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To think Creamfields organisers should have some consideration?

146 replies

whywonthedgehogssharethehedge · 28/08/2016 03:39

All day today has been accompanied by an uber annoying thumping techno base. I can't open my windows as its so loud and this kind of music gives me headaches. I thought it was my neighbours teenager. On further investigation it appears to be Creamfields. We live 5.5 miles from the festival site. Friends as far away as 7-8 miles can also hear it.

Local fb pages are full of people complaining. Police have told us they can't do anything as Creamfields have "a license to play music until 4am" It went a touch quieter at 11 when the main stages shut off but I can still hear it. It fades every so often then thumps back just enough to disturb me.

AIBU in thinking that their license should not allow them to disrupt everyone within an 8 mile radius until 4am?

I'm also pretty sure they are pumping out a volume that way exceeds safe levels. Have complained to noise department but it doesn't look like they will do anything.

I have lived in my current house for 4 years. I've never had issues like this before. We have heard occasional bits but nothing like this. It's insanity.

OP posts:
MackerelOfFact · 28/08/2016 12:41

I live about a mile away from Wireless Festival - this year I got to listen to Calvin Harris live from the comfort of my back garden with a chair and a glass of wine, it was awesome! My parents live a few miles from the V Festival site and can hear that too.

It's only a couple of days a year, if it's really that bad just close the windows and put the fan on, and use earplugs if you have to. There are tens of thousands of people having a good time, I don't think you not being able to sleep with your windows open trumps that TBH.

If it was every night, or just a few people at an unlicensed event without prior warning then that would be totally different IMO.

leccybill · 28/08/2016 12:44

Im in St Helens ( the furthest side away from Creamfields- Google maps suggests 14 miles away) and I could hear a low, dull thud all evening.
Nothing that would bother me of course, but I was astounded, 14 miles!

MrsHam13 · 28/08/2016 12:55

A quick Google suggests Festivals do boost the economy a lot. From the multiple I have been too. Iv filled up with petrol on the way home. Iv stayed in b and bs. Iv been into local towns to stock up on drink, suncream, compeed, new wellies, pharmacy for medication for ulcers, bought food, pretty sure I'm not the only person. Also when I was at Loch ness there was people leaving daily to go to the swimming pool to use the showers! Taxi drivers are used a million per cent by people that get a train then taxi there who don't want to use shuttle buses.

MrsHam13 · 28/08/2016 12:59

Oh also local campsites are filled with people who don't want to camp on the actual campsite at T in the park, provabky other festivals too

When I went to creamfields we also went shopping for stuff for the kid when we arrived before we went to the festival..Used the McDonald's on the way back. We had our tent raided and drink nicked so had to go buy more. Folk next to us had their whole tent nicked and went to Argos for a new one and brought us all bacon rolls and cakes back from a wee cafe. They definitely make cash.

NNChangeAgain · 28/08/2016 13:13

mrsham Yoi do know that money from McDonalds and Argos doesn't go into the local economy, don't you?
It's not as if those stores give their local staff bonuses on weekends that their turnover is up. Hmm

JacquesHammer · 28/08/2016 13:18

Reading is quite unusual in that it's easy walking distance to the town centre.

It's the only festival I've been to where we've gone off site

Ours is really central too which is unfortunate. The council CLOSE the public loos in the Town Centre for the duration of the festival because the clean up takes them over budget. Festival goers of course can use the loos in the park, which means anyone wanting to use the town to do their normal weekend stuff can't use loos.

A quick Google suggests Festivals do boost the economy a lot. From the multiple I have been too. Iv filled up with petrol on the way home. Iv stayed in b and bs. Iv been into local towns to stock up on drink, suncream, compeed, new wellies, pharmacy for medication for ulcers, bought food, pretty sure I'm not the only person. Also when I was at Loch ness there was people leaving daily to go to the swimming pool to use the showers! Taxi drivers are used a million per cent by people that get a train then taxi there who don't want to use shuttle buses

You see thats all well and good. But the local petrol station is closed currently due to a re-fit. There are no B&Bs in the local town. Theres a Premier Inn in the next village - but not exactly helping the local economy. You wouldn't have been buying anything in our town as it becomes a ghost town. The pharmacy will be shut as they simply couldn't afford the level of shoplifting that went on - which is obviously great for us locals if we need anything from the pharmacy! The local pool which is next door to the site is shut for that weekend, meaning we can't use it. The train station is a 3 minute walk from the site. The taxi drivers actually lose money that weekend as less people go into the little town centre to avoid the festival goers.

Its really great when festivals work with the locals. But it doesn't always work like that and its quite frankly fucking miserable.

