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To be fucked off that I'm 42 weeks tomorrow and on day 3 of my induction!!

106 replies

ricecrispies16 · 19/08/2016 20:42

As the title says really, 42 weeks pregnant now, been being induced for what feels like forever. Hospital are short staffed, delivery suite is rammed so I've been shoved in a side room and told they'll do nothing more until tomorrow.

Really not happy about this. I have a 2.8 year old who I'm missing terribly, I'm concerned about the increased risk of something bad happening when you go over 42 weeks and the whole thing is making me anxious!

It's ridiculous!!

OP posts:
Badgoushk · 19/08/2016 22:32

I had my first daughter at 42+1 after 3 days of failed induction. Unfortunately it had to be a C section in the end because she just didn't want to come out! Good luck xxx

GlitteryFluff · 19/08/2016 22:35

I went for an induction at 12days over and posted on here in the end as it wasn't working. I was in so much pain with examinations and the actual induction process. MN told me to refuse anything else and ask for a section. I finally got one 15 days overdue at night. Best thing ever. DS was over 11lbs and breech. He was never coming!

ricecrispies16 · 19/08/2016 22:42

Glittery that's interesting. How did they react to you refusing anything but a c-section?

I'm at a point where I think lets get this over and done with with a c-section but the recovery time worries me, however at the same time I just want this baby out

OP posts:
ricecrispies16 · 19/08/2016 22:44

Changingname I will definitely try to be a bit more mobile tomorrow. It's just a boring isn't it, walking round reading the same posters 10,000 times lol.

If only I could foresee what will happen!

OP posts:
changingnameforthispost · 19/08/2016 22:56

Oh yes it is so boring! I played a really boring game of celeb top trumps by counting the number of times I saw the same photo of the same minor celeb in the left over magazines!
Can you download Audible or radio catch ups? Anything to numb the boredom?

elliejjtiny · 20/08/2016 02:03

Poor you OP. I remember that fed up and missing the other dcs feeling. It happens a lot I think. When I was in being monitored with DC5 there were quite a few women on day 4 or 5 of induction while I was in there (not all at once, I was in for a while) and several had had their inductions paused because labour ward was busy. With my DC3 I ended up not being induced in the end because labour started naturally while I was waiting. I hope things happen for you soon.

elliejjtiny · 20/08/2016 02:04

Poor you OP. I remember that fed up and missing the other dcs feeling. It happens a lot I think. When I was in being monitored with DC5 there were quite a few women on day 4 or 5 of induction while I was in there (not all at once, I was in for a while) and several had had their inductions paused because labour ward was busy. With my DC3 I ended up not being induced in the end because labour started naturally while I was waiting. I hope things happen for you soon.

elliejjtiny · 20/08/2016 02:04

oops, double post Blush

Bluecarrot · 20/08/2016 02:17

What about movement (rotate to dilate!) on a birthing ball so you can mn at the same time? Can your lo and dp come in to visit? The oxytocin boost should help things along a bit. Im bringing one of my toddlers little blankets ( not a comfort object, just something she sleeps with and smells like her!)

I was less than 24 hours from induction to pushing stage last time, but kept telling midwife I needed more time rather than more meds and persistence paid off!

Champagneformyrealfriends · 20/08/2016 05:18

Posting to follow but also to tell you I had a failed induction and c section after 5 days and a lot of painful examinations. I was at the point where I would have gone home if they'd not offered me a c section.

Just remember if you stamp your feet for a section (and yanbu if you do) then it's classed as semi ellective. I waited around in scrubs nil by mouth on a drip for 12 hours for mine because they have to prioritise emergencies. If the labour ward is busy too that will slow things down as they need an emergency team available at all times afaik.

I hope you're ok-please try and focus on the fact that in a few days it will all be over and your baby will be here. Flowers

MissBeaHaving · 20/08/2016 05:27

Hope labour is progressing op,induction is so daunting,with mine it went from hours of being at 10% to baby almost shooting off of the bed!
The newborn snuggles will be worth it x

ricecrispies16 · 20/08/2016 07:55

Contractions have stopped. It's ridiculous, no one has been into me yet, think i will give it until 9 and then go and find someone to see what's going on.

