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To find it satisfying when busses get stuck in the bus lane?

87 replies

Tliev · 17/10/2016 07:45

I just find it really satisfying when you whiz past a bus which has become stuck in the bus lane and all the selfish bus goers (which are used to getting priority) sit there gawping out of the window bemused at all the cars flying past! Karma!

OP posts:
Loaferloveforyou · 17/10/2016 08:13

What an odd thing to be satisfied at Hmm

SaggyNaggy · 17/10/2016 08:14

I dont see how that's "karma"?
For it to be karma, the bus and passengers would have done something to deserve being 'stuck', they haven't, they've passed drivers in the lanes created for them.

If ypou think being in the bus is so cushy, why don't you use it instead? Be better than being sat in a car on your own keeping yourself warm with double layered judgey pants.

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 17/10/2016 08:14

Half Term in some areas, I think, Zuleika. Which explains a lot about MN at the moment.

PixieMiss · 17/10/2016 08:20

Were you always a knob or did the skill develop over time whilst you were sat in your UHmazing car ?

londonrach · 17/10/2016 08:22

It is april?

ZuleikaDobson · 17/10/2016 08:23

Ah, yes, Rafals, light dawns, OP is celebrating not being on the school bus while she's on half term. Go back to sleep, OP, or get up and do your homework.

TaterTots · 17/10/2016 08:23

Half Term in some areas, I think, Zuleika. Which explains a lot about MN at the moment.

And given that s/he thinks 'buses' has a double S in it, the return to school can't come quickly enough.

Arfarfanarf · 17/10/2016 08:24

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

RachelRagged · 17/10/2016 08:29

Well aren't you a charmer OP .

SOME people have no choice but to get buses .

listsandbudgets · 17/10/2016 08:41

Very happy to swop places with you OP. You can have my epilepsy too.

Be careful what you wish for

CozyAutumn · 17/10/2016 08:46

Trying to work out a reason why bus goers are selfish...

Hmm no I can't think of any reasons. Hmm
Oh sorry, does the pesky bus get in your way in rush hour? Aw diddums.

Isabella70 · 17/10/2016 08:55

Hava look at the the photo on the left. If all those selfish bus goers got out an into a car then you'd be at the end of that queue

To find it satisfying when busses get stuck in the bus lane?
WindInThePussyWillows · 17/10/2016 08:56
GerdaLovesLili · 17/10/2016 08:59

0/10 Must try harder.

To find it satisfying when busses get stuck in the bus lane?
Themoreitsnowstiddlypom · 17/10/2016 09:04

Well op there's nowt as queer as folk like you. I m sorry to say that I'm pleased I don't know you because I don't think I'd quite know how to deal with you coming out with such random and odd comments. What ever had got your wind up today must have been a Bobby dazzler!

ItShouldHaveBeenJessMass · 17/10/2016 09:05

Bit sad, really, if this is one of the few things in life that gives the OP satisfaction. I suggest a trip to Ann Summers....

TheFreaksShallInheritTheEarth · 17/10/2016 09:12

I really hate when posters correct an OPs spelling or grammar; it seems a really cuntish thing to do. Except though, when the OP is a cunt themself.

It's 'buses', not 'busses'

alltouchedout · 17/10/2016 09:14

Oh bless you.

someonestolemynick · 17/10/2016 09:24

Did you forget to put light hearted in your title?Hmm

Aeroflotgirl · 17/10/2016 09:30

You sound quite nasty op. Good on bus goers reducing the pollution, and not contributing to the vast increase of cars we see on the road.

IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 17/10/2016 09:40

You should probably concentrate on keeping your eyes on the road rather than checking out bus passengers' expressions. Also "whiz" sounds like you're speeding. Probably got a ticket coming your way. Karma!

PolarBearLover14 · 17/10/2016 09:49

OP drops steaming pile of shit, turns on fan & runs


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Aeroflotgirl · 17/10/2016 09:49

Op should you be on the road, what with the speeding and not keeping your eyes on the road, one day you could have an accident!

IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 17/10/2016 09:57

Don't worry Aero if car gets written off Op can just get the bus with all the "selfish" people Grin

OutDamnedWind · 17/10/2016 09:58

I wouldn't describe it as a steaming pile, Polar, more a disappointing little nugget.

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