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To be scared shirtless of Space...

102 replies

Sweets101 · 25/11/2016 22:51

And even more so by the fact we are in it? And there's really no getting away from that.

OP posts:
TheSecondOfHerName · 26/11/2016 00:09

The thing about space that makes me uneasy is that if you look down, the down goes on forever.

Disclaimer: I am slightly drunk.

Honeydragon · 26/11/2016 00:13

On the bright side the down is also the up

shuijiao · 26/11/2016 00:13

Why is it scary? What are you scared of? Like a previous poster I quite like knowing how completely tiny and insignificant we are Grin

Don't go stepping into the Total Perspective Vortex by accident now...

RosaRosaRose · 26/11/2016 00:16

losgunna I used to be partial to a milky way. Was that the sweet you can eat without ruining your appetite? Grin

SuckingEggs · 26/11/2016 00:22

It's amazing. A great way to get perspective when the world is going nuts over Black Friday.

EveOnline2016 · 26/11/2016 00:24

This is confusing.

To be scared shirtless of Space...
Room101isWhereIUsedToLive · 26/11/2016 00:24

But what about hitchhikers et al for eleven year olds? Should I start a new thread? She has a reading level equivalent to a 14 year old...

Sybys · 26/11/2016 00:26

Apologies if already posted, but;

PaulAnkaTheDog · 26/11/2016 00:30

Yanbu. My biggest fear is space and it's enormity. Being stuck just floating. Sounds ridiculous, I know it's ridiculous, but it scares the craps out me.

GreatFuckability · 26/11/2016 00:31

I know how you feel OP. It disturbs me too, the idea of this vast...well, space, that goes on forever is a bit overwhelming to me.
I blame watching superman films as a child, when the bad guys were sent spinning for all time in the flat square thingies. Horrifying!

PaulAnkaTheDog · 26/11/2016 00:33

TheSecond yes! What a way of describing it!

ShowMePotatoSalad · 26/11/2016 00:36

Sybys what's even more incredible about that is, despite its vastness, humans have collated all that information. It blows my mind that we are such a tiny, tiny part of the universe yet we have managed to work out so much about it.

(When I say "we" I mean boffins. I don't know my arse from my elbow half the time).

shuijiao · 26/11/2016 00:36

Room I think 11 is the perfect age for Hitchhiker's Grin

shuijiao · 26/11/2016 00:39

To be fair, I have an irrational fear of chip pans due to excessive health and safety warnings as a child, so I can't talk.

Tartyflette · 26/11/2016 00:47

No sex as such but there are triple-breasted whores in it, Room

cdtaylornats · 26/11/2016 00:48

Space isn't a vacuum, it has a lot of stuff in it stars, planets, dust, in fact its got everything in it.

mumofone1234 · 26/11/2016 00:49

I love thinking about how tiny we are. When I was a kid and had troubles like not having done my homework etc I would comfort myself with the phrase 'think cosmically', meaning remember you are just a tiny dot in a vast universe, and my whole lifetime is not even a millisecond in the timescale of the age of the universe.

Bloody hell, does the universe even have an age? What was there before it came into being? Confused

I also don't understand when they say the universe is expanding...expanding into what?! Isn't the universe everything that exists? Confused

shuijiao · 26/11/2016 00:55

Oops, forgot about that Tartyflette. I think a lot of that stuff just went over my head when I read it first time.

shuijiao · 26/11/2016 00:56

The universe is everything that exists, but everything that exists is getting bigger Grin

pregnantat50 · 26/11/2016 01:03

is this a sudden fear sweets

ShastaBeast · 26/11/2016 01:12

I hate the insignificance thing, the nothingness and meaninglessness. I had an existential crisis and became a space geek, I'm obsessed but terrified. I watch launches, have books and visited the space centre and Russian space exhibition at the science museum last year, but I'd probably die of fear if I went into space myself. The first woman in space was Russian, she parachuted out of the capsule, amazing but utterly insane. Reading about the first space walk and everything that was going wrong, Leonov was nuts but quite incredible too. Imagine just hanging out teathered to a metal ball in the nothingness of space, and they didn't even know if it was survivable. The Mars thing is fascinating too, there's a docu drama thing on at the moment in the US.

roseteapot101 · 26/11/2016 01:12

its not that ,that freaks me out its wrapping my head around the concept that space is endless .Yet a concept in life we learn is all things come to a end yet the universe does not there is no end it just go's on and on and on


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EatsShitAndLeaves · 26/11/2016 01:14

Sorry I don't get it.

It's exciting to me rather than frightening.

Looking up to the stars I see endless opportunities.

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 26/11/2016 01:16

I think its more awe inspiring rather than terrifying.
If all the stars in the milky way had names and you were to say them one after another without stopping. It would take you 4,000 years.
If Jupiter were hollow over 1,000 earths would fit inside it

Moodybuggle · 26/11/2016 01:25

I get more scared of the idea I think implanted by the lion king but probably a collective unconscious idea that we might end up as stars once we die - because I really don't want to just sit and burn in space for eternity

Actually afterlife terrifies me. Space is scary but at least people go there and we take pictures and stuff.

Gone off on a tangent - I was wondering if it was fear of the Unknown

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