I can't believe I'm waiting all this time to have a simple examination and have my waters broke if they can.

Surely I will be a priority soon given that I'm 42 weeks and the risks. It's starting to really worry me.

OP posts:
ricecrispies16 · 20/08/2016 07:56

Definitely going to try and see my daughter today. Perhaps the happy hormones will put me into labour!

OP posts:
Afreshstartplease · 20/08/2016 07:58

Bless you op

I would keep pointing out the risks to them and hopefully someone will take pity on you

monkeysox · 20/08/2016 08:41

My dc2 was like this. Start stop. Stay in. Sent home. Waters broke. 2 days later drip up for induction. She was born 6 hours later. You can do it Flowers

TheInimitableMrsFanshawe · 20/08/2016 08:45

Sympathies OP. I wasn't induced it no contractions until 40+10 then DS took his sweet time arriving. Hope you got to see your daughter and/or some movement - sending baby eviction thoughts your way.

NameChange30 · 20/08/2016 08:48

If I were you OP I'd request an ELCS. I believe the recovery is much easier after a smooth ELCS than a long, failed labour and an EMCS.

It's a personal choice, of course, but at 42 weeks and no signs of progression I wouldn't want to wait any more.

Good luck Flowers

DailyFailAteMyFish · 20/08/2016 08:52

I had very long inductions :(
They brought in about 5 overdue women and started us off. All but me went into labour. The next day more came in, all of them went into labour. That night they brought in a first time mother and started her off, she went into labour 5 minutes later.
So not fair!!

Ilovetea82 · 20/08/2016 08:55

I meant to post last night but your user name distracted me and I went off for a bowl of Rice Krispies! (I'm 12 weeks pregnant and hadn't fancied eating anything all day so thank you!)
With my first I was induced and nothing happened, I would request/demand/shout for a section, they were able to squeeze me in at the start of their theatre list and I was in and out of the theatre in less than an hour after they decided I could have one.

Hope you are holding up ok and you have your bundle of joy really soon.

AllMyFriendsAreWasted · 20/08/2016 08:59

Uggghhh exactly the same thing happened to me! If it's any consolation when I did get 'my turn' the new was super lovely and attentive and once she broke my waters DD was born within 30mins. I really hope the same happens for you! Waiting in limbo really sucks, I remember many tears over those 3 days!

BoboBunnyH0p · 20/08/2016 09:00

Massive hugs, get stamping your feet I'd be as sick as a chip by now.

SecretMongoose · 20/08/2016 09:05

Don't worry too much about being over 42 weeks, it's not like the risk suddenly changes from one day to the next. I went 18 days over with one of mine, and had a nice straightforward home birth. I had reluctantly agreed to be induced at 16 days over but was told to hold off coming in on the day as they were so busy. In the meantime my waters broke naturally so I opted to stay home.
If I were you, I'd go home today (after a scan) if they are going to keep bumping you back. Stress is going to put off going into labour even more and being able to relax at home might just kick things off.


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Mummaaaaaah · 20/08/2016 09:07

I had hideous time going into labour. Ds took 5 days (3 in hospital and 37 hours of full labour) with Dd I sat on a ball and bounced and twiddled my nipples (as recommended by a friend) and it sent me into labour in 2 hours and Dd born 5 hours later. Was 42 weeks. Worth a try??

Alfieisnoisy · 20/08/2016 09:11

Sympathies OP as inductions like this are horrible....all the stop/start.

I suspect they are waiting for the doctors to come round now and make decisions about your further care at this point.

I do understand why they delay inductions sometimes when busy because inducted labours have a higher risk of being problematic and it would be very negligent of them to push you into labour if there are not enough staff around to properly care for you. Sounds like they have had a very busy period and you are stuck in the middle of it all.

Hopefully the registrar will be round shortly to examine you and make further decisions.

Littlepeople12345 · 20/08/2016 09:26

I'd go on a major speed walk around the hospital. I've been induced 3 times and it's shit but walking really works.

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