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To be pissed off with MIL

53 replies

Beyinbonnet · 18/08/2016 16:26

So my mil has obviously been running her mouth to my BIL about my opinion on him getting his 17 year old gf pregnant he is 43!! My opinion of course is absolute disgust!!
Subsequently his now deleted me off fb.. I'm not so much bothered about that but the fact she asked my opinion and ran straight back to them with it!! Should of just lied and said I was ecstatic for them..

OP posts:
TaterTots · 18/08/2016 22:38

So in summary, you told a woman who is very happy to be having a grandchild and who you know can't keep her mouth shut that you think the whole thing is disgusting - and you're surprised she blabbed? You may as well stick your hand on the hob and be surprised when you get burned.

All those saying 'the OP hasn't every right to be disgusted' are missing the point. She was asking if she is being unreasonable to be annoyed at her mother-in-law - and she is.

Oobis · 18/08/2016 22:49

Sounds like MIL was doing the old "she thinks" trick as she lacks the fortitude to express her own concern. Maybe she believes you have broader shoulders than her? Out of order, but are you really sad he knows your thoughts? Did she say anything you wouldn't say to his face?

panegyricS1 · 18/08/2016 23:10

You won't be the only one telling her that it's gross I suppose.

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