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To not make my Dad his Christmas Dinner again...

40 replies

WiddlinDiddlin · 26/12/2016 22:10

I'll try and get all the backstory in here...

So my sister and I live close to one another (same estate) and our elderly father lives about 5 miles away in a naice big house.

He is a grumpy fucker and frankly, enjoys being that way and believes being 75 gives him licence to be a shit.

He enjoys trying to divide my sister and I, who have a fairly firey relationship but we can get on and work together well most of the time.

To give you an idea of his sense of humour, he likes to pick on someones weaknesses as he thinks thats funny and that everyone else will join in with him laughing at their discomfort, so an example of that..

I gave him a box of chocolates, small box, hand made with 'MINE!' written on it as he loves to pointedly not share.

I am very overweight (something he's bullied me about for years), I am also diabetic and so I don't eat chocolate anyway and its been a long long time since I gave a shit..

So he gets his present, opens it, ooh goody chocolates.. and then offers everyone else a chocolate but makes a huge point of saying EVERYONE CAN HAVE ONE BUT NOTWiddlinDiddlin, YOU AREN'T ALLOWED BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT BITCH...

Oh how we laugh, hilarious. He genuinely does not notice that no one else thinks its funny - never has.

Anyway back to the point - each year for the last 4 or 5 years, my sister and I have split the cooking of the christmas dinner between us, and its either been hosted at her house or his.
He pays 50% of the cost and we pay the rest between us (based on his suggestion as he is frankly, minted and we aren't).

Every year he is determined to point out exactly what we have done wrong - the meat isn't cooked right, the yorkshire puddings are wrong, the gravy isn't right.

This year between us we really pulled out the stops, 3 course feast - home made pork and chorizo pinwheels, selection of crispy chinese party starters, melba toasts, pate, cheese... and then the main, the beef was perfectly pink in the middle, there was cauliflower cheese, roasted new potatoes, sprouts, parsnips, carrots, chipolatas, proper gravy, yorkshire puddings...

Followed by a giant lemon and passionfruit pavlova, and mini mince pies and cream.

All of this cooked to at least 'good pub grub' standard as well (we are both pretty decent cooks!)

He stuffed himself with starters then declared he wasn't impressed with any of them (but ate at least three of each thing)..

He bitched constantly that there was too much food (for five of us) despite us pointing out that we all like left overs and had plans for it all.

Every slightly positive comment HAD to be followed up with a complaint.. for example..

"I suppose the potatos are quite nice.... but its not as good as the pub dinner we had in the week' (pub dinner was an overpriced dried up mess which HE had bitched about at the time!)..


"Thankyou for getting the sprouts I do like sprouts... but this gravy isn't as good as I make..' (the gravy was made from the meat juices and topped up with bisto.. whereas his gravy is JUST bisto and hot water..)..


"Thankyou for coming and re-dressing my wrist, but you've been here all bloody day now...! (he has had carpal tunnel surgery two days ago and then took the bloody dressing off after being told not to, so demanded I came round 4 hours earlier than planned to put it back on!)..

Then I brought out the pavlova, a dessert I make ONCE a year because frankly, I am diabetic and can have the TINIEST bloody sliver, and I made it because HE asked for it...

"Oooh tahts DISGUSTING... thats far too big, far too sweet, its gross, its no wonder you are as fat as you are you disgusting pig"

So I said its ok he doesn't have to have any, left overs were being split between me, sister and a guest of sisters (yes all this is in front of a guest!)..

Put it on the table and ask who wants ready to start cutting up and he comes over and leans over it, picking the crispy bits off the top (i do a double decker one!) with his FILTHY hands all bloody over it, and I ask him not to as he's got his hands over everyone elses food and he just laughs and says its his house he can do what he wants...

At that point I started to get a bit sharp and pointed out we could all just go home if he wanted to carry on like that so he shut up..

And then ate two huge portions, demanded a third to go in his fridge whilst berating me for being fat and idle (he has forgotten I am disabled, as thats not convenient for him to remember when he wants to have a pop at someone!)... and banging on about how disgusting such a pudding is...

Then we all buggered off at half 9 as I was fed up of the old bastard (who had sat on his arse all day, been ferried to the pub by my sister, collected from the pub by my OH, fed by us, washing up done by us, left overs divvied up and sorted out by us) and he has the cheek to say 'oh are you going to leave me on my own now?'...

I know he is a lonely old bastard but he is a controlling manipulative fucker as well (which is why he isn't invited to anyone ELSES christmas dinners and doesn't have many friends!)

Opening presents... we don't have a lot to open all being adults but we had to ask him three times to sit down and 'do' presents and he takes HUGE delight in refusing to open his and then when he DOES open them, he bitches about what he's got (if you don't get anything for him though he will bitch about that too!).

I said to my sister afterwards I am NOT spending two days cooking, running around after the old git to be put down, torn apart and generally unappreciated the whole time he can have a fucking Waitrose ready meal dinner and like it next year.

