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To ask do you think children with a SAHP have a higher level of absence than those without?

82 replies

smyle · 02/02/2017 20:00

just my hunch as I sent DS (5) off to school today when I was on the fence about if he was well enough. If I was at home I think I would have kept him at home, but when I took work as a consideration into the balance I thought he'd survive (and he did!) but putting him to bed tonight I reckon I'll have the same dilemma tomorrow - however tomorrow I'm working from home so will probably keep him off if he is the same... I do wonder if there are statistics out there as my hunch is when children and iffy and on the fence about if they are well enough for school or not, and work isn't a consideration then children can be kept off more easily. BTW I don't ask this with any judgement either side - I love being a working mum, but today I wished with my whole heart I was a stay at home parent! DS has a 100% attendance record since starting school (now Y1), and though he is a very healthy and robust lad I do think part of this is about our working lives - which actually makes me feel quite bad!

OP posts:
dietcokeandwine · 03/02/2017 13:16

sending children into school for the sake of an attendance record is poor parenting imo

In certain circumstances, a 100% attendance record can be seen as a child protection issue i.e. the parent does not have the ability to differentiate between a well child and a really sick one and needs support, or there is neglect going on. My DSis teaches in a school where a significant number of children are from difficult backgrounds and/or are poorly parented, and for many of those children a 'perfect' attendance record would (if there were other concerns or problems with that child) actually be a red flag.

FATEdestiny · 03/02/2017 13:18

If you had a fever, which is usually what I use calpol for

Have you ever taken paracetamol for a headache? I sometimes take a couple for period pains. What about when you have a cold. Say runny or blocked nose? I've been known to take a couple of paracetamol when I've had no sleep (I have a toddler) and have an over tired raging headache.

None of these involve fever. All are routine reasons people take paracetamol.

Goodness me. I despair at the snowflakes here. Hmm

Maybe the discussion would be more appropriate that I'm happy to give my children Calpol when they are feeling a bit poorly. Being a bit poorly does not equal having a fever.

LBOCS2 · 03/02/2017 13:59

I'm with FATE on this one. DD1 went to preschool with a dose of calpol inside her this morning - she has had a bit of an earache on and off this week and complained about it over breakfast. She's had a heavy cold (courtesy of preschool) which she has spread around, and this is what's left. She was full of beans, woke up extremely cheerful and had no temperature. Why wouldn't I send her in? Also, I'm just down the road if she does deteriorate.

As far as I'm concerned, school - like work - is not optional. If you can function unmedicated, take medicine to make you feel less grim then go in. If you can't function without taking anything, or have something contagious then stay off.

CantstandmLMs · 03/02/2017 14:04

I'm a nanny who works for the family even when all kids at school and their attendance is quite shocking to be honest. Even the slight moan of a headache or cold and they are off as the parents know I am here. They are passionate about their jobs so have no doubt if they didn't employ me the kids would be going unless REALLY unwell!
I can't moan though as I'm being paid but I often think their attendance records (one in particular) must be shocking! If I'm ever given the decision they go in and survive!

Believeitornot · 03/02/2017 16:46

Have you ever taken paracetamol for a headache? I sometimes take a couple for period pains. What about when you have a cold. Say runny or blocked nose? I've been known to take a couple of paracetamol when I've had no sleep (I have a toddler) and have an over tired raging headache

No I haven't. I don't rely on paracetamol for minor ailments such as those. Same with the kids. If they need calpol it's because they're really really ill. So shouldn't be at school.

The last time I had a painkiller was a local anesthetic post childbirth. So 5 years ago!

allowlsthinkalot · 04/02/2017 10:49

I err on the side of keeping them home. But think you're right that on a day when I was working I wouldn't have that luxury.

allowlsthinkalot · 04/02/2017 10:52

Well, it's not "rely on paracetamol" believe it's your choice whether to put up with pain or discomfort or use an otc painkiller to relieve it. But I wouldn't with old medication from my children. I've given calpol for teething etc but that's no reason to keep them home.

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