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AIBU to think that Rene Zellweger is telling fibs

29 replies

ThisIsStartingToBoreMe · 01/10/2016 22:55

when she says she hasn't had any cosmetic work done? She looks like a totally different person, it doesn't even look like her.

But why not be honest about it? Why lie and say it's because you've been out of the limelight for a while and your looks have changed naturally.

OP posts:
VanillaSugarandChristmasSpice · 02/10/2016 21:37

But... in the BBC 1 interview with Fiona Bruce, Renee couldn't move her face because it was stuffed so full of Botox.

Chicago v Bridget Jones 3

Sorry, there's no comparison, even given that it's 13 years later. Renee has had work done. Fess up, girl - fess up!

HereIAm20 · 02/10/2016 21:32

Remember also in the first 2 Bridget films she put on 2 stone for the part. So this is her natural weight. If you see her in Chicago she is slimmer. I think she just looks like an older version of herself and was pleased to see her wrinkles and all and not platicised!

travellinglighter · 02/10/2016 00:03

I went to see the Bridget Jones film and she’s radically different from the first two but then she is 12 years older. I’m male, she looked good in all three films. She has an amazing english accent for an american. Can’t see what all the fuss is about.

CoolToned · 02/10/2016 00:00

I dunno, if she had plastic surgery done, can we really blame her? She's under too much pressure to look younger.

LikelyLama · 01/10/2016 23:56

I remembered t was Robbie Williams.

LikelyLama · 01/10/2016 23:55

EveOnline2016. There was a thread on here just last night asking if a bloke on the graham norton show had had plastic surgery (I can't remember his name ... )

MistressDeeCee · 01/10/2016 23:50

She's had fillers done, you can tell. Its a shame really she was pretty with an interesting face before, quite striking. But I doubt she wanted to change her looks drastically, it just happened that way. In her shoes Id rather not answer the question tho, its nothing to do with anyone else why should she say yes or no. Although as its so blatant and she is after all very much in the public eye then people are going to ask, aren't they? Goes with the job I suppose.

Treeroot · 01/10/2016 23:50

What people have done to their faces it up to them, but in a climate where women are under so much pressure in terms of how they look I find it irresponsible when people in the public eye have surgery but then claim that their stretched/pumped up/frozen faces are down to: "being mindful about what I eat", 'daily workouts', "thinking positive thoughts" 'having sex every day" and "having Irish genes". Yes, I have heard all of these reasons for fifty year olds not having a single line on their faces.

I have no idea if Renee has had surgery or not, this is just my general rant on the subject.

VanillaSugarandChristmasSpice · 01/10/2016 23:46

Has Tom.Cruise has work done? Asking for a friend .

prh47bridge · 01/10/2016 23:46

I don't trust photos. They can be Photoshopped. And some magazines remove wrinkles, etc. regardless of the subject's wishes. Having seen the film I don't think she has had any work done. Not that it is any of my business.

Lorelei76 · 01/10/2016 23:44

To those saying about eyes, if you watch recent interviews they are exactly the same as they've always been.

EveOnline2016 · 01/10/2016 23:42

Op I'm not having a go at you personally, but why the again is it only female celebs get asked these questions about cosmetics surgery.

So what are if she did, can't the press do a story on her that actually requires a bit of effort.

DustyOfSkye · 01/10/2016 23:41

*if someone asked her and questioned the truthfulness of her reply

DustyOfSkye · 01/10/2016 23:41

Even if she has had work done, she's under no obligation to broadcast it.

My mum went grey in her twenties and has dyed her hair since. Why should she be judged if she chooses not to tell anyone - and if someone asked her, I think it would say a lot more about that person's manners than if my mum chose to tell a fib and say it was natural.

EmNetta · 01/10/2016 23:35

A friend had her eyelids lifted a couple of years ago, so I'm fairly certain I can recognise the difference - and there's another well-known television personality who has had the same operation with the same result - no names, as far as I know, people have not yet commented on this, and she may also decide to deny any operation.

Faces do change with age, but eyes don't get wider.

CoolToned · 01/10/2016 23:35

She looks way younger in Bridget Jones than in that picture from 2014. But I think the Renee in Bridget Jones looks like Renee, only order. So maybe whatever was done in that picture was temporary (thankfully).

peppersaunt · 01/10/2016 23:33

I think she's technically telling the truth. She just looks like she overdid the fillers...

CoolToned · 01/10/2016 23:25

There was an early picture that didn't look like her!

But I thought in the movie she just looked like an older Bridget Jones. So I was very pleased she's back.

AIBU to think that Rene Zellweger is telling fibs
Lorelei76 · 01/10/2016 23:24

All I see is a change in face shape, similar to what my mum had at that age and trust me she and I wouldn't dream of surgery, we hate having blood taken!

I think Renee is very beautiful and I think she always will be....and I think the press like to pick at that, amongst many other things!

katemess12 · 01/10/2016 23:16

She looks the same, just older, in the new film.

PinkBrainsTasteGut · 01/10/2016 23:10

"It's my business" would be taken as YES I DID though. Not quite what she wants if she has had surgery and wants to keep it to herself.

Madeyemoodysmum · 01/10/2016 23:10

She's a lot thinner than in the original two and she's older so I think she just looks older and more wrinkles etc. I'm sure all of us look a lot older after 15 years.


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ThisIsStartingToBoreMe · 01/10/2016 23:08

Nothing about Rene in that link

OP posts:
Ta1kinpeece · 01/10/2016 23:04

Your true answer is here

Can she act?
Is she good?
Nowt else matters

mytimewillcome · 01/10/2016 23:02

I don't think she's had anything done either. She'd look a whole lot smoother in the face and tighter if she had.

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