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Opinions I form about people

108 replies

Andyouarebecause · 21/12/2016 10:10

  1. People who apply nail polish on top of chipped polish are generally false/pretentious

  1. People who go out of their way to keep their downstairs neat but couldn't care about upstairs, are the "keeping up appearances" types

I know I might be wrong, but I don't care and if you don't care join in with your opinions
OP posts:
MargaretCavendish · 21/12/2016 10:55

I agree with CaraAspen that sometimes it's hard not to judge. For instance, I currently think that she's a sad snob with an empty life. Am I right, am I wrong? Who cares when judging is such fun!

dollydaydream114 · 21/12/2016 10:55

I can't imagine being so bitterly joyless that I would get worked up about the state of someone else's manicure.

CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 10:56

Teehee, Margaret! Off to have a cuppa in your lounge?

CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 10:58

Donald, I agree with the entire list except for the last item!

CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 10:59

Ugh men in skinny jeans?! Actually the term "skinny anything". Awful.


DonaldStott · 21/12/2016 10:59

I can't imagine being so bitterly joyless that I would get worked up about the state of someone else's manicure.

Ffs. OP never really said she was 'worked up' about it. She was just musing.

I judge you for being a humourless misbag.

JaneJeffer · 21/12/2016 11:01

I judge people who don't put a full stop at the end of a sentence.

CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 11:07



White decor - except in Sweden but they do it well...

Leggings and little dresses

Grey haired men driving open topped cars (midlife crisis time!!!)

Mummies with mahoosive buggies

Heavy perfume

Feature walls of BIG pink blooms

PhilODox · 21/12/2016 11:09

I've given up judging people thanks to MN. We never know what's going on in people's lives. For example, I work FT, DH is physically impaired quite badly ATM, yes- my garden is a bit of a state, I'm running a family single-handed here, and have a v demanding job.

But I do internally judge people that say "hubby", even though one of my closest, dearest friend uses it. I can block it out in her case.

stumblymonkey · 21/12/2016 11:10

I try very hard not to judge people unless they've actually done something illegal or immoral but often fail with the following:

  • People who have pierced their baby's ears
  • Women who have stickers on their cars that say 'Powered by fairy dust'
  • People who judge other people for things that are completely irrelevant like nail varnish, when they put their Christmas tree up or if they apply make up on the train.

I realise I'm hypocritical since the car sticker is irrelevant but I just can't help that one...
Andyouarebecause · 21/12/2016 11:14

People do judge and yes, I do have a life and think that I am polite enough to say these things in real life.

Oh, and fake tan and eyelashes, tinted brows, hair extensions, cakey make-up, bondage dress and concealed platform heel is an overdone look.

I wish I was goady

OP posts:
CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 11:17

People who say they try hard not to judge but then go on to do just that? Everyone judges. To say otherwise is to be disingenuous.

Andyouarebecause · 21/12/2016 11:18

Men in white linen pants with cream trilby hats and sunglasses at night

OP posts:
CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 11:18


CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 11:21

People who cannot spell, punctuate or use grammatical English.

dollydaydream114 · 21/12/2016 11:25

I judge you for being a humourless misbag.

Luckily I couldn't give a rhino's turd what you think of me because it affects me in no way whatsoever. Grin

It really makes me laugh that people only think that judgey remarks are funny if they happen to agree with them. When anyone else makes a similarly sweeping judgement about something they do they come over all stroppy.

flipflap75 · 21/12/2016 11:27

Knife like a pen - yes. I've no idea why though.

Farfromtheusual · 21/12/2016 11:28

*have babies in trainers
I agree with this one - but MIL got DS some baby adidas trainers and now I have to make him wear them when we see her! They were fucking £30!!! What an utter waste of money - I wouldn't even spend that much on shoes for myself.

Women who have stickers on their cars that say 'Powered by fairy dust'

On a similar note - women who have fucking
eyelashes on their car head lights!

mrstiggywinkletoes · 21/12/2016 11:30

The only thing that really bothers me is parents who limit their children's experiences because it doesn't suit them and puts them out. Such as, not allowing exploration through messy play in the home or taking their children out because they want their lie in and don't want to have to rush in the morning.

I know there's a balance and that the whole world can't revolve around the children but having a narrow outlook stunts the creativity of kids. So I do judge people who just do things that suit them.

stumblymonkey · 21/12/2016 11:31

Cara...It's not disingenuous to say that I try not to judge but occasionally fail. It's human.

I'm judging you to be not the kind of person I'd want to know from your posts. See, I failed again.

SantasJockstrap · 21/12/2016 11:32

Opinions I form

Judging someone based on their nail varnish is shallow.

Andyouarebecause · 21/12/2016 11:36

And you know what, there are certain things said on here, that I am guilty of like:

  1. English grammar, but it is a second language
  2. Sometimes hold knife like a pen, I try not to, but we do not normally use the same type of cutlery as the British

But I am not going to sanctimonious about life (at least from now on)
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CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 11:36

Local authorities using the expression "Winter Holidays" instead of "Christmas Holidays". Grrrr

Christmas cards with the message "Season' Greetings" inside. I always add the Christmas part thst they are conveniently forgetting.

CaraAspen · 21/12/2016 11:37

...that they...

YouHadMeAtCake · 21/12/2016 11:37

Definitely ear piercing in babies! Funny enough we bumped into a couple we know last weekend , looked into see their baby girl and ugh, ears pierced and she's 3 months old ffs! I instantly judged them.

Babies in headbands, with shoes on.

People with those big wordy decal things on their walls , usually some cheesy cliche.

Women with weird hair colours or bits of colour , usually red or purple . Trying to be edgy and a bit cool.

Yes To disliking the whole Michael Kors thing

Yes to the Yoonique naming of children , ridiculous.

Grown women in their 30s upward using the word bae and squad whilst posting numerous selfies and group duck face photos in toilets on the "best night ever with my squad" then doing the same the next weekend and it's always the best night ever in the same place.

Not picking up your Dog poop , I really fucking judge that.

People who ask or do in fact get a dog when they work full time, can't afford it etc. people who don't look after animals and children . Oh yes I judge that massively.

I also judge those who come on threads like this to say we shouldn't judge when in fact EVERYBODY does, it's human nature. They're also judging people who choose to judge.

Oh OP. I love a good judge Grin

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