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AIBU to show a 12 cert film at a birthday party? And which one!

59 replies

Italiangreyhound · 10/11/2016 20:59

My dd turns 12 soon and wants to a movie party.

I cannot find a suitable film that is a PG so I am now looking at 12 cert ones.

Of course dd will be 12 but most of the guests will not be 12 yet (They are all 11).I thought if I told the kids (and parents) what movie will be shown on the invite, it would be fine.

I generally like the PG ones but I hope parents won't mind a 12 cert.

Plus any ideas what I can show?

I've just got 'Pixels' but it has been panned by critics! Did anyone's kids enjoy it.

Several of them have seen Goosebumps, which would have been a good choice. My dd ad loads of kids love Lego movie - but it is old now!

It's the first time dd has invited boys as well as girls and she will have food and fun and end with a movie.

But which one!

Many thanks.

OP posts:
callmeadoctor · 11/11/2016 09:10

My 13 year old was terrified of Gremlins so we had to pull the plug on that!!

ShangriLaLaLa · 11/11/2016 09:12

It may be tedious but to me it's appropriate parenting.

Both mine are not restricted to their age certification with me. We discuss films individually and make choices.

However, they both know that other children will not be allowed to watch films for older age groups when with us. They realise that it's not being mean, or cosseting. It's simply respecting the right of parents to make their own choices for their children and not steamrollering.

averythinline · 11/11/2016 09:19

I would check as not all happy to do below certificate age, I check for DS 11 but I look at each film....will also consider more a 12A but you have to check cinema certificate...

we really didn't like Pixels but loved- Guardians of the Galaxy (12A) v v cool and the sequel comes out next year. that worked really well as a birthday movie for boys and girls

dimots · 11/11/2016 09:24

Gremlins is only a 15 because there wasn't a 12 rating when the film was made.

Whatthefreakinwhatnow · 11/11/2016 09:50

bert nothing at all to do with parenting, it's about a child having their own mind and can decide quite well for themselves if they aren't enjoying a film for whatever reason and don't want to continue Confused

BertrandRussell · 11/11/2016 09:59

Because it would be soooo easy for a 9 year old to say in front of all her friends that she didn't want to watch the film they were all watching. And 9 year old are so well equipped to judge whether something is suitable or not.............

BarbarianMum · 11/11/2016 10:01

Children may have their own mind but they don't always have the judgement and experience to make good decisions esp not when there is peer-pressure involved. That's where parenting comes in.

You can't unsee things, unfortunately.

Nataleejah · 11/11/2016 16:04

I'd be more worried if a 10-11yo was TERRIFIED of a children's film Hmm

AtleastitsnotMonday · 11/11/2016 21:02

When is her birthday? If it falls in December I think you could get away with any of the Nativity films. I've had six and sixteen year olds all laugh out loud at them.

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