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About not getting dressed?

54 replies

Electricalpole · 26/06/2016 20:48

Ok a bit of a strange one.

Growing up my dad was very depressed and I suspect my mum was quite depressed too. Mum didn't work and at weekends, and all the time once we'd left school, she'd live in her dressing down. She was always clean and she washed every day, but if she wasn't going out until 5oclock then she'd only wash and dress before just before she needed to go out. She was never just ready.

I don't know if it's rubbed off on me but I've realised I'm a bit the same.

Dh gets up and showers straight away and gets dressed. Whereas if I know I'm not going out until 2oclock, and say I need to do some cleaning first, I'd do the cleaning in my pyjamas or maybe chuck on some leggings and tshirt clothes and then get properly ready before going out. Part of my logic to this is that I don't want to get mucky and want my make up to be fresh if let's say I was going out for lunch.

Anyway, dh gets really irritated by this and keeps telling me to go and have a shower and get dressed.

I'm at work and doing the school run during the week anyway so I'm showered and dressed then (I'm not doing school run in my pjs!). So this issue is at weekends.

Also, if I knew I wasn't going out at all on a lazy Sunday then I'd happily stay in pjs until whatever time.

I'm not dirty or smelly and I shower every day at some point. I just wondered if I'm very odd in this. I'm not not as dressing gown lady, if we get visitors I get dressed so this is purely when pottering around at home.

OP posts:
NapQueen · 26/06/2016 22:57

I'd be in pyjamas most days if I didn't have to leave the house. Even if I'm on a day off with the kids midweek I get back from the school run and spa my jeans for pj's bottoms for doing housework or just playing on the floor with DS.

WibbleWobbleJellyHead · 26/06/2016 22:57

I only get dressed at the weekends if I'm going somewhere or we're expecting company. Same goes on a Monday and Friday when I have no school run.

Chinks123 · 26/06/2016 23:02

I don't get "dressed" unless I'm going somewhere usually but neither does DP or DD really. It's probably really lazy but my mum always did it so I do too Confused I do try and change out of my actual pjs and just put on know because that's less lazy Grin I have to wear a uniform at work so when I get home I just like to veg out. "Home is where the pants aren't" as I've heard. Smile

switswoo81 · 26/06/2016 23:06

I'd be a bit like your dh. Even on mat leave I wouldn't come downstairs unless dressed. Mind you I'm talking a tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Funnily the opposite to you that comes from my mother. We were never allowed pj's once up. Didn't matter how scruffy the clothes were you just had to be able answer the door in them.. However as soon as I know I'm in for the evening it's pj's and no bra!

Cabawill · 26/06/2016 23:10

I'm exactly the same as you OP. If DH does the school run then I can stay in my PJ's until 2pm weekdays and at weekends the DC love having a "pyjama day" if we aren't going out.

I hate doing housework in my "proper" clothes. Only thing is, I won't answer the door if I'm in pyjamas.

Pinkandbluemcdonald5 · 26/06/2016 23:11

How long does it take for your shower to heat up? It would annoy me someone suggesting they left it on for me! Why is that necessary, he must be very irritated by your routine.

There isn't a day that I don't need to go out. I dislike getting up and ready, but it annoys me more going back upstairs at midday to get ready.

OnlyTheWelshCanCwtch · 26/06/2016 23:20

I loathe getting dressed, would make pyjamas law if I could!

SomeDaysIDontGiveAMonkeys · 26/06/2016 23:23

I'm totally the same. It's the weekend, do what you want. Sounds like your OH needs to chill out a bit.

Forgetmenotblue · 26/06/2016 23:26

It's totally up to you.But I've suffered with major depression in the past and I know that when my self care is beginning to slide then I need to act to get things back on track. For me, getting up, washed and dressed is part of this. As is eating breakfast, putting some washing in the machine etc. Just to keep daily routines ticking over is important to me and my feeling of being in charge of my life and my health, rather than the other way round.

dailymaillazyjournos · 26/06/2016 23:36

Another one who is the same. I feel so constricted and uncomfy in clothes round the house. In winter once it gets dark I'm in my pj's and in spring and summer I wear tracky bottoms and a tee or sweatshirt and no bra. I am retired so at times I virtually live in this stuff :) Not depressed just love to feel cozy and comfortable. DD is the same. As soon as she is in from work, shower and pj bottoms and a vest top. I'm sure when dgd is out of baby stuff, she will follow the family slouching about clothes tradition.

