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To wish my two teenagers were toddlers again?

76 replies

CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 22:24

I have a nearly 15yr old DS and nearly 13 yr old DD. Both are lovely of course and I'm very proud of them and the young adults they're turning into. But recently I've been really down, bordering on depressed based on the fact they're growing up. I keep going through photos and watching home videos from when they were little and just feel utter sadness that all that period is over. Of course I knew they'd grow up and they still bring me lots of happiness but I just can't help feeling so so sad that the having small children phase of my life is over.
Does anyone or has anyone felt like this?

OP posts:
CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:09

Sparklingbrook I definitely can relate to that. When I was looking at photos yesterday I had a wave of sadness that if I could go back, I'd have had an extra year with DS before DD came along as I feel he was forced to grow up a little too soon because a new baby came along.

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Niggit · 19/08/2016 23:10

Oh, goodness, yes - same here. We've lived in this house for ages, but now both my DCs are grown up and flown the nest, we're selling up and buying somewhere smaller. I'm looking forward to the next phase of our lives, but how I miss those days - when I'm having trouble getting to sleep I find myself laying in bed listening to the silence and wishing I could rewind, just for a while, to when they were little and the rooms were all full of toys and two small snuggly sleeping bodies who needed me.

CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:14

SpookyPotato ah congratulations! Sorry to make you sob. You're going to have the best time with two.

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CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:16

ImperialBlether You're right, I need to make the most of now and just look back with happiness.

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Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 19/08/2016 23:16

Ynbu. The toddler stage is fab. They're so cute and full of fun. I was dreading the teenage years but thank the lord and up to now at least. I've found the teenage years a doddle.

CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:19

leopardgecko I was talking to my DD the other day about fostering. It's something I've thought about for years but as I'm single and work full time I can't see how it would be possible for me at the moment.

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Sparklingbrook · 19/08/2016 23:20

I don't think I could do the First School stage again. I found that awful. Those reading books and words to learn. Plus I don't miss Sports Days or the dressing up days.

TodaysAGoodDay · 19/08/2016 23:23

Thank you OP, I have a 9 yr old, and I have suddenly realized what a short time I have left with him as a child. We flew a kite today for the first time ever sorry to those of you in Portsmouth who thought you saw a pterodactyl in the evening sky and I have now just taken a step back to really look at what I've got, a funny, clever, bright, daft 9 yr old who will grow up way too soon for my liking and not need me in the same way as before. Food for thought.
Thank you Smile

CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:25

I miss nativity plays. Believing in Father Christmas. And walking them to school.

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pinkhousesarebest · 19/08/2016 23:27

No, not at all, and I cried when my ds was one week old because...well that first week was over.. I did it comprehensively and now I am so relishing not having to spend every wearying moment of the summer holidays keeping them entertained. I love my little bit of freedom.

leopardgecko · 19/08/2016 23:28

I was talking to my DD the other day about fostering. It's something I've thought about for years but as I'm single and work full time I can't see how it would be possible for me at the moment.

If you would like any further information or I can help in any way, please feel free to contact me.

CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:29

Oh I'm so pleased I've helped some to stop and appreciate the here and now. Unfortunately it's making me even more wistful haha. Maybe I should find myself a man so I can do it all over again Wink

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70isaLimitNotaTarget · 19/08/2016 23:30

I took my DD shopping today (she had her nails done, hair cut, make-up bought and school uniform)

We had coffee in John Lewis and being surrounded by toddlers made me really, REALLY glad she was 14 Grin

Though at Christmas I do hanker after the pre school/primary age ......

tomtomthepipersson · 19/08/2016 23:32

This has been a pleasure to read. I have a 7,5 and 10 month old. Some days are full on and exhausting. This has made me quite emotional. I know I will miss these days so much.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 19/08/2016 23:33

Oh, and on a long car journey with my DS (nearly 17) we had in-depth conversations about : Donald Trump, HIV, The Zombie Apocalypse and rape.

I'm glad he's turning into a young man with opinions but yes, I miss the toddler DS a bit

Gobbolinothewitchscat · 19/08/2016 23:35

Oh Lord - another one in tears here.

I have a 3 year old, a 2 year old and an 8 month old and I'm so worried that the time is just streaking by.

My 3 year old seems like such a big boy now

I'm horribly sentimental and nostalgic so worrying about how I'll deal with all of this

pinkhousesarebest · 19/08/2016 23:36

So little brother has little ones and I have to lie down for a while after they visit as I am so exhausted.

lilydaisyrose · 19/08/2016 23:39

Aw Crabby Jo - another pregnant sobber here! This thread has really got to me.

I have 2 x under 10 & a baby due but am finding things hard just now and have been horribly shouty to my kids this week - everything is getting me down - toys all over the place, cramped living conditions, the relentless slog of washing, dishes, meals, cleaning, work; spinning lots of plates, doing all the home admin, etc. I feel I spend most of my time being tired and frustrated and only half listening to their wonderful stories and ideas with my mind on the next rask or current financial worry and only half in the moment with them - at the beach, baking, walking to school etc. You've really made me think, thank you. I'm going to make a real effort to appreciate the small things and the memories we're making. I know I'll feel like you do one day and I'm absolutely dreading it - but I'm now determined to make the most of it while I can, thank you.

CrabbyJo · 19/08/2016 23:39

The conversations we have now often make me stop and look at them just thinking wow, where did these adults appear from with their impressive thoughts and views haha.

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islandtiare · 19/08/2016 23:39

Feel so guilty reading this ...I've been moaning to everyone in RL last few days as feel I need a break from mine

They are 2 , 7 and 10

I don't listen to them enough. when they talk to me I'm only half listening and usually doing something else on my phone. and worse, I snap at them and begrudge doing things for them (ie the 18th time I've been asked for juice , biscuit etc I just think fgs sod off can I not have five minutes)

I think I take them for granted and i don't think I'm making the most of them or being very "present" Sad this threads giving me a reality check

Terramirabilis · 19/08/2016 23:40

Welcome to borrow my 2 year old! I know what you mean, but while I enjoy how cute DS is, part of me CANNOT WAIT till he's out of nappies, doesn't need a pushchair, can explain clearly what he wants and doesn't need a nap. Just being able to get things done when he's around would be great. My ambition is to redecorate my house in oh-so-tasteful neutrals once he's grown up.

lilydaisyrose · 19/08/2016 23:40



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Popskipiekin · 19/08/2016 23:41

Another pregnant sobber with a toddler here! waves at SpookyPotato and Gobbolino and TomTom too :) I just know I'm going to feel like this in 10 or so years time, and I hate having to miss so much of DS1's early years through full time work, it makes me feel so guilty.
But I'm glad you're all enjoying your older DCs so much, there's clearly a lot to look forward to.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 19/08/2016 23:44

It all comes home to roost when I see the Winnie the Pooh all-in-one that my DS and DD both wore as their Coming Home oufit.
Seems so tiny now ..............Grin but at the time I bought it, I thought "I'm going to have to push out something that size".

One of the teddy bears wears it now Wink

Witchend · 19/08/2016 23:45

I wish in a lot of ways I could do it all again. Yes, starting from the baby stage. I'd not make the same mistakes this time too. Wink

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