/festivals & it really bugs me when you're view is blocked because if some inconsiderate idiot with a phone/iPad.
I just don't see the point? The sound is usually awful through a phone recording. Why not just put your phone away and listen to the music and enjoy the memories. If you want to watch a recording, stay at home.
Went to Lumineers gig once and the lead singer stopped the music & refused to carry on until people to their phones away.

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 26/02/2017 15:21

The iPad thing pisses me off no end. Yanbu

Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 15:19

Or - have an roped off area or pen where people who want to film it can stand - then they can all obstruct each other Grin

OP posts:
EwanWhosearmy · 26/02/2017 15:14

I'm surprised they were allowed to film. Everywhere I've been they've had members of staff rushing to tell people to put their phones away. I'll admit I've never been to the O2 tho.

Please start a campaign. I'll join you..

XiCi · 26/02/2017 15:13

I absolutely hate that as soon as a gig starts everyone just stands waving their phones around. It's infuriating. And ruins the atmosphere because everyone is just stood watching through their phones instead of actually engaging and enjoying the gig. May as well just buy a DVD

SignoraStronza · 26/02/2017 15:13

I just can't fathom going to to see any kind of pop/rock/metal🤘performance and sitting down. I took the kids to see some heavy metal dinosaurs at the South Bank centre the other day and everyone was dancing in the aisles, much to the disgust of one vair Lahndon mummy, who sat there complaining that her child (near front, aisle seat) couldn't see - clearly didn't know what to make of the heavy metal music side of thingsGrin.
Sorry OP. Think it's par for the course for concerts these days, athough I agree about the bloody smartphones being out every where.


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Crowdblundering · 26/02/2017 15:05

I love watching people having fun but I don't understand why they need to record it Grin

I told DSD2 off for filming the whole thing.

OP posts:
Magzmarsh · 26/02/2017 15:05

I've seen Joan Armatrading 3 times (not a lesbian lol) and every time she had to TELL the audience to get up and dance.

iamEarthymama · 26/02/2017 15:03

Oh and you aren't being U at all, people seem to think they are in a bubble where their behaviour doesn't impact at all on people around them.

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