She said..
"Oh well at least he didn't throw a plate at me like he did last year!"

I fully intend to do our own thing next year but I bet by that time my sister will try and make me feel like im being a bitch for not wanting to go through this again.

OP posts:
WiddlinDiddlin · 27/12/2016 02:16

Cheers folks I am cheered up and empowered! Or summat.

I really like the idea of questioning, when he has a pop at me 'why do you need to say nasty things like that' etc etc..

Next time I speak to him I am going to tell him I won't be doing the christmas thing again - he will undoubtedly tell me its ok as he won't live til next christmas anyway (he is always saying this, he's going to die next week, and has been for the last five years) but I am going to make it clear why I won't be doing it again and why we buggered off at 9 and didn't spend the rest of the evening with him.

Feel better now - why can't people just be bloody nice to one another! goes to fuss dogs

OP posts:
Cherrysoup · 27/12/2016 00:59

Nasty wanker. I fail to see why you tolerate this, and yes, you enable it. I'd be picking him up on every single fucking comment whilst I threw him out for the first nasty one. He's abusive, plain and simple and you let him. Stop.

coconutpie · 27/12/2016 00:16

No wonder he acts like this - you and sister both reward his disgusting behaviour! No contact. Just because he's your dad, doesn't mean you have to put up with being emotionally abused.

RandomMess · 27/12/2016 00:14

Be generous next year and drop him off a hamper including a microwave meal for the day itself. If you do spend time in his company again just leave at the first unpleasant comment.

notrocketscience · 27/12/2016 00:04

Slightly tongue in cheek MrsSippy!

MrsSippy · 26/12/2016 23:53

Fucking hell notrocket, that's a bit strong!

notrocketscience · 26/12/2016 23:46

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yellowfrog · 26/12/2016 23:45

My god, what a bloody bastard! I would tell him to stuff it frankly. On a lighter note, if you ever need an appreciative audience for your clearly fab cooking skills, I am available at the drop of a hat! I eat anything and will thank you copiously, as you deserve :)

1horatio · 26/12/2016 23:45

He sounds awful.


Protect yourself. He sounds emotionally abusive and manipulative.

Benedikte2 · 26/12/2016 23:28

This is a toxic relationship and if it were me I'd go nc. He is never going to change and his behaviour is unspeakable

mrsgregorypeck · 26/12/2016 23:22

I think this is probably a time of year when people think enough. Just enough. I posted on another thread about my father and how he can never never be pleased. Or even interested in anything which does not impinge directly upon him.

It's very therapeutic to think that enough is enough. This is the last time I will entertain him in my house. If he ever feels lonely then perhaps, just perhaps, he will reflect upon how he brought it upon himself.

WiddlinDiddlin · 26/12/2016 23:21

Willow - he has always been inclined towards making personal remarks to both of us, more so me because I am fat and he is VERY anti-fat.

He laid off it about 9 years ago when it turned out im not an idle sod i am actuall disabled and have a serious heart problem and connective tissue disorder and THAT is why everything hurts, I can't exercise and got fat (and now really can't shift it)...

No one laughs, its like tumbleweeds when he comes out with something nasty like that, but he really doesn't notice, he thinks he is funny and he thinks if its hurtful then it will motivate whoever he is picking on to do something about it.

On occasion friends of his who have known him a long time have actually said 'WD'S dad that is a horrid thing to say' or 'WD'S dad.. thats nasty!' and he just mutters to himself and then crashes on with the next thing and ignores it.

It did used to REALLY get to me and really upset me - I have far far more confidence and self esteem now and I do see it for what it is, him being a twat, nowt to do with me... but fuck me its annoying to work hard at something and do a good job and not have it appreciated!

OP posts:
KC225 · 26/12/2016 23:21

Next year take the money for his portion of the Christmas dinner and book him a table in the local pub/carvery that serves Christmas dinner and pay for a taxi each way. That way, he is not on his own you get a civil Christmas day. It's outrageous he would speak to his daughters like that. Do not let him continue. He sounds vile.

Bogeyface · 26/12/2016 23:17

Your sister is deep in the FOG, Fear Obligation and Guilt, so I suggest that between now and next year you encourage her to get counselling to find out why the hell she puts up with this shit.

And book something for yourself and OH so that you cant back down even if you find yourself wavering....

babychamcherryb · 26/12/2016 23:17

Ugh what a disgusting man. Why don't you and your sister and your partners and guests have Christmas dinner without him? Surely it would be a much nicer meal without someone touching the food with filthy scabby hands and calling you a fat bitch?

PeppaPigTastesLikeBacon · 26/12/2016 23:14

Just buy him something like a Tesco value roasts (can you get them) then he'll really have something to moan about.
I would go NC. Even 1 of those things would have been enough for me to have walked out

Pallisers · 26/12/2016 23:14

the reason he is a proper fucking cunt most of the time (as you said) is because he gets away with it.

He is rewarded for his behaviour. You still stay there. You take the insults. You cook his dinner.

