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Mil has sickness bug - aibu to not want to go round on Sunday with my dc?

56 replies

Throughautomaticdoors · 26/10/2016 12:21

Mil has a sickness bug. She's still being sick now. We are meant to be going round for lunch on Sunday but I'm not very keen now tbh.
Even if she stops being sick today she won't really be 48 hours clear until Saturday morning and it's going into the house that worries me. Dd puts everything in her mouth at the moment too.
I can't really rely on Mil to tell the truth re when she stops being ill as she is quite selfish and will just want us to go round. When ds was newborn she didn't tell us about her stinking cold and then spent all afternoon blowing raspberries in her face. He then caught said cold and ended up in hospital with breathing difficulties...

Dh says I'm overreacting but he tends to prefer to upset me rather than his mother. Aibu to say leave it a week? Or even that we will go over in the week. Sunday just seems a bit near! Especially given it's Wednesday afternoon and she's still being sick...

OP posts:
Chottie · 28/10/2016 07:08

I would definitely not go. Why can't you just give her a ring to see how she is and rearrange the date?

Surely MiL won't want you to go round there when she's a had a sickness bug?

CurbsideProphet · 28/10/2016 07:10

YANBU. I recently had viral gastroenteritis for a fortnight and it was absolutely grim. I barely left the house and didn't have any visitors, as I didn't want to give it to anyone else.

TirednessIsComing · 28/10/2016 07:58

I wouldn't especially when you know she has form for not bring truthful with sickness. She may still be having symptoms. Your dh could go and if he gets sick then he might think twice. Only down side is if he goes get sick you probably will too.

Looneytune253 · 28/10/2016 08:01

Logically though I think it's more like 24 hours to be clear of a bug esp if it's a grown-up with (hopefully) better hygiene. If you get stuck going, try not to worry too much. Make sure she's bleached her bathroom and washed her own hands etc. I worry about these things A LOT too lol but always try to rationalise it where I can to stop the fretting.

BareBum · 31/10/2016 22:30

Did you go?

Dontpanicpyke · 31/10/2016 23:44

God why would she want you all if she's been sick? It would be utterly selfish for you to visit so don't.

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