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To find it satisfying when busses get stuck in the bus lane?

87 replies

Tliev · 17/10/2016 07:45

I just find it really satisfying when you whiz past a bus which has become stuck in the bus lane and all the selfish bus goers (which are used to getting priority) sit there gawping out of the window bemused at all the cars flying past! Karma!

OP posts:
e1y1 · 17/10/2016 17:16

I'll tell you what I find satisfying though: being the only car driver daring to use a bus lane, when it is allowed!

Am baffled by the number of people that stay out of bus lanes when they are allowed to use them at certain times.

Yep, I 'm a car driver and astounded at the amount of cars that don't use the bus lane if they should be doing.

Not that it applies to passed drivers, but for anyone sitting a test etc, if you don't use the bus lane when you're supposed to, you will fail your test.

e1y1 · 17/10/2016 17:15

I'll tell you what I find satisfying though: being the only car driver daring to use a bus lane, when it is allowed!
Am baffled by the number of people that stay out of bus lanes when they are allowed to use them at certain times.

Yep, I 'm a car driver and astounded at the amount of cars that don't use the bus lane if they should be doing.

Not that it applies to passed drivers, bit for anyone sitting a test etc, if you don't use the bus lane when you're supposed to, you will fail your test.

MaidOfStars · 17/10/2016 17:05

I'll tell you what I find satisfying though: being the only car driver daring to use a bus lane, when it is allowed!
Am baffled by the number of people that stay out of bus lanes when they are allowed to use them at certain times.

There's always a crawling bottleneck on my route to work, where people try to merge into the non-bus lane even at times where they are allowed to use the bus lane. I properly grin as I sail down it then.

RufusTheSpartacusReindeer · 17/10/2016 15:33


The whole saggy thing has been amusing me Grin well worth opening the thread

PortiaCastis · 17/10/2016 15:31

Ha was he on a water meter
That made me laugh! Jess he's clearly pissing into the wind isn't he

Mynestisfullofempty · 17/10/2016 15:23

SaggyNaggy"Busses was once the one people used, as enfglosh evolved though it got replaced by buses."

"enfglosh" has amused me, but it doesn't take much. Grin

Minesril · 17/10/2016 15:11

I love sailing down the bus/bike lane passing all the stationary cars. I'm almost tempted to ring my bell as I go by as everyone knows how irritating a bike bell is!

HardcoreLadyType · 17/10/2016 14:01

I bow to your greater knowledge, Saggy. I'm quite keen on etymology, too, actually.

And re your brand names, in Australia, a felt tipped colouring pen is called a Texta. I dont even know if it's still an actual brand. Also, sticky tape is called Durex, which is a Different Thing in the U.K.!

hesterton · 17/10/2016 12:13

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

wasonthelist · 17/10/2016 12:07

OP is the ghost of Mrs Thatcher :)

IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 17/10/2016 11:55

Was he on a water meter?!

He must have been on something. Grin Sadly I bet that story is true.

ItShouldHaveBeenJessMass · 17/10/2016 11:46

morning. Was he on a water meter?!

morningtoncrescent62 · 17/10/2016 11:42

This thread reminds me of a letter I read in Metro some time ago - the writer was outraged at the 5p plastic bag charge and declared his intention of leaving his taps turned on all day to waste water because it would teach those smug environmentalists a thing or two. Confused

YorkieDorkie · 17/10/2016 11:36

This is the stupidest thread ever Hmm karma? Are you serious? When you can't breathe for smog and can't move for stationary traffic, that'll be your karma.

MissHooliesCardigan · 17/10/2016 11:34

Saggy Yes that's interesting. Other examples are biro, Sellotape and hoover (as in put the hoover over).

SaggyNaggy · 17/10/2016 11:25


No problems, please make cheque payable to
Charles Anthony Smithson-Hyde.
Or CASH for short, once the rounds have cleared I'll pop em in the 4th class post, or Yodel as I think its called now. You should have them by Christmas 2026

IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 17/10/2016 11:21

Go on saggy sign me up for a dozen copies of Volume 1 also. That's my Christmas shopping taken care of

Greengager · 17/10/2016 11:16

Yes maybe those fools using the bus because they wanted to skip the traffic quicker will stop and use their car tomorrow. That'll work out great for you and the traffic you are stuck in.

hesterton · 17/10/2016 11:10

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SaggyNaggy · 17/10/2016 11:04

I enjoy a little etymology, I'm fascinated how language evolves over periods of time. Words that once meant one thing but now mean something else is a particular delight. Also when a brand name becomes the word that describes what it is. (Velcro, Gaffer Tape, Rizla etc)

Yawnyawnallday · 17/10/2016 11:03

Has op grown up yet?

MoggyP · 17/10/2016 10:58

Even on a bollox thread, a Bremoaner pops up



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MissHooliesCardigan · 17/10/2016 10:53

Saggy I'm a complete etymology nerd and can happily while a way many hours leafing through a dictionary muttering,'Hmm... that's interesting, I always thought that came from Greek rather than Latin' whilst my DCs stand around rolling their eyes and making Loser signs in my direction. I'll buy your book. How could anyone not enjoy discovering that the Latin word that 'clitoris' is believed to have come from means 'little hill?'

SaggyNaggy · 17/10/2016 10:45

"Boring Bull Honky Volume 1: A history of composting"
"Boring Bull Honky Volume 2: A study of tile making from 1886-1887"

Both available wherever invisible books can be found.

PortiaCastis · 17/10/2016 10:41

What amuses me is when a car breaks down with steam and shit coming out from the bonnet and causing a traffic jam and he bus which keeps a lot more heaps of metal off the road goes zooming past

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