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About not getting dressed?

54 replies

Electricalpole · 26/06/2016 20:48

Ok a bit of a strange one.

Growing up my dad was very depressed and I suspect my mum was quite depressed too. Mum didn't work and at weekends, and all the time once we'd left school, she'd live in her dressing down. She was always clean and she washed every day, but if she wasn't going out until 5oclock then she'd only wash and dress before just before she needed to go out. She was never just ready.

I don't know if it's rubbed off on me but I've realised I'm a bit the same.

Dh gets up and showers straight away and gets dressed. Whereas if I know I'm not going out until 2oclock, and say I need to do some cleaning first, I'd do the cleaning in my pyjamas or maybe chuck on some leggings and tshirt clothes and then get properly ready before going out. Part of my logic to this is that I don't want to get mucky and want my make up to be fresh if let's say I was going out for lunch.

Anyway, dh gets really irritated by this and keeps telling me to go and have a shower and get dressed.

I'm at work and doing the school run during the week anyway so I'm showered and dressed then (I'm not doing school run in my pjs!). So this issue is at weekends.

Also, if I knew I wasn't going out at all on a lazy Sunday then I'd happily stay in pjs until whatever time.

I'm not dirty or smelly and I shower every day at some point. I just wondered if I'm very odd in this. I'm not not as dressing gown lady, if we get visitors I get dressed so this is purely when pottering around at home.

OP posts:
NoahVale · 27/06/2016 10:44

and I smell if i dont wash

BeautyQueenFromMars · 27/06/2016 10:46

Oh, but I don't wear a dressing gown. I'm not sure I own one anymore, I always used to get far too hot. If I'm cold, I have a hoodie and a cardi which are specifically for wearing over my jammies.

Goingtobeawesome · 27/06/2016 10:46

Put it back on him and ask him why it bothers him so much that you do as you do. I make myself wait until 7pm to get in my dressing gown but it's dawned on me I don't have too. Once I did at 6 and DH laughed when he got home and I was in my dressing gown but I fuck it, I can do what I want.

I never feel that with anything. Thanks Op. It's my new mantra.

Electricalpole · 27/06/2016 11:34

All I think on balance I will not worry about it. As it sounds like plenty of people do the same as me. I should add I'm not always necessarily in pyjamas but house clothes, like joggers, leggings and tshirt. I want to be a good example to dc and my mum probably wasn't, but there were other issues than not getting dressed.

I can see the point about being dressed and motivated, especially if you do have depression.

Dh feels getting showered and dressed kick starts the day, I think he likes to be ready for anything too like unexpected visitors. Funnily enough he'll often have another shower before going out too if he's got sweaty doing jobs. He also likes to have an afternoon snooze!

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