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To think this is disgusting?

101 replies

CactusFred · 14/01/2017 08:35

Last night I went to my friend's for dinner. I go every few weeks and we cook 'healthy' together rather than waste money on takeaway etc.

She's single with no kids and I'm married with one DC so I always go to hers for ease.

Anyway. She gets the stuff out of the fridge and puts it in the counter and says you chop and I'll start this.

There's a dog bowl on the chopping board. It has the remnants of dogs' meal in it. So I say I'll just wash the chopping board first.

She looks at me all confused and asks why. There's a dog bowl on it I say. She says it's clean. I say it's used! She then starts in about how her floor is spotless and 'not being funny' but her house is cleaner than mine, I have two cats and they probably go on counter etc.

They don't go on counter but I always use a clean chopping board anyway.

She throws the chopping board in the sink and washes it in a huff and it's really tense all evening. I tried to pretend it didn't happen but was gagging at food as if she preps food by dog bowl and thinks that's fine what else does she do?!

I'm also fuming about her saying her house is cleaner! I mean it is - on the surface at least - as her house is like show home but mine as hardly a pit!

AIBU to think prepping food next to dog bowl is disgusting?

OP posts:
HubbaBubbaMum · 14/01/2017 22:39

Dogs lick and sniff other dogs arses and eat all sorts of unpleasant things when they are out and about (from what I've seen!). I wouldn't want a dogs food bowl (which they have been licking and slobbering in) anywhere near food preparation - its gross! I once lived with a land lady who used our kitchen dishcloth and tea towel to clean and dry her dogs bowl! I didn't stay with her for long.

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