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To ban discussions of weight with size 8 friend?

37 replies

fatperson2016 · 13/10/2016 21:58

Because I can't cope with her repeatedly saying how fat she is, how huge, and so on. I am at least a size 18 on a good day!


OP posts:
Remote99 · 17/10/2016 11:49

I wish my obese friend would stop going on about her weight. I am bored silly with all the weight talk. I have been really supportive for years but it is getting tedious. She has managed to lose tiny amounts of weight which she then puts back on.

I am a size 10 but want to lose a stone. I would never tell her though.

ClopySow · 17/10/2016 12:46

YABU. Body image is not directly related to body size. She's not saying anything about you when she's complaining about her body, she's talking about herself.

BolshierAryaStark · 17/10/2016 12:51

The only person in my circle of friends that has body issues is also the slimest, probably a size 8-talks constantly about food & working out, bores the arse off me & I just tend to zone out.

lasttimeround · 17/10/2016 12:53

Not unreasonable. Find a less boring friend.

specialsubject · 17/10/2016 13:40

Indeed. Dullsville, Arizona!

RunRabbitRunRabbit · 17/10/2016 13:45

Ignore and change the subject.

TheSconeOfStone · 17/10/2016 13:57

YANBU. Being a size 16 myself I assume skinny people who moan about their weight are stealth boasting or trying to make me feel bad. It's at best insensitive.

It would be like me moaning about how skint we are after buying a house this year and spending a fortune on doing it up to people who can't afford to buy.

PoppyBirdOnAWire · 17/10/2016 14:26

She is insensitive and just trying to make herself feel even thinner. Not nice.

Jointhejoyrun75 · 17/10/2016 14:36

I bore about exercise probably when I find someone willing to listen, but would never talk about my weight. It is very annoying when people moan about it.

OP, I'd agree that your friend is very insensitive.

RabbitSaysWoof · 17/10/2016 14:47

My friend who is large - I don't know what size, always draws attention to her size, calls herself names etc. I never know what to say to her in response, when I'm with her I don't think of her as my big friend, she is just my friend but when she brings it up she is right she is big, but obviously I don't agree out loud, but she is too large to say "don't be silly" I usually say nothing.

kali110 · 17/10/2016 15:13

Really don't think ops friend is insensitive or trying to make herself feel better!
Not everybody is comfortable with their size. Just because the op's friend is smaller doesn't mean she is happy with her size.
I have friends who are bigger and smaller.
I've put weight on in last year and desperately want to lose it.
None of my friends can tell.
My friend who is bigger and i are on a diet.
We both talk about trying to lose weight. I certainly don't moan about my body to make myself feel better Confused
Or that if i was her size i'd want to 'throw myself off a cliff'. My friend looks great whatever size she is, i don't.
I don't think my skinner friends complaining are insensitive or trying to make themselves feel better either.

fishonabicycle · 17/10/2016 16:24

I think it is insensitive. I'm fairly small and have worked really hard with exercise and diet over the last 6-7 months to change my shape. I was an 8-10 but loathed my body. I've lost 5-6 kg and feel masses more confident now, but it would still have been a bit short sighted to complain about being a few kilos overweight to someone who is a lot larger.

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