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To be pissed off with MIL

53 replies

Beyinbonnet · 18/08/2016 16:26

So my mil has obviously been running her mouth to my BIL about my opinion on him getting his 17 year old gf pregnant he is 43!! My opinion of course is absolute disgust!!
Subsequently his now deleted me off fb.. I'm not so much bothered about that but the fact she asked my opinion and ran straight back to them with it!! Should of just lied and said I was ecstatic for them..

OP posts:
panegyricS1 · 18/08/2016 23:10

You won't be the only one telling her that it's gross I suppose.

Oobis · 18/08/2016 22:49

Sounds like MIL was doing the old "she thinks" trick as she lacks the fortitude to express her own concern. Maybe she believes you have broader shoulders than her? Out of order, but are you really sad he knows your thoughts? Did she say anything you wouldn't say to his face?

TaterTots · 18/08/2016 22:38

So in summary, you told a woman who is very happy to be having a grandchild and who you know can't keep her mouth shut that you think the whole thing is disgusting - and you're surprised she blabbed? You may as well stick your hand on the hob and be surprised when you get burned.

All those saying 'the OP hasn't every right to be disgusted' are missing the point. She was asking if she is being unreasonable to be annoyed at her mother-in-law - and she is.

HarryPottersMagicWand · 18/08/2016 22:33

Ugh, how vile!

I know a man in his 40's who got a 17 year old pregnant. He was married at the time. And he had a thing for underage girls too. Fucking sick age gap!

Beyinbonnet · 18/08/2016 22:30

Yes it's got JK written all over it!! His sister doesn't agree but doesn't want to rock the boat.. I'm not arsed he knows what I think.. Once the bomb drops about the whole sorry situation I don't think many of his friends and family are going to be very forthcoming either... Those who agree with it are also sick and creepy that's my opinion don't like it then don't read it...

OP posts:
Waltermittythesequel · 18/08/2016 21:36

I have just read her last thread, HeCant.

Can't see what your point is, tbh. Most people rightfully pointing out how disgusting it is.

ThePinkOcelot · 18/08/2016 21:25

Frankly Eatthecake, I couldn't give a flying fuck!

It is disgusting OP. I can't understand how your MIL is pleased about it.

HeCantBeSerious · 18/08/2016 21:21

I'd suggest you read her last thread. Wink

Waltermittythesequel · 18/08/2016 21:19

People get away with shit when the people around them say nothing.

I don't blame the OP in the slightest for vocally opposing this. It is detestable.

HeCantBeSerious · 18/08/2016 21:17

Remind me, OP. Did your last thread about this subject go well? Hmm

You're overly invested. Stay out of it. It has precisely fuck all to do with you.

Waltermittythesequel · 18/08/2016 21:07

Firstly, he is fucking disgusting and if I were you I would have absolutely nothing to do with him so his deleting me would be nothing but a blessing.

Secondly, she should be ashamed of herself. She's delighted that her middle aged son knocked up a teenager? Did she drag them all up the same way?

Thirdly, why isn't the rest of the family condemning this? I can't imagine her own family is thrilled?

No, you are not being unreasonable about your MIL being a nasty gossip. And if she is using your opinion to express her own, she should toughen up and tell her son what a perverted creep he is.

SaucyJack · 18/08/2016 21:01

It is gross tho.

You were right. Have the courage of your convictions. Who cares if he doesn't like being called out for being a disgusting creep?

NavyandWhite · 18/08/2016 20:54

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

StopMakingMeLogOn · 18/08/2016 20:45

He is disgusting. I don't see a problem with him knowing what you think. In future though, never talk about someone unless you are happy for that person to hear your comments.

coconutpie · 18/08/2016 20:39

So a 43 year old man has been in a sexual relationship since she was 16 years old? That's just disgusting. What a sick fucker. There is nothing wrong with having a big age gap but not when the youngest participant is 16 years old. That poor girl Sad. Be glad he blocked you off Facebook - why on earth would you want anything to do with him?

Beyinbonnet · 18/08/2016 19:38

So the general consensus is I am been unreasonable ha ha.. My age I'm 32 and old enough to know right from wrong..

OP posts:
davos · 18/08/2016 18:12

So you know she is a gob shite, said it anyway...and now moaning?

Memoires · 18/08/2016 17:56

YABU in expecting her to keep quiet about your opinion, particularly if it runs contrary to her own, and even more particularly if you know she is a "gob shite".

If you share an opinion with someone, and don't swear them to secrecy, then you are at least a bit naive to expect them to keep shtum, anyway, and when your opinion is so strong then that's obviously asking for trouble.

Seems you like a bit of drama.

Goingtobeawesome · 18/08/2016 17:46

How old are you, OP?

DinosaursRoar · 18/08/2016 17:43

OK, well then YABU if you expect it to be ok to slag off someone's adult child to them and expect them not to warn their child that you have been saying negative things about them. (and calling his behaviour and relationship 'disgusting' is slagging him off.)

Beyinbonnet · 18/08/2016 17:40

I'm nearly asking AIBU about my mil running her mouth? Not even on about the situation.. Don't get involved if you've read/heard enough about it! Simple as that..

OP posts:
DinosaursRoar · 18/08/2016 17:39

I never slagged him off to her!! I merely said that getting a 17 year old pregnant when ya should know better is disgusting!! - erm OP, saying his behaviour is disgusting is slagging him off to his Mother!

If you aren't happy for him to know your think his behaviour is disgusting, you should keep that to yourself, at the point you told his mother that you thought that way, you stopped being able to control if he found out your opinions on his relationship/behaviour.

You appear to think it's normal to not be able to hold your tongue - nope. You smile and say "well, it's not really my place to say..." or "I don't think it's fair to discuss BIL's relationship behind his back." or "I'm sure I don't know all the ins and outs of it all..." and change the subject.

And he's only deleted you off facebook, it's not like he's come round and smashed your windows.


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Gottagetmoving · 18/08/2016 17:37

Slagged not flagged...

Gottagetmoving · 18/08/2016 17:37

Why are you bringing this up again, OP?
Your last thread went on and on and on....
You don't like his situation, you flagged him off on here and to his mother....Of course he deleted you!
What are you complaining for? Anything you had to say should have been to him...Not that it is any of your business.

Beyinbonnet · 18/08/2016 17:36

Oh no she's very happy for them.. She just can't keep her mouth shut.. Even my hubby said she's a gob shite.. If my BIL asked my opinion on the pregnany I would tell him myself.. shows his maturity though deleting me off face ache haha

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