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Housing association tenants in tears and anger over new heating system.

33 replies

HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 19:26

This HA in an attempt to reduce fuel poverty put in a biomass heating system .

One 80 year old tenant paid £200 in one month to heat her home.

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HelenaDove · 11/01/2017 02:26

Tenant post from their fb page.

"So my mum and I thought we'd do a price comparison for a week, surely a one bedroom flat would be cheaper to heat than a two bedroom house, especially with a more economical biomass system in place than a standard gas boiler. I guess not, £30.28 for a one bedroom flat - £10.57 for a two bedroom house!! And Villages wonder why people are angry. This new system has not been set up properly, when are you going to start listening?"

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 19:37

And here are the previous promises they made about it being cheaper and allieviating fuel poverty.

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 18:06

Episode of Steptoe and Son on Drama now called Those Magnificent Men and their Heating Machines.

I can imagine for some of these this is a training film!

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 17:59

YY JustAnother. A tenant posted about his problems with an HA in the comments section when they did run one of their articles.

They deleted it.

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HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 17:56

Thanks Panda I will join you in your Hmm

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JustAnotherPoster00 · 10/01/2017 17:49

I mainly mean the Daily Mirror and The Guardian.

I think you might have missed the shift but the graun and its comments section is more right and alt right, most definately neo liberal, these days

specialsubject · 10/01/2017 17:42

Biomass = processed wood burning. An even bigger eco con than onshore wind and that is saying something.

To find that it is expensive as well adds serious insult.

I also note that housing associations seem a law unto themselves.

paddypants13 · 10/01/2017 17:38

I can believe it, my cousin lives in a HA flat and honestly the state of it is shocking. They don't give a flying fuck.

HelenaDove · 10/01/2017 17:33

I mainly mean the Daily Mirror and The Guardian.

The Guardian wont have anything bad said about HAs.

I hate the fact that the one paper that doesnt seem to shy away from it is the Daily Mail.

Birds ive seen posts in several fb groups and on here about problems with sub contractors and HA workmen.

Some of them are great and do a good job and care about their work.

But there are many who cut corners, in many cases because the HA has told them to.

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DeathStare · 10/01/2017 09:02

The left wing national press

Exactly which part of the national press is left wing?

BravoPanda · 10/01/2017 08:59

*Cantrill whoops

BravoPanda · 10/01/2017 08:58

Canny (Cantrell) Farm was the original name for Stockbridge Village in Knowsley. They rebranded it in the 80's or 90s to give it a bit of class Hmm

HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 22:56


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HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 20:52
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HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 20:40

We have a big cold weather front on the way. Some of this HAs tenants could end up in hospital because they cant afford to heat their homes.

So this HA could be putting more pressure on the NHS.

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HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 20:32

whyowhy................yes that crossed my mind too. There were many articles about the NIBE cock up.

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whyohwhy000 · 09/01/2017 20:24

Is this similar to the NIBE heating system? A couple of years ago it was installed in some flats and their bills went sky high. It uses electricity (three times more expensive than gas) and the problem is that it wasn't designed to be used in the UK. It was made to be used in Sweden where the insulation is much better and houses are much closer together. Electricity is also much cheaper there.

HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 20:13

Ha. i knew there was a back scratching element involved somewhere.

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LouieLou2013 · 09/01/2017 20:10

The HA will get a rebate from the government for using biomass, bet that isn't passed on to tenants!

Yesitsmeagain · 09/01/2017 20:08

I know. The poor family lost their home and all their savings. Even the Receiver was ShockHmm with the HA behaviour, but there was nothing they could do. There's no law against being an arsehole.

Birdsgottafly · 09/01/2017 20:06

There was a budget for my HA for new radiators (via EU other funding) mine are awful, but I was denied them.

Pissed me off when all of a sudden a job lot of radiators were being offered for sale, to a plumbing firm that my mates Dad works for.

It's been reported by many, but it's just been brushed aside.

There's many issues with the repair/building contractors and safety standards, but it's brushed aside.


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HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 20:05

Yesitsme that is absolutely disgusting.

Panda what do you mean by Canny farm.

Sorry im a bit drained today and may have missed something.

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HelenaDove · 09/01/2017 19:51

Birds Thats the trouble There is no accountability for HAs The left wing national press dont seem to want to report on these types of issues unless it involves private landlords.

The Liverpool Echo is one of the only papers calling any bad landlord to account.

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Yesitsmeagain · 09/01/2017 19:42

In my experience HA can be cunts. I've known one HA to make a neighbour of one of their properties bankrupt over a land dispute of a couple of inches. The refused every out of court settlement offered and forced the neighbours in to court. The HA were awarded much less than anything the neighbour had already offered but with both sides legal fees to pay the neighbour was forced in to bankruptcy. The result being the Official Receiver had no choice but to sell the house to the HA at a knock down price because no one else would touch it with a barge pole. Pure evil.

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