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to think i am a rubbish mother

9 replies

FluffyAnimalsRule · 13/01/2017 23:33

Sitting down watching a programme with DH.

DH rushes out of the room saying 'oh dear, child upset'

I hadn't heard a thing

(DCs are 3 and 4)

He turned out to be correct.

Am i a rubbish mother for not hearing them?

OP posts:
FluffyAnimalsRule · 14/01/2017 00:00

He didn't say I was rubbish. I just hadn't realised how difficult It was to hear them now. (We have recently had some work done to the house and I hadn't realised how difficult it would be to hear them). It's the first time I haven't heard them so I feel a bit guilty

OP posts:
HateSummer · 13/01/2017 23:45

Don't be silly. You didn't hear them. Why did your dh say you're a rubbish mum for not hearing them?

DeleteOrDecay · 13/01/2017 23:44

Of course not. There are many reasons why you might not have heard them.

It's not like you were ignoring them on purpose.

Finola1step · 13/01/2017 23:42

No. During the evening, I would be the one to hear of the dc are upset. But once we are asleep, it will be DH who wakes in the night. Once I am asleep, I'm really hard to stir.

In fact, I have recently bought a baby monitor for when dh is away overnight. Even though my dc are old enough to come in and wake me, I feel better having the monitor as well.

This does not make me a rubbish mum. It makes me a deep sleeper.

bumsexatthebingo · 13/01/2017 23:39

Is it just this once or regularly? A friend of mine realised she had hearing loss when her partner could hear the kids upstairs but she couldn't. Not sure why you would think it would make you a bad mother though???

EastMidsMummy · 13/01/2017 23:39

A rubbish mum because you didn't hear your kids? Er, no.

IMissGrannyW · 13/01/2017 23:38

Darlin' if that makes you a rubbish mother, I should be in prison! Done far, far worse.

Hope your DC are ok and that you are too.

SparklyLeprechaun · 13/01/2017 23:35

Why would you be a rubbish mother for not hearing them? If you heard them and ignored them then you'd be a rubbish mother.

Waterfeature · 13/01/2017 23:34


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