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To think that David Cameron should have to answer for what he's done?

104 replies

MsHooliesCardigan · 10/11/2016 09:45

This is not about the rights and wrongs of leaving the EU but about accountability.
DC decided to hold the referendum for his own political ends, it wasn't because the electorate were all clamouring for it.
It was a far too complex question to be put to a simple Yes/No vote.
For a referendum to be legally binding, terms are set out beforehand about the minimum turnout and majority required which didn't happen so it was advisory but voters were told that it was binding.
And, most shockingly, absolutely NO plans were made as to what would happen if we voted to leave as DC was too arrogant to consider that he might actually lose. The whole shitstorm that is Brexit was released which almost undoubtedly played a part in Trump getting elected (I know there are lots of differences but there are definite similarities and DT himself referred to 'Brexit plus plus).
And the next day, Cameron just fucks off to write his memoirs and spend more time with his money family and leaves everyone else to pick up the pieces for the next 10 years or so.
Is he never going to be held to any kind of accountability for this?
FWIW, I voted Remain but after quite a bit of wavering and I have no issue with Leave voters. The point is that nobody voted for the fucking mess we've been left with.

OP posts:
SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 10/11/2016 12:53

I think I like Chips Theory 😁

Fruitboxjury · 10/11/2016 12:54

Damn. I was just googling chips theory thinking I'd missed something Grin

CockacidalManiac · 10/11/2016 12:59

It shows what my iPhone thinks I'm more interested in.

Yoksha · 10/11/2016 13:08

Calamity Corbyn. Chips Theory. Hilarious Grin

Sohardtochooseausername · 10/11/2016 13:17

OP YANBU. I often think so. I can't understand the level of cynicism and careerism involved. I can't understand why there wasn't a 60% majority required. I'm still hoping that it's all just a bad dream.

Tomorrowillbeachicken · 10/11/2016 13:23

Only if Blair is forced to give answers for what he did too.

Mistigri · 10/11/2016 14:35

Personally I also think his timing to hold the vote before the US election was suicide from a security perspective, since the outcome of Brexit + Trump means that relationships with our two most important allies are now under threat.

His failure to plan ANYTHING has now further contributed to the completely unnecessary and frankly nasty divisions that now exist across the country and total loss of credibility that the UK has faced worldwide.

Excellent post. And for those doubting that the UK has lost credibility, unless you live abroad, you are not well placed to judge. I live in a european country where the UK's reputation has been damaged, and my Japanese and Chinese colleagues think you are nuts (though they are too polite to put it like that).

Mellowmarsh · 10/11/2016 14:41

He will go down as the reckless gambler who lost the gamble and triggered the break up of the UK. Arsehole.

FarAwayHills · 10/11/2016 14:47

Neither side hid the fact that there wasn't a plan for Brexit. They never referred to a plan or strategy in their campaigns and it was pretty clear from the shocked reactions of both leave and remain that they never planned because they thought it would never actually happen.

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 10/11/2016 14:50

Cameron refused to allow a plan to be drawn up because he didn't want any credibility given to the leave campaign, I believe.

GiddyOnZackHunt · 10/11/2016 14:54

I heard that too Thick

harverina · 10/11/2016 14:55

No I don't think he needs to be held to account for anything.

He wanted to stay and I think if I remember correctly he, along with many others, worked hard to convince us to stay. It clearly wasn't enough.

People voted for change but I don't think they were informed enough to make a yes/no decision either.

The tough job is moving forwards.

I am upset to leave the EU but I don't see it as being DC's fault.

missyB1 · 10/11/2016 14:55

Possibly one of the most selfish arrogance politicians we've ever had in this Country, he sold us down the river for his own gains - evil little shit! Yes he should be held accountable but of course never will be.

Mind you everyone who voted Tory in the last elections are also somewhat responsible, because they knew he was planning the referendum and voted for him anyway.

And Jeremy Hunt should be held bloody accountable for what he's done to the NHS whilst we're at it!

gillybeanz · 10/11/2016 14:55

Didn't he resign, no longer pm?
You can't call an ex employee and start asking them questions Grin

JellyBelli · 10/11/2016 15:05

YANBU. People voted for something that didnt exist, based on lies. There was no exit plan. How could anyone vote for that?
There is no extra money for the NHS. Farmers will be screwed when the subsidies stop. All it has done is cause a massive division in the UK.
Post vote, hate crimes have risen by 500%. And one man has been murdered.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 10/11/2016 15:37

And one woman, surely you meant to say?

Pettywoman · 10/11/2016 15:49

I absolutely agree with your opening post OP. YANBU.

You can't impost years of austerity like some patronising arsehole telling us its for our own good. You especially then can't call a referendum to satisfy right wingers of your 'Call me Dave I'm so middle ground' Conservative party at rediculously short notice with no proper campaign planning and expect everyone not to say 'Fuck You you shiney faced cunt' sending us all into a Brexit nightmare of confusion, xenophobia and knee jerk tabloid politics.

Fruitboxjury · 10/11/2016 16:00

mistigri thank you, the sad outcome is also that those who thing we are nuts are the ones we are now going to try to rescue business with, hardly a good starting point.

Didn't he resign, no longer pm?
You can't call an ex employee and start asking them questions grin

Is this a joke, just wanted to be sure before I respond?

Fruitboxjury · 10/11/2016 16:01

Bold AND strike out fail Shock...

do business with

BeckerLleytonNever · 10/11/2016 16:02

He shpuld be held to account for many thin gs- leaving and fucking off on 24th June in a fit of pique just cos HE, not the country and remainers didn't get HIS own way, he was too busy sucking up merkels arse anyway,

he should be held for murder by proxy with the amount of people that have ended up taking their own lives because HE took everything away from them just to line his and his elite fuckers pockets.

I have never hated anyone as much as I hate him, .

and yes, completelty agree with everything you say OP.

TheNaze73 · 10/11/2016 16:03

I think YABU. I think he did the right thing in calling a referendum.

Your anger should be at the people who voted out. For being angry at them, YANBU. A bit like the US election vote you're sounding a bit, democracy is great, until I lose.

Smellslikeoranges · 10/11/2016 20:14

becket agree with you 100%.


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Peregrina · 10/11/2016 23:24

Cameron's stupidity lay in not letting anyone examine the case for Leaving. He could have set his best Eurosceptics onto the task and asked them to produce a report to be debated in Parliament. When they realised the difficulties that were involved they might a) have made some sensible suggestions about the process of leaving or b) shut up.

Then the Remain case was poor, which was in part his fault. An appeal to the emotions like the Leave camp had could have worked e.g. show a child playing on a filthy polluted beach in the 60s and contrast that with a blue flag beach now, with the strapline 'Which beach do you want your child to play on? Thanks to the EU blue flag programme your child is now safe from raw sewage.' But maybe that's because Cameron was really a secret Leaver. Like one Theresa May.

IBelieveTheEarthIsFlat · 11/11/2016 10:00

I meant meant being held accountable for their actions, rather than just BREXIT, so yes Tony Blair def more than Cameron. I am NOT a Tory btw

Peregrina · 11/11/2016 11:27

Cameron helped to destabilise Libya, which is now a conduit for refugees. So far he's got away with this action. So there is much against him even if Blair is held to be worse for Iraq.

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