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AIBU to think that Rene Zellweger is telling fibs

29 replies

ThisIsStartingToBoreMe · 01/10/2016 22:55

when she says she hasn't had any cosmetic work done? She looks like a totally different person, it doesn't even look like her.

But why not be honest about it? Why lie and say it's because you've been out of the limelight for a while and your looks have changed naturally.

OP posts:
CoolToned · 02/10/2016 00:00

I dunno, if she had plastic surgery done, can we really blame her? She's under too much pressure to look younger.

travellinglighter · 02/10/2016 00:03

I went to see the Bridget Jones film and she’s radically different from the first two but then she is 12 years older. I’m male, she looked good in all three films. She has an amazing english accent for an american. Can’t see what all the fuss is about.

HereIAm20 · 02/10/2016 21:32

Remember also in the first 2 Bridget films she put on 2 stone for the part. So this is her natural weight. If you see her in Chicago she is slimmer. I think she just looks like an older version of herself and was pleased to see her wrinkles and all and not platicised!

VanillaSugarandChristmasSpice · 02/10/2016 21:37

But... in the BBC 1 interview with Fiona Bruce, Renee couldn't move her face because it was stuffed so full of Botox.

Chicago v Bridget Jones 3

Sorry, there's no comparison, even given that it's 13 years later. Renee has had work done. Fess up, girl - fess up!

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