DesolateWaist · 28/08/2016 14:05

DH went to Reading a couple of times back in the 90s.
He says that they cafe in Debenhams wouldn't let people use the loos unless they bought a coffee which meant that the whole cafe was full of muddy people drinking the cheapest thing on the menu b

jacks11 · 28/08/2016 17:01

Yes, but using mcdonalds, KFC, Tesco and so on isn't really going to help the local economy in the way supporting local businesses. In the vast majority of cases the Tesco store, McDonalds or other national/multinational businesses are highly unlikely to be closed if the festivals weren't there, for example. Yes, those branches may do a roaring trade for the festival but I doubt they are there purely for the festival. And little of the extra money generated in Tesco, McDonalds and so on is going back into the community in the way it would if small businesses were benefitting. The small local businesses who benefit may be taxi drivers and in some areas B&Bs or other campsites. Perhaps different if central location, when festival goers might use local restaurants and shops.

jacks11 · 28/08/2016 17:02

psorry should be "going to help local economy in the same way as supporting local businesses"

BrianCoxReborn · 28/08/2016 17:03

It would appear, OP, YANBU.

[ Warrington Guardian]

I'm away at my boyfriend's house (which coincidentally, has a tractor festival going on this weekend.... BaronessElla wonder if you're in the same village! North West close-ish to Bolton/Wigan) so until I get home tonight I won't be able to poke my ear out to see if the noise is carrying over.

BrianCoxReborn · 28/08/2016 17:04

Link fail!

Warrington Guardian

whywonthedgehogssharethehedge · 28/08/2016 17:13

It was madness this year. All across Halton, St. Helens and Warrington. The local papers are going nuts and it's a 50:50 split between I'm pissed off and stfu it's one weekend.

It finishes tonight about 11.30. That I don't mind it's the 4am that pisses me off. I've been here 4 years and it's never been enough to keep me awake before.

We are 5 miles away but it was heard as far away as 15 miles.

It's being suggested that its a combination of a still night allowing sound to travel paired with the fact that the bridge works have altered the landscape by the bridge removing a lot of the trees that were probably a sound buffer for those of us on this side of the river.

I suspect I have misophobia. I'm not rational with music. Thumping base music goes right through me and I can't switch off to it. I've never liked loud music and don't do concerts. It gives me headaches and rage like no other noise does.

OP posts:
whywonthedgehogssharethehedge · 28/08/2016 17:18

I'd love to go away but I only just got home. I'd forgotten it was this weekend because we've not been here to see the signs. I should have realised though when my auntie got stuck on the bridge for 2 1/2 hours on Friday.

OP posts:
laloue · 28/08/2016 17:23

I'm downwind of the Shrewsbury folk festival - the jangly feckers , jerkin wearing, Morris dancing and jolly accordion players keep drifting in and out earshot...we may have cracked open the fizz and taken to hey nonny nonnying round the back garden , as our taste is decidedly more indie. Got to make the best of it!

Jammiesrock90 · 28/08/2016 17:31

It was paticularly loud last night I thought someone was sat in there car blaring music and was ready to go e the death stare out the window lol It doesn't bother me it's one weekend I agree but last night was loud. I didn't hear it Friday day night Saturday day but Saturday night about 1130 12 it got loud but I dozed off so not that fussed

BrianCoxReborn · 28/08/2016 17:40

Interesting about the new bridge theory!

PseudoBadger · 28/08/2016 17:43

That I don't mind it's the 4am that pisses me off

Get a group of residents together, gather evidence and submit a review of their premises licence. If it bothers you, this is the way forward.

whywonthedgehogssharethehedge · 28/08/2016 17:47

There are people coming together to do this. Most of us have said we wouldn't mind 11 or even 12 am but 4am is just insanity. Friday and Sunday it's limited to 11.00 and 11.30 respectively. I've no issue with that as it ceases at a time I can still get sleep.

OP posts:
Freshprincess · 28/08/2016 17:48

Everything is the fault of the new bridge at the moment! Late for work, bins not being collected on time, more litter on the streets, shops closing down. And now Creamfields being too loud. Grin

I haven't heard a peep so far today, hope they crank it up later when Calvin Harris is on.

BrianCoxReborn · 28/08/2016 17:55

That bloody bridge!!! Grin

Piscivorus · 28/08/2016 19:08

Surely other people enjoying themselves once a year is not too much to expect others to tolerate. If we, as a society, stop everything that is ever objected to life will be very dull and nobody will ever do anything memorable.

CrazyNameCrazyGuy · 28/08/2016 19:10

I'm downwind of the Shrewsbury folk festival - the jangly feckers , jerkin wearing, Morris dancing and jolly accordion players keep drifting in and out earshot

Proper laughed out loud to that!

p.s. you have my sincere condolences. Flowers


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JacquesHammer · 28/08/2016 19:47

Why should other people enjoying themselves impact on the community for months after though?

Advicepls7080 · 28/08/2016 19:54

Piscivorus I think the issue is that the locals had been told the music wouldn't disturb them after 11pm/midnight but you could still hear the music 14 miles away at 3:30am

chough · 28/08/2016 19:59

OP, I live around 8 miles away, and could hear the bass thud all day yesterday: don't recall ever being able to hear it in previous years.

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