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AIBU to show a 12 cert film at a birthday party? And which one!

59 replies

Italiangreyhound · 10/11/2016 20:59

My dd turns 12 soon and wants to a movie party.

I cannot find a suitable film that is a PG so I am now looking at 12 cert ones.

Of course dd will be 12 but most of the guests will not be 12 yet (They are all 11).I thought if I told the kids (and parents) what movie will be shown on the invite, it would be fine.

I generally like the PG ones but I hope parents won't mind a 12 cert.

Plus any ideas what I can show?

I've just got 'Pixels' but it has been panned by critics! Did anyone's kids enjoy it.

Several of them have seen Goosebumps, which would have been a good choice. My dd ad loads of kids love Lego movie - but it is old now!

It's the first time dd has invited boys as well as girls and she will have food and fun and end with a movie.

But which one!

Many thanks.

OP posts:
AuntieStella · 10/11/2016 21:59

Another vote for Miss Congeniality - my Dd really like it and the bit about teaching self defence in the middle of a beauty pageant has stuck with her!

She's my youngest, and saw loads of 12films, both at home (with her older brothers) and in the cinema with me. Though there are some I didn't allow until at secondary school. I even let her watch one 15 (Nuns on the Run).

Some parents are much more strict about age ratings though. How well do you know the parents of your DD's friends and is anyone likely to object? Because if you know you've got sticklers, then looking for a 'grown up' film, perhaps an older one, that happens to have a lower rating might a better bet (nothing occurring to me right now, but I'll have a think).

Just swerve anything gory or scary (eg The a Woman in Black, which creeped out my older teens and DD has still not been allowed).

9troubledwaters · 10/11/2016 22:00

The Truman show
Meet the parents

Nataleejah · 10/11/2016 22:04

Is there something they would pick themselves?

crispandcheesesanwichplease · 10/11/2016 22:40

I'd check with the parents before showing 11 year olds a cert 12 film. I let my DC watch some 12's when she was 10/11 but only the ones I'd already seen myself.

I do think most parents will be ok but it's a courtesy issue. If one of the parents has been hassled by their DC wanting to watch older cert films and the parent has held firm on this, then you show them a film above their current age you could be undermining that parent.

Just saying . . .

Aftershock15 · 10/11/2016 22:46

I think it's probably best not to show a 12 without checking with the parents first. What about The Princess Bride or The Scorcerers Apprentice as PG films that they may not have seen but appeal to that age.

whyohwhy000 · 10/11/2016 22:51

The new Ghostbusters is a 12 (and is great) but only comes out on DVD on the 21st November.

KC225 · 10/11/2016 22:52

We all watched THE MUMMY (1999) on Halloween. Kids loved it. Scary but in a cartoon way.

multivac · 10/11/2016 22:57

It's quite smutty, but in a very school playground way

Yeah; just locker room banter... Hmm

My kids enjoyed Pixels (at 11); but it is an incredibly shite movie, and there are many 12 cert. films that are much more suitable for an 11/12-year old party, I reckon.

Goosebumps; Princess Bride; City of Ember...

PolkadotsAndMoonbeams · 10/11/2016 23:02

Around the World in 80 Days (the 2004 Jackie Chan one) is a PG.

Lots good adventure stuff, funny, and there's slapstick and a bit of romance too - I wouldn't say it's a brilliant film but for 10/11 year old boys and girls I would think it's pretty good. It's fairly unlikely that they'll have seen it too.

PolkadotsAndMoonbeams · 10/11/2016 23:06
Eevee77 · 10/11/2016 23:14

Pixels is cool. Adam Sandler movies are pretty tame. Showing my age but my best friends parent got us 'big daddy' from blockbuster when I was 10-11 and I loved it.

Foslady · 11/11/2016 00:03

Adam's family?

Italiangreyhound · 11/11/2016 00:09

Thanks all very helpful.

Overboard if one of my all time favourite movies!

OP posts:
MooseyMouse · 11/11/2016 04:36


steff13 · 11/11/2016 04:40


claraschu · 11/11/2016 04:48

Back to the future

sashh · 11/11/2016 06:15

What about a 12A?

Well it will be a 12 on DVD but I mean a film that was 12A at the cinema but the DVD is 12.

Some oldies to consider

The Mighty Ducks
The Never Ending Story
Star Wars - the first one

CocoLoco87 · 11/11/2016 06:31

13 Going on 30 is a nice girly film

Whatthefreakinwhatnow · 11/11/2016 06:42

Christ, how tedious having to check in with parents over a 12 film when the kids are 11!

My eldest is 9, she's perfectly capable of knowing wether she wants to watch something/stop watching if she didn't like something.

Tbh bad language in films doesnt concern me, she hears it at school and out and about , and knows not to repeat it.
Same with fantasy films with mild/moderate violence, she gets that it's not real, not something we do etc...

Must be exhausting for those parents who are so precious concerned.....😂

NattyTile · 11/11/2016 06:52

Wouldn't be about being precious here. Would be about stuff you wouldn't know about my child's personal history. Wouldn't stop you showing it, would refuse the invite graciously and suggest birthday child came over to play another time instead.

Italiangreyhound · 11/11/2016 08:48

whatthe tedius is my middle name! Wink

OP posts:
BertrandRussell · 11/11/2016 08:53

"My eldest is 9, she's perfectly capable of knowing wether she wants to watch something/stop watching if she didn't like something."

What a superduper superior parent you are to be sure!


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RhiWrites · 11/11/2016 09:03

Wreck it Ralph - if they like video games, it's similar to the Lego Movie
Bring it On - cheerleaders
Pitch Perfect - acapella singing

pilates · 11/11/2016 09:07

My son watched Pixels when he was 11. He loved it so much that he wanted the DVD for Christmas last year. IMO it would be a good choice of film for both boys and girls.

callmeadoctor · 11/11/2016 09:09

Pitch perfect is a fab film and completely suitable for that age group. (and pitch perfect 2 if they wish to carry on watching a film.

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