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To buy an old Silvercross Heritage pram?

56 replies

UpsyDaisy123 · 19/10/2016 15:29

Yes, I know they are totally impractical and not at all suited to modern life. I wouldn't be relying on it for everyday use and realise I'm going to need something else more suitable too.

Yet I've dreamed of having one ever since I was a little girl. I have the money saved. It has taken a very long time to get pregnant and this would feel like such a wonderful celebratory gift to myself.

DH, having long known of my dream, is saying now that the time has at last come, 'Oh but you don't really want one do you?!!'

OP posts:
Kel1234 · 19/10/2016 16:14

If I had the money and space, my dream is a silver cross balmoral (I 'tried' one on display in John Lewis, and think that's as close as I'll ever get to pushing one). I settled for the pioneer instead. But if you have the money and space then go for it.

noeffingidea · 19/10/2016 16:16

My next door neighbour had a traditional silver cross pram, it was quite a small one that fitted in her porch. The wheels came off so that it could fit in the car.
Buy one if you want, they are great for going for walks, lovely and easy to push and warm and comfy for the baby.

Notso · 19/10/2016 16:16

Go for it.
Ditch the Maclaren though, they are crap.

PortiaFinis · 19/10/2016 16:19

I borrowed my mother's for DC3 - it was amazing!

DC1 used to sleep in my mother's garden in it when we visited but at the time I didn't have the space for it at home. We did when DC3 came along.

It was gorgeous and DC2 had a little seat for the top of it so could chat happily to me. It looked so comfortable for the school run, the baby could sleep in it downstairs or in the garden.

The only downside is you literally get stopped by so many people full of nostalgia for their own days of having a baby and a 'proper' pram.

Enidblyton1 · 19/10/2016 16:21

Definitely - buy it!
My mum bought a beautiful old silver cross on eBay for £400 and she uses it for all the grandchildren.
If you have a maclaren as your everyday buggy, you'll just be able to enjoy the silver cross for pottering around near home.
And it will be easy to sell on afterwards :)

DoYouRememberJustinBobby · 19/10/2016 16:21

I have the one my mother used for me in the eighties. It is beautiful and has done all my siblings, 2 cousins and my 4 DC. I mainly used it to walk around the (flat) village we used to live in and as a downstairs napping spot, we have a smaller pushchair for proper trips out and for plonking in the car. I wouldn't be without it. I have been offered a mind boggling amount of money for it several times but at the moment I think we are looking at having another baby so will hang on to it for a while longer.

Beware, every trip to the shops using it will take double the amount of time because old folk flock to them like moths to a flame.

Tobebythesea · 19/10/2016 16:22

I asked the guy in John Lewis if he had ever sold one and he said never. They are beautiful but totally impractical but you know that! Do what you want. Smile

Planty18 · 19/10/2016 16:23

I felt exactly the same as you so I bought one second hand and used it for baby to sleep in outside or in, it was really good, hard to steer but the suspension is brilliant and the pram comfy, mine is in the rafters to be sold now but I loved it l. Get one, definitely.

Cherylene · 19/10/2016 16:33

I wanted a twin one, but

a. they were far too expensive
b. at the time, there was a 6 month waiting list to order (obvious problems).

It would have been wonderful going to a from playgroup, with a toddler seat for DS ...................

If you have somewhere to park it and let DC sleep, and somewhere to push it to, go for it Wink

laundryelf · 19/10/2016 16:46

I have fond memories of pushing my little brother's in my mum's old silver cross pram then using the wheels later to make a bogey or go cart for them to play with in later years.
There's a silver Cross Balmoral on eBay just now for £999, looks great.

AsthmaAndAutism · 19/10/2016 16:49

Very outing probably, but here's our Family Silver Cross! My DS2 is the fourth Grandchild in it now Grin

To buy an old Silvercross Heritage pram?
ClaraLane · 19/10/2016 16:56

We're TTC our first and I think my mum has still got my old Silver Cross in the loft, think I need to ask her to have a look!

Planty18 · 19/10/2016 17:11

That's the one I have too!!

dontcallmelen · 19/10/2016 17:22

Oh OP go for it, I had one when Ds was a baby it's was brilliant so comfy & the suspension is fantastic & you get practically a weeks shopping in the basket.
The sun shades are great as well, covers the whole pram oh goodness you are making me very nostalgic (the only problem I had, when the hood was up I couldn't see over it,so used to run into pedestrians 😂I loved mine my Dd was desperate for one but didn't have the space.

