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To want to disown my friend because she overuses hashtags? (Lighthearted)

35 replies

SamanthaBrique · 31/08/2016 16:16

She's always been one to hashtag the fuck out of everything she does - if she's cooking it's #yummyinmytummy, if she's with her DP it's #myfabbabydaddy and now she's had a baby, every time she posts on social media about an outing with her DS it's #babylurve #mummydiaries!

It makes my teeth itch, I don't know why, but does anyone else have the same reaction?

Of course I might just be a miserable old gimmer...

OP posts:
IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 01/10/2016 17:45

Hate hashtags with a vengeance. Up there with "feeling blessed" Angry #fuckoff

BellMcEnd · 01/10/2016 17:44


I have a lovely friend who's hugely qualified in a very specialist area, interesting, articulate and quirky (in a good way)

Her FB is littered with bazillions of inane hashtags. I just don't get it.


Jarstastic · 01/10/2016 17:22

Oh dear lord.

Waffles80 I would gladly volunteer to help bury the bodies.

Dizzybintess · 01/10/2016 17:16

they grip my shit! #stopitallreadywiththefuckingpointlessasshashtags!

ChocolateFuzz · 01/09/2016 12:18

I'd cut her out of my life instantly, I hate hashtags. I also hate emoticons so take that as you will

JustAnotherPoster00 · 01/09/2016 11:50


cbigs · 01/09/2016 11:41

#hatersgonnahate Grin

UnGoogleable · 01/09/2016 11:28

Well the Hashtag abuser I'm thinking of is certainly too thick to write a blog - she would need to learn to use apostrophes properly for a start


PuppyMonkey · 31/08/2016 17:34

The only point to hashtags is so you can discuss #gbbo and #strictly as they happen on Twitter. Very entertaining - I know you can just do that on a MN thread etc, but honestly it's far quicker and wittier on Twitter.


Waffles80 · 31/08/2016 17:24

Some people monsters I work with use verbal hash tags

As in they say, for example:

"God I was so drunk at the summer party, hashtag embarrassed."

Obviously they should be #shotatdawn.

coldcanary · 31/08/2016 17:21

I'd probably have to drop her for using the phrase babydaddy alone! Hate that phrase.
I know a child who speaks in hashtags which is really weird to listen to Grin

Crocodillian · 31/08/2016 17:16

That group of friends (squad) is so amazing that it is the type of squad that one should look for when looking to create a squad.

ImperialBlether · 31/08/2016 17:13

OK so someone please tell me. What happens once #breakfast #messymonkey #babyboy #myworld or whatever is typed? Does someone really click on the link to see who else has used the same hashtag?

Giratina · 31/08/2016 16:53

YANBU. I've recently unfollowed someone on facebook for overuse of hashtags. Irritating, self obsessed nonsense. We don't need to see a picture of your kid covered in cornflakes followed by #breakfast #messymonkey #babyboy #myworld.

SantasLittleMonkeyButler · 31/08/2016 16:53

I don't understand the point of hashtags either.

I don't use Twitter, but have noticed people doing this all over FB recently.

The most confusing one being #squadgoals.

If anyone has a teenage girl (or is "down with the kids" themselves Wink) please feel free to explain!

Crocodillian · 31/08/2016 16:48

Is she trying to get traffic to her posts for the purpose of doing a blog? Ie her posts aren't really about showing anyone pictures of her fab baby daddy (sick in mouth), they are just to generate more followers?

I dont have social media accounts but I find that a good way to ensure that you can still be annoying is to just use # in every day conversations whilst chatting face-to-face.
"Oh look mum, it's hashtag raining"
To which dm responds, "Washing's getting hashtag wet"

UnGoogleable · 31/08/2016 16:47

Yes so for example, during the Olympics, you could search for #Rio2016 or whatever, or if a big event has happened in the news you could use it to see all comments relating to that.

But I can't imagine anyone has ever done a search on #yummyinmytummy exactly. It's not as if someone sits down for a cup of tea and goes 'hmmm I wonder who else has had this experience' and searches for #mummytimeTea then sits and scrolls through everyone's inane self absorbed drivel.... or perhaps they do, who knows!

UnGoogleable · 31/08/2016 16:44

I have a few of these. They piss me off no end.

One will tag each post with, no joke, about 10 different hashtags #IlovemyBabies #YummyMummy #BabyLove all the fucking time. WHo the fuck cares

The other used to be an intelligent, well educated interesting person. She has now reduced to FB posts about 'having a cup of tea #mummytime'

2cats2many · 31/08/2016 16:41

I've defriended someone for excessive use of exclamation marks before so YA definitely NBU.

StillStayingClassySanDiego · 31/08/2016 16:39

Kill her now. #sorrynotsorry

squoosh · 31/08/2016 16:37

On Twitter it makes sense if you want to search for comments on an event or a TV show or whatever. But I can't imagine anyone has ever done a search on #yummyinmytummy

ImperialBlether · 31/08/2016 16:35

I've never understood the hashtag thing on Twitter. Do people really look at a page where everyone's used the same term? WHO HAS TIME?


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winterinmadeira · 31/08/2016 16:34

#odfod #mumsnetrules

bearleftmonkeyright · 31/08/2016 16:33

Holy crap, I would keep her for sheer entertainment value.

squoosh · 31/08/2016 16:32


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