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Housing association tenants in tears and anger over new heating system.

33 replies

HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 19:26

This HA in an attempt to reduce fuel poverty put in a biomass heating system .

One 80 year old tenant paid £200 in one month to heat her home.

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specialsubject · 10/01/2017 17:42

Biomass = processed wood burning. An even bigger eco con than onshore wind and that is saying something.

To find that it is expensive as well adds serious insult.

I also note that housing associations seem a law unto themselves.

JustAnotherPoster00 · 10/01/2017 17:49

I mainly mean the Daily Mirror and The Guardian.

I think you might have missed the shift but the graun and its comments section is more right and alt right, most definately neo liberal, these days

HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 17:56

Thanks Panda I will join you in your Hmm

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 17:59

YY JustAnother. A tenant posted about his problems with an HA in the comments section when they did run one of their articles.

They deleted it.

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 18:06

Episode of Steptoe and Son on Drama now called Those Magnificent Men and their Heating Machines.

I can imagine for some of these this is a training film!

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 19:37

And here are the previous promises they made about it being cheaper and allieviating fuel poverty.

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HelenaDove · 11/01/2017 02:26

Tenant post from their fb page.

"So my mum and I thought we'd do a price comparison for a week, surely a one bedroom flat would be cheaper to heat than a two bedroom house, especially with a more economical biomass system in place than a standard gas boiler. I guess not, £30.28 for a one bedroom flat - £10.57 for a two bedroom house!! And Villages wonder why people are angry. This new system has not been set up properly, when are you going to start listening?"

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