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To want to disown my friend because she overuses hashtags? (Lighthearted)

35 replies

SamanthaBrique · 31/08/2016 16:16

She's always been one to hashtag the fuck out of everything she does - if she's cooking it's #yummyinmytummy, if she's with her DP it's #myfabbabydaddy and now she's had a baby, every time she posts on social media about an outing with her DS it's #babylurve #mummydiaries!

It makes my teeth itch, I don't know why, but does anyone else have the same reaction?

Of course I might just be a miserable old gimmer...

OP posts:
Waffles80 · 31/08/2016 17:24

Some people monsters I work with use verbal hash tags

As in they say, for example:

"God I was so drunk at the summer party, hashtag embarrassed."

Obviously they should be #shotatdawn.

PuppyMonkey · 31/08/2016 17:34

The only point to hashtags is so you can discuss #gbbo and #strictly as they happen on Twitter. Very entertaining - I know you can just do that on a MN thread etc, but honestly it's far quicker and wittier on Twitter.


UnGoogleable · 01/09/2016 11:28

Well the Hashtag abuser I'm thinking of is certainly too thick to write a blog - she would need to learn to use apostrophes properly for a start


cbigs · 01/09/2016 11:41

#hatersgonnahate Grin

JustAnotherPoster00 · 01/09/2016 11:50


ChocolateFuzz · 01/09/2016 12:18

I'd cut her out of my life instantly, I hate hashtags. I also hate emoticons so take that as you will

Dizzybintess · 01/10/2016 17:16

they grip my shit! #stopitallreadywiththefuckingpointlessasshashtags!

Jarstastic · 01/10/2016 17:22

Oh dear lord.

Waffles80 I would gladly volunteer to help bury the bodies.

BellMcEnd · 01/10/2016 17:44


I have a lovely friend who's hugely qualified in a very specialist area, interesting, articulate and quirky (in a good way)

Her FB is littered with bazillions of inane hashtags. I just don't get it.


IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 01/10/2016 17:45

Hate hashtags with a vengeance. Up there with "feeling blessed" Angry #fuckoff

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