If someone called me a fat bitch, I would walk out of the room. End of story. Clearly he has been calling you a fat bitch for years. Until you give him any consequences for this disgusting behaviour, he'll keep going. Why would he not?

Leave him alone. If he asks you why tell him it is because he calls you a fat bitch and you don't like it - so cheery bye dad.

Family isn't everything. Abusive family isn't worth worrying about or spending time with.

I'd say your guest is writing a post of his/her own somewhere by the way - I'd have hated the scene you described and no amount of good cooking could have made it worth putting up with.

WiddlinDiddlin · 26/12/2016 23:13

Queenie - not really, he is 'minted' because in true yorkshireman style, he has deep pockets and bloody short arms.
He doesn't really SHARE it and I've long ago given up on him leaving any of it to either of us as that was another thing he liked to 'toy with'... any time someone didnt do his bidding it was 'ooh I'll leave it all to the cats home then'.. so I told him i couldn't give a fuck what he does with his dosh, go ahead, suit yourself! SO he has stopped playing that game because it doesn't get a rise out of me!

I suspect the christmas pandering is because without 'having' to do it for him, none of us would actually bother doing a big christmas meal at all, we would just do our own thing and feel slightly as though we were missing out on something.

OP posts:
WiltingTulip · 26/12/2016 23:10

I'd say something every single time, as I would one of my dcs if they were rude. I think my dh would be dangerous if anyone spoke to me like that...

Willow2016 · 26/12/2016 23:10

I didnt even finish your post I got so mad!

Why do you let him treat you like that?
Just cos he is your dad doesnt give him the right to treat you like his stooge, like his skivvy, his whipping boy.

When he makes fun of you (and its not 'fun' its terribly personal remarks) why does everyone laugh as if they agree with him? Why does nobody tell him to shut the hell up and stop being a shit?

Tell him it stops now or he is on his own.

Tell him if he doesnt like anything you do then do it himself. Let him stew and see how long before he comes crawling back. If he doesnt tbh you arent losing much, just regaining your life without constant insults.

Nobody should talk to anyone else like that, no matter who they are. End of. Old (ish) age isnt an excuse for being a bastard.

thecatsarecrazy · 26/12/2016 23:09

I feel for you o.p. My dads not that bad but he can be a miserable sod. Says he doesn't want Christmas presents then sits like a grump opening what I did get, I bought him a phone easy to use, no frills made for older people. Because his is playing up and he threw it back at me when I was trying to show him how it works. Said I told you I didn't want a phone. He never said that. He's my dad, he only has me, db, my dh and my kids about. What you dad says is vile though has he always been that way?

TinselTwins · 26/12/2016 23:08

Dear god there's so many points in your story where I woulda gone "fuck this" and gone home.

"he's your dad", yeah and he's still your dad if you stay home with your DH next year and have a lovely peaceful loving Christmas. He's not any less your dad if you stop taking his shit!


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ConvincingLiar · 26/12/2016 23:07

I'd limit contact with him from now on. First sign of any rudeness I'd warn him you'll leave, any repetition then just walk out. That's what you'd do with a toddler, right?

WiddlinDiddlin · 26/12/2016 23:07

On the whole he hasnt done the 'calling me horrible names' thing for quite a long time, he USED to do it all the time and I actually went NC with him for a few years, grew a backbone, figured out generally how to avoid him pressing my buttons etc..

That behaviour has crept back in though so I will revert to the previous solution - leave as soon as he does it - just a bit taken by surprise this time as he really hasn't done that for years.

You definitely can't SAY something though when he does it, if you do react in any way, then he feels he's won, because he's got to you, he's upset you.. and that is his goal.

LAST year he actually admitted to my OH that he was going to be horrible on purpose to wind my sister up (this was when OH picked him up from home to bring him to my sisters home), his words were 'I am going to behave as BADLY as possible and try and wind WD's sister up'...

The plate throwing incident followed him whinging that there was no more of the starters left (because he had eaten it all) and my sister was trying to clear up the starter plates and serving boards to serve the main course.

Then he got really drunk and then decided an hour after finishing his meal that he wanted to go home and would drive himself and could he have his keys back (and the fact we had hidden his keys tells something there!), we refused and said he would have a lift home from my OH shortly (my OH was at our house feeding our dogs at this point) ...

Then he threw an EPIC tantrum about how he would have to walk home and he would die of hypothermia or get run over in the dark and aren't we all nasty bitches stopping him from driving home pissed out of his mind...

Then my OH came back and took him home. Where he gloated with how bad he'd been and hadn't he had fun and wasn't it hilarious.

So thats why this year was hosted at his house, so we could all piss off as soon as we had had enough of him - which we did.

He is a horrible cunty man-child isn't he.

OP posts:
Queenie04 · 26/12/2016 23:06

I didn't read whole post as wondering why your all pandering to him. Is it because he is 'minted'. Seems that he plays you all against each other to get his way. Leave him to it

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