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To not let my 8 mo sodomise the cat with her finger..

24 replies

HeavyMetalMummy · 23/12/2016 10:00

Because she REALLY seems to think I am Hmm FFS bloody weirdo child.

OP posts:
DancingDinosaur · 24/12/2016 17:05

Ewww. Stinky finger.

frazzledatchristmas · 24/12/2016 17:01

I read this as MIL instead of 8mo 😂😂😂

Itisnoteasybeingdifferent · 24/12/2016 09:53

ShockShock I was talking about the cat...

Pannnn · 23/12/2016 14:12

That's no way to talk about someone's 8 mo, imo.

Itisnoteasybeingdifferent · 23/12/2016 13:55

Brave 8 mo..
very sharp claws and teeth....

MrsMattBomer · 23/12/2016 11:13


Urgh, I'm an English teacher as well.

MrsMattBomer · 23/12/2016 11:12

We had this. I'll never forget the luck of absolute horror on BomerCat1's face when DS1 did it. He's never looked at him in the same way since! Grin

Manumission · 23/12/2016 11:01

How many YABUs are you expecting exactly?

scampimom · 23/12/2016 10:59

I too have said those immortal words to a small person: "Can you PLEASE stop poking the cat up the bum with that fork"

Maybe it's a thing.

GeorgiePeachie · 23/12/2016 10:54

I am having flash backs.

When I went round to my first play date with a family with cats. I remember stroking the cat. and the way they turn and lift up their tail for the last stroke all the way down their tail put its bum in my face.

I think my friend's mum could read something in my face that made me think. Oh what's that (don't think I'd ever seen a bum hole of any creature at that age so didn't know what it was and maybe would have touched it...

And she told me not to touch that's yucky and only stroke the cat in one direction.

SO WEIRD that this is such a vivid memory. YANBU tis an important lesson.

Andrewofgg · 23/12/2016 10:52

What if the cat purrs with pleasure?

TondelayaDellaVentamiglia · 23/12/2016 10:51

santa could bring one of these to save the cat's dignity

To not let my 8 mo sodomise the cat with her finger..
HeavyMetalMummy · 23/12/2016 10:44

Cigars, the cat is sort of curled up watching my daughter with a look of what I'd describe as 'lets see how far your willing to take this' on her face.

OP posts:
CigarsofthePharoahs · 23/12/2016 10:38

Your cat is sitting still long enough to let this happen? Very patient moggy.

DrDreReturns · 23/12/2016 10:37

Pencil sharpener lol!

To not let my 8 mo sodomise the cat with her finger..
Pannnn · 23/12/2016 10:33


Nothing wrong with putting a little finger in a pencil sharpener.

Tenshidarkangel · 23/12/2016 10:30

I would just make sure there's no "chocolatey surprise" left behind....

Xmas Grin

HeavyMetalMummy · 23/12/2016 10:17

Ha ha, so sorry Margo, what were you having, Chocolate Weetos?

OP posts:
UnicornInDMboots · 23/12/2016 10:07

YABVU .... Dear me....

Gaaaah why do kids do this ?! I'm not getting a cat until my kid is old enough to know an arse is a one way system

IfartInYourGeneralDirection · 23/12/2016 10:03



HerBluebiro · 23/12/2016 10:03

Ha! I (and the household creatures) remember this stage.

My belly button held similar fascination.

Children are strange

MargoChanning · 23/12/2016 10:02

Thanks for putting me off my breakfast Hmm


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Namechangebitch · 23/12/2016 10:02

But its ChristmasXmas Wink

gamerchick · 23/12/2016 10:01

Well it's just an interesting hole to her Grin

The cat might make its feelings known mind.

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