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To find Game of Thrones unwatchable?

163 replies

Flumpsnlumpsnstuff · 27/06/2016 23:04

I just can't bear it, DH loves it and thinks it's bizarre I don't. I hate the violence the sickening violence and debasement oh dear I've gone Victorian
I try and go out the room or read MN but he keeps saying "oh you missed such and such do such and such".
Maybe I should ltb Hmm
I think the dragons and wolves are pretty though. Grin

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To find Game of Thrones unwatchable?
Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 28/06/2016 18:24

I agree, Slarti!

limitedperiodonly · 28/06/2016 17:29

And the scriptwriters really care about

Slarti · 28/06/2016 17:22

Reading some of the replies I think some people don't know the difference between misogyny and depictions of misogyny.

limitedperiodonly · 28/06/2016 17:19

I love that dinner party one. Every time I see Jon Snow in GoT I can't get it out of my head. 'The brussels sprouts are amazing. What's this? Pancetta?'

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 28/06/2016 16:57

I watched the first 2 series but found it really boring. Dh is disgusted with me as he loves it!Grin

LindyHemming · 28/06/2016 16:54

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Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 28/06/2016 15:49

This is a good one too -

Chippednailvarnishing · 28/06/2016 14:47

That's hilarious.

And now I'm on the tube loling about rastafarian targaryen...

MrsJayy · 28/06/2016 14:33

Dd usually records it if im in when its on i am always asking whos that whats happening oh they are dead 😊 must be the biggest cast turnover on any tv programme

SissySpacekAteMyHamster · 28/06/2016 13:26

I love it but do watch quite a bit of it from behind my hand!

KnackeredDumpling · 28/06/2016 13:22

I don't know if that link will work but it's Coldplay Game of Thrones musical on YouTube.

limitedperiodonly · 28/06/2016 13:18

I don't know about the violent porn because I didn't even get that far. First scene, first episode showed heads on a stick on the roadside and I was off

At the end of Spartacus Jean Simmons sheds tears over Kirk Douglas then passes a line of crucified men stretching from Rome to however long it's going to take until they run out of rebels.

Yet they show it on terrestrial TV at Sunday teatime about three times a year. Does that upset you? At least GoT is on a subscription-only channel after 10pm and with an option to block.

AdultingIsNotWhatIExpected · 28/06/2016 13:12

I don't think Margaery was predictable at all… she had a plan.. and then..

NeedACleverNN · 28/06/2016 13:07

Some parts are predictable but most are not. Some really make you go woah!

And comic relief version? No? Do you have a link for it?

KnackeredDumpling · 28/06/2016 13:06

Someone said its predictable - i don't think it's predictable. One of the things I love about GoT is that quite major characters sometimes die (or are murdered) in the middle of an episode - I never see that coming.

I love it. i thought the last two episodes of series 6 were fab. Up until that point I thought the series hadn't been quite so great as it had had to slightly slow the pace to cover the many different storylines going on.

Has anyone else seen the Comic Relief Coldplay musical version? That made me smile.

LaurieMarlow · 28/06/2016 13:06

For me, the dragons are the least good thing about it actually.

JoffreyBaratheon · 28/06/2016 12:49

The pie was so OTT it made me laugh (Shakespeare did the same thing, although he's generally boring).

If they did stuff like that in Downton Abbey I might have watched it.

No. That's a lie. I still wouldn't have watched it.

JessicaRabbit3 · 28/06/2016 12:48

Yabu I'm female. I've not enjoyed a series like this since Spartacus. I love the raw brutality of it all ,that your favourite character could die, that the good don't always come out on top. The twists and turns of each season fantastic series. Roll on series 7 🐉🛡🗡👑❄️🔥

Theydontknowweknowtheyknow · 28/06/2016 12:48

I don't know about the violent porn because I didn't even get that far. First scene, first episode showed heads on a stick on the roadside and I was off Shock

MargaretCavendish · 28/06/2016 12:43

Porn is rutting - it's wank material. Nearly all of the sex in GoT is face to face, apart from Ramsay's rape of Sansa.

I'm not quite sure of the distinction that's being drawn here. Is sex from behind inherently 'porn'?

NeedACleverNN · 28/06/2016 12:39

There was that but at the time she willing went to him. The Joffrey part hadn't happened yet but it was awful what did


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AdultingIsNotWhatIExpected · 28/06/2016 12:37

Especially the scene between the two women in littlefingers brothel. 100% consensual sex (fake I know) no rape and I felt myself go slightly warm..

That scene involved at least one woman who Littlefinger threatened to kill if she didn't keep smiling and fucking (when she was upset about the infacide).. and then he sold her to Joefry so he could get off on killing her anyway

I don't think that counts as consent… just because she was smiling… remember the whole "sad is bad for my business" threats?

RepentAtLeisure · 28/06/2016 12:35

I don't find the violence very graphic. Maybe I'm just used to it. But to me the flying heads are so obviously fake (duh!) and the blood looks like strawberry syrup, so I can't take it seriously.

Even watching the Mountain pull someone's head and spinal cord from their body didn't make me flinch, but I cannot watch horror films so if I'm jaded it's a very specific Game-of-Thrones-only kind of jaded!

PrivatePike · 28/06/2016 12:28

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