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To expect DH to close the door when he is having a shit?

52 replies

luckylucky24 · 18/12/2016 20:17

We have a downstairs loo and an ensuite in our house and whenever DH does a poo he leaves the door open! He just went to the bathroom and I could hear every grunt so suggested he closes the door. It is quite off putting and doesn't half put a downer on my sex drive!

Am I a prude or is DH BU?

OP posts:
joystir59 · 19/12/2016 23:53

I don't mind an emergency wee. Never a shared pooing experience- that's gross

ChickenVindaloo2 · 19/12/2016 23:41

Howdy ho !

I have Mr hanky baubles and a t-shirt!

LuluJakey1 · 19/12/2016 22:27

I have never seen South Park.

dangerrabbit · 19/12/2016 21:34
ThoraGruntwhistle · 19/12/2016 09:56

I already was content, and I'm now even more pleased, that my DH is quite private about his bathroom activities, thank goodness.
If you have voiced your objections and he is still forcing these sights, smells and sounds on you, that's not 'your problem', or you bring a prude, it is mostly definitely his problem. I'd be wondering if he gets a perverse kick out of it.

DJBaggySmalls · 19/12/2016 09:49

Install a spring loaded door closer and explain that at some point you might have an unexpected guest who doesn't owe him a fucking round of applause.

YelloDraw · 19/12/2016 09:37

Who is Mr Hankey? (misses the point

The Christmas poo. South Park reference.

YANBU OP. Poo should be done with the door closed. I'm not a fan of people shutting in the en suite either tbh.

LuluJakey1 · 19/12/2016 09:17

Who is Mr Hankey? (misses the point)

YouHadMeAtCake · 19/12/2016 01:40

YANBU. That is just so disrespectful and revolting. I couldn't share the same bed as him let alone be intimate with him. I feel for you OP I really do.

Katedotness1963 · 19/12/2016 01:33

I lock the bathroom door when I'm home alone! I couldn't put up with someone using the bathroom with the door open.

liz70 · 19/12/2016 00:50

"But nobody cared about me being exposed to the workman's poo smell!"

Do you want Mr. Hankey to play a teeny tiny violin for you? Xmas Sad

liz70 · 19/12/2016 00:47

All the shite sharers should be sent off to one of these places, since they're so faecally uninhibited.

To expect DH to close the door when he is having a shit?
lottieandmia · 19/12/2016 00:42

The psychopath comment comes (I think) from observations about how people with a lack of awareness of other people's boundaries behave. It's really never ok to leave the door open unless it's mutually agreed. How can anyone be so lazy that they actually can't close a door?!

lottieandmia · 19/12/2016 00:38

YANBU - yuck.

haveacupoftea · 19/12/2016 00:37

This thread has made me laugh Xmas Grin it's only a bit of pooing. If he was run over by a bus tomorrow you'd wish he was shitting loudly with the ensuite door open Xmas Grin

GinAndOnIt · 19/12/2016 00:32

YANBU wanting him to close the door.

I am beyond baffled about the PP's rules on who is allowed to poo in the en suite and who isn't, though. If DP came home one day and told me I was only allowed to poo in a certain toilet from now on, I'd be Hmm

Rednailsandnaeknickers · 18/12/2016 22:47

Sounds like he needs to up the fibre.

If I'm on my own in the house, I will sometimes leave the loo door open a little as I'm mildly claustrophobic and can relax better if not shut in completely. But if anyone else is in, then it's door shut, no question.

JustDontGetIt · 18/12/2016 22:16

Ps he needs to shut the door

JustDontGetIt · 18/12/2016 22:16

But nobody cared about me being exposed to the workman's poo smell!

littleshirleybeans · 18/12/2016 21:56

Utterly gross!!!!!
instant divorce material Grin

Laineymc7 · 18/12/2016 21:55

I know exactly how you feel my partner never closes the door and will happily grunt and not care if I hear. I'd rather he shut the door to be honest. I get most angry if I'm brushing my teeth or having a bath and he decides to come in and take a shit.

diddl · 18/12/2016 21:50

Grunting when pooing?

Needs to adjust his diet!


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Arlowthegooddinosaur · 18/12/2016 21:47

My dh does it, in fact our bathroom door is very rarely closes, showers/wees etc. Done with door open. Can't say it's ever bothered me

BetterEatCheese · 18/12/2016 21:32

Dh does this and it drives me mad. We live in a small house and the toilet is at the top of the stairs which lead out of the living room. He has slightly dodgy guts so it sounds like machine gun fire we can hear from the sofa. Puts me right off him! I have asked him to only leave the door open to pee but it's falling on deaf / unwilling ears

mamatiger2016 · 18/12/2016 21:31

OH has to use the big bathroom for a poo as the ensuite cannot be tainted with his shit. Also it means he has to go to the other side of the house from the bedroom so I don't hear him and as it's upstairs you wouldn't hear it from downstairs either.

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