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To ask you to help me recall a memory

185 replies

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 04:04

Hi all! Posting here for traffic. Sorry my username isn't a bit more scintillating.
I'm from the States, but back in 2004 my parents and I spent some time in and around London. We stayed at the most lovely bed and breakfast, and I would dearly love to find it online and show pictures to my DH, but neither of my parents seem to be able to remember so much as the name of the area we were in. I was only about ten years old, but I have some of the happiest memories of that trip.

Here is what I do remember! It was a very large, very old house. At least it seemed very old to me as a child, though I do seem to remember hearing the owner talk about its history. I remember being very impressed by its size and grandeur! It was owned by a woman. I believe she had a husband and children as well but I never saw them. Her elderly mother lived there also. It seemed like it was quite a long drive from where we got off the ferry after crossing the Channel. It wasn't terribly far from London, but far enough that we only stayed there a few nights to recover from jet lag before proceeding to a hotel from which we went back and forth to London. I think it was probably quite a standard village; I remember stone houses, horseback riders, children in school uniforms, etc all of which were of course quite novel to me!

I realize this is barely any information whatsoever, it certainly hasn't been enough for me to turn anything up via Google. Even though it's a long shot I am so hoping it rings a bell for someone! We had disposable cameras along but only a few blurry pictures were taken, though I can see it all clearly in my mind, and I'd love to revisit those memories with a bit more information.

OP posts:
user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 04:53

We flew from Chicago to Amsterdam and drove straight through! Our minds were not functioning at top capacity.

The names of the owners of this place sound very familiar to me, as does the look of the place. Would that area fit with what I've said or is it just a standard B&B?

OP posts:
user1471734618 · 17/09/2016 04:54

OK but you drove from Amsterdam to Calais or other French port?

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 04:56

Yes. We stopped in Nice for a day to visit family.

OP posts:
BillSykesDog · 17/09/2016 04:57

Do you remember the colour of the subway line you caught?

user1471734618 · 17/09/2016 04:57

But Nice is in the south of wonder you are confused.....

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 04:58

I think it was a very strangely planned trip. I am positive that's where we were; family still there. We drove a LOT. It seemed like we were in the car for years.

OP posts:
user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:02

We weren't actually intending on going any of those places! We were on our way to an Eastern European country and I'm pretty sure my parents decided to just cram in some sight seeing and family visiting as we weren't likely to go overseas again anytime soon.

OP posts:
LurksNoLonger · 17/09/2016 05:03

Could be the Holiday Inn in Greenwich? Just surmising that if you drove up from Dover through Kent then went on the tube to central London that would be the most logical route...probably the only South East London Underground station in suburbs at that time...Holiday Inn also could be the one at the Black Prince interchange in Bexley, but this is not really close to an underground station. Would be interested to see pics if you have them as they'd help! Good luck. Grin

FamousGBBOGoOnAnAdventure · 17/09/2016 05:06

It's like an online travel competition!

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:06

Thank you! I have decided that I'll keep much better records of our family adventures for my DD, though I suppose in this day and age with Facebook and the internet it'll be nearly impossible to completely lose track of where you went twelve years ago. Wink

OP posts:
LurksNoLonger · 17/09/2016 05:10

Btw - realise you are looking for the quaint English town rather than the corporate chain hotel 😁 Just thought if we could establish where that was it might assist in narrowing down search. My initial guess is possibly the outskirts of Canterbury, or possibly Rye given your memories of cobbled streets...

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:11

I've looked those both up and neither are the one we stayed at. It was definitely a Holiday Inn (I was surprised, for some reason I didn't think there would be any of those overseas!) and I can see it in my mind, but it was in the middle of nowhere, sort of. Not in a town or city.

How did my parents CHOOSE these places, do you think? Confused

OP posts:
user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:16

I have found a few B&Bs online that look similar to what I am remembering. I will have to show them to my mom in the morning and see if her memory is jogged. I need closure! Grin

OP posts:
Bloodybridget · 17/09/2016 05:20

I was thinking maybe Rye for the large historic house B&B, a quaint town with cobbled streets.

Hysterectical · 17/09/2016 05:21

I think it might be Dartford. Lots of grey stone there and lots of guesthouses. Just rings a bell..

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:27

Would it make any sense for it to be this HI?

The reason I remember that it was a Holiday Inn was because it looked just like the ones in Chicago; flat, tan, and ugly. 10 year old me expected everything in England to be pretty.

I will look up both of those towns and report back!

OP posts:
user1471734618 · 17/09/2016 05:29

yes you could have disembarked at Ramsgate

LurksNoLonger · 17/09/2016 05:33

I am always staggered by how we used to book holidays before the t'internet really took off. I just can't remember ever doing it (though we clearly did!). Ashford is a good hour and a half car journey from London with no tube service. A train from there would also take around an hour (and cost a bomb!). It's also very close to Dover so you likely would have just left ferry and then got to hotel almost straightaway would that fit with your memories?

user1471734618 · 17/09/2016 05:34

surely by 2004 the internet was in everyday use?

Motherfuckers · 17/09/2016 05:38

The Internet had taken off in 2004 though!

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:39

We didn't even have a computer at that point!

No, we drove for a while after we got off the ferry. It may not have been as long as it seemed to a child, but it was definitely broad daylight when we saw the cliffs of Dover and nighttime or at least dusk when we arrived at the b&b. We had to stop for supper.

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HeartsTrumpDiamonds · 17/09/2016 05:41

Oh I hope we find it!

user1471451355 · 17/09/2016 05:41

Unless of course my dear old dad had some other sights that he wanted to see along the way and we detoured, which would be quite unsurprising. I seem to have spent a good deal of my childhood traveling around looking at things Grin

OP posts:
LurksNoLonger · 17/09/2016 05:42

Ahhh yes, 2004 isn't actually that long ago is it! In my mind it was pre DH and pre DC which seems a whole other lifetime ago 😂 Just thinking Rochester is another town that could potentially fit the bill...

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