Hotbot · 19/10/2016 17:48

Mine at 10 and 6 , I didn't have a car and walked for miles with the shopping in the basket underneath . Fab those that have said you don't get anywhere fast are right , everyone stops you for a jiggle and a push .
They are marvellous do it, I sold mine for more than I paid for it .

UpsyDaisy123 · 19/10/2016 19:04

Thanks all. I think you've convinced me! I absolutely love the sun canopy and will be getting that too. This will most likely be our only child now but I do love the toddler seat too.

Too late on the Maclaren though as we've already bought it.

OP posts:
AudreyBradshaw · 19/10/2016 19:33

Dm has bought a silver cross marmet from a lady she knows in anticipation of PFGC birth. It's absolutely beautiful, and we'll use it as a moses basket/carry cot when baby is at my DPs. I can't wait to take the baby for a walk in it (if I'm allowed to push, DM has been very terratorial about her buggy) Grin

queenMab99 · 19/10/2016 19:46

I had one 40 years ago, they are really good if you walk a lot, so light and easy to push, you don't end up with a sore back. I have struggled with modern 'prams' there is no comparison. My boys slept in it during the day, so no need to wake them if I had to go out. Supermarket shopping was easy as everything I needed went in the basket underneath. I loved mine, and it looked lovely, flowery canopy in the summer, cool baby, and in the winter really warm and cosy.

user1469720282 · 19/10/2016 20:55

My Mum bought one for my Sister, Her first child 34 years ago, still got it now and its still in perfect condition! Its been through 4 kids and and 6 Grandkids and its still going strong!

They are a little bulky but if you have storage theres no issues, looks soooo beautiful in the house with a baby sleeping in it!

I would say go for it if thats what u really want

RandomMess · 19/10/2016 21:06

The only downside is the elderly folk stopping you to say what a lovely pram and ignoring your PFB Angry

Loved me was very sad to sell it on but if I ever have GC I'll be buying another one (2nd hand) the sun canopies are so pricey!!!

Tiredtomybones · 19/10/2016 21:09

Glad you've decided to go for it. I have one. It's in the loft now but I will never sell it on as I want to pass it down to my children, if they want it. I walked every day, in all weathers, around our local town. It was brilliant.

crayfish · 19/10/2016 21:21

My MIL has one from when DH was a baby, it came out of storage when DS was born but I've only ever used it to put him to sleep in at her house. It's a thing of beauty though and if you would love it, would use it and can afford it then why not?


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Shosha1 · 19/10/2016 21:51

Loved loved loved mine. Never had a push chair of any sort when DS was born 38 years ago. He stayed in it till he could walk on his own.

We lived in a small market town, and in those days we left the pram and baby outside shops.

I then used it while childminding for years.
Mainly for the short school run, with a toddler seat on top.

Brilliant as baby would then sleep in the porch when we got back.

I used it for DGD at my house, 21 years ago, and it is now back in use at our house for DGD's two monsters and DS' s baby daughter.

Teacherontherun · 19/10/2016 21:55

I had one and used it EVERYDAY until my first was nearly 2then moved new baby in and toddler on the frobt. Best thing EVER! seriously loved it and cried when they grew out of it. It makes such a fab play space when they can sit up-I also bought a decent mattress for it. Shopping was a breeze -so much space, no bags hanging from handle bars etc. I certainly never had a problem with shopping in town. I could also get it in my boot in two parts, dead easy! !

GrainOfSalt · 20/10/2016 00:31

I got one, used it all the time and loved it. I use it for about 3 years and DS loved being able to sit up and play when he got to that stage.

When he was tiny he slept in it in the daytime downstairs so if I decided to go out and he was asleep I didn't have to move him, it carried a humongous amount of shopping underneath, the handle was a great height, I could put stuff under the cover with DS, it took him and his friend sitting facing each other (with reins attached at both ends so they didn't kamikazi out) - they used to play peek-a-boo with the blanket.

Everyone thought I was mad beforehand but it was so practical it ended up being the envy of all and I never regretted it Grin. I got mine second hand and it had a fold up chassis and fitted in the boot of the car. I miss those days Sad

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