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To be scared shirtless of Space...

102 replies

Sweets101 · 25/11/2016 22:51

And even more so by the fact we are in it? And there's really no getting away from that.

OP posts:
Sweets101 · 25/11/2016 23:11

mort course there is!

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Losgunna · 25/11/2016 23:11

Yes the one eating the milky way. The sheer destruction of it is both fascinating and utterly terrifying.

Oh god I'd forgotten about the wandering ones. It sounds like something from science fiction.

It's all a bit too much to take in really

mortificado · 25/11/2016 23:12

Wookie. That made me GrinGrin but it still worries me!!! Please tell me it's impossible?! -although I've always been told anythings possible!-

mortificado · 25/11/2016 23:13

Sweets I want to meet them! Joking! Do you think we will all be totally fucked if they come here? Or could we all just be good pals?!

dontbesillyhenry · 25/11/2016 23:13

No and I've never really considered it so deep...but now i am Confused

Sweets101 · 25/11/2016 23:14

Los I wonder if that has anything to do with Hawking saying mankind only has 1000 years left on Earth, regardless of meteors

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Stopyourhavering · 25/11/2016 23:15

This puts it all in perspective....Carl Sagan and Earth as a pale blue dot

QueenMortificado · 25/11/2016 23:15

100000% there are aliens. Would be arrogant to think we are the only ones.

The bit I can't get my head around is that space is a vacuum. I want to say "but what is outside the vacuum???"

Wookiecookies · 25/11/2016 23:16

Well, I cant be sure mort but one thing I do know, is that if this conversation gets any deeper I may need to source a joint! 😂😂

Sweets101 · 25/11/2016 23:18

mort hopefully they will be mindful guardians of the universe that will save us from destruction and lead us on to star trek something new.
Mind you, on Independence day they sayou about the aliens they destroy every natural resource on a planet and move on. That sounds like mankind.

OP posts:
QueenMortificado · 25/11/2016 23:18

Hi Mortificado!!

MatchyMatcha · 25/11/2016 23:19


Sweets101 · 25/11/2016 23:20

Keep a fat one to hand Wookie it might help when the time comes Wink

OP posts:
iklboo · 25/11/2016 23:20

What is outside the vacuum? Usually that one bit of bloody Lego stuck in the rug Grin

I love space. I love feeling insignificant & small in the grand scheme of things. My favourite recurring dream is where I'm walking on a clear night and can see millions of constellations, all clear and beautiful. So peaceful.

Losgunna · 25/11/2016 23:21
Wookiecookies · 25/11/2016 23:29

With you Iklboo, maybe this is why I am driven to live by the sea, the idea of an endless expanse with so much unknown and so much yet to explore, kind of excites me. I dont like knowing all the answers or what happens next, I quite enjoy the mystery. Smile

Room101isWhereIUsedToLive · 25/11/2016 23:36

losgunna did the joint help?
wookie im with you on this one, if people kept a universal perspective life would have so much less drama! And living by the sea too. Though sometimes I imagine there is a void rather than the sea. And that leads to questions like how would we get to France?

Tartyflette · 25/11/2016 23:37
Room101isWhereIUsedToLive · 25/11/2016 23:39

iklboo that dream sounds amaze-balls. I once dreamed I was in a museum at the end of the universe. but my brain doesn't really do recurring dreams and my most memorable dream of the week featured cleaning up cat shit. Oh the joys

Losgunna · 25/11/2016 23:39

room sort of. I was still freaked out but not actively panicking

Honeydragon · 25/11/2016 23:43

The universe is only as big as what's in my head. So you're all fine, now off to bed with you all.

Claireshh · 25/11/2016 23:46

A friends husband has a proper telescope. Seeing mercury in real time on his lap top boggled my feeble brain.


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Room101isWhereIUsedToLive · 25/11/2016 23:51

I always found if I had a joint with my head in the wrong place it made it worse.
Do you think hitchhikers et al would be ok for my eleven year old? I have read them all but can't remember how many references there were to the beasts with two backs?

mortificado · 26/11/2016 00:05


mortificado · 26/11/2016 00:07

Queen. How's our other thread going?! I lost the way when I joined back in! SadWink

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