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 26/06/2016 23:44

I don't feel right in my PJ's during the day so I chuck on old jeans and t-shirt until I need to 'get ready' iyswim. I work evenings and see no point doing shower/makeup etc until later in the day.

Fiona80 · 26/06/2016 23:49

I'm with you, only get changed if going out.

Saturdays are pj day for us n DC n I lounge about n don't go out, I get run down all week with school, nursery, clubs. So nice to laze about.

Sleepingbunnies · 27/06/2016 09:42

I love a PJ day and my DDs are the same. Not depression just comfort!

Although I do feel I suffer from SAD so I try to make an effort to get dressed more in winter if I can feel my mood slipping.

Olddear · 27/06/2016 09:54

I'm like you. Right now I'm in jersey lounge pants and t shirt, not showered yet because I'm deep cleaning shower room today.....when I'm finished, I'll have a nice bath, wash hair and get into clean but comfy clothes! I'm not showering just to get all sweaty!
I also like to get washed just prior to going out.

PolaroidsFromTheBeyond · 27/06/2016 09:59

I'm with your DH. When I get out of bed, I shower and dress. I would never lounge around the house in PJs. It feels slovenly.

luckiestgirl · 27/06/2016 10:12

I'm a SAHM and I don't get dressed until I have to go out which is often not until the afternoon.

I'm one of the happiest people I know. I really reject the link to a depressive state from a PP. It's entirely because I love and embrace life that I want to be comfortable and luxuriate in the slovenly decadence of afternoon pyjamas.

Eveninties · 27/06/2016 10:18

DH and I change into our pyjamas as soon as we get home from work. I chuck on something comfy when I get up- but don't get showered or properly dressed unless I'm going out. Couldn't slob around/do housework in real clothes!

BabyDubsEverywhere · 27/06/2016 10:22

I live in pjs, if a dreaded popperinner comes I might chuck on a hoodie, but if I am home - I am in pjs. It's like my happy place or something. I will dress for school run then come home and put on pjs until next school run! I love them!

Gardencentregroupie · 27/06/2016 10:23

I have to rush around so often that on a morning when I don't have to be anywhere I'm buggered if I'm going to rush around then too. Still in pjs now, not at all depressed, having a very nice morning with DH before he goes to work. DD and I will run errands and go to the library and the playground later on. My PJs are more comfy than jeans too.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/06/2016 10:24

I have loungewear Grin

PeppasNanna · 27/06/2016 10:27

My mum never got dressed if she didn't have to. Still doesn't in her 70's.

I associate not getting dressed with being lazy. So even if I'm doing household jobs etc unless I'm dressed I 'feel' lazy.

NoahVale · 27/06/2016 10:32

even when i was in hospital, I got dressed.

admittedly at weekends i dont get dressed so early. but i do get showered and then dressed.


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Rrross1ges · 27/06/2016 10:33

I don't start work til midday so often do school run/cleaning/Dog walk in my joggers then get properly dressed in time for work. I think that's just practical. If I didn't have to get the kids to school I'd stay in my pj's till work time.

spiderlight · 27/06/2016 10:38

Once I'm up I have to be showered and dressed and the place has to be hoovered and ship-shape. Like NoahVale, even when I was seriously ill in hospital and supposed to be in bed all day, I made DH bring in my tidiest-looking jogging bottoms and t-shirts so I felt 'dressed'. Same when I had a newborn. We virtually never have unexpected visitors, but you can guarantee that the one time I decided not to get up and dressed, there they'd be on the doorstep. I suffer from depression amongst other long-term medical problems, and it would be a slippery slope for me, so I have to appease my inner control freak every morning or I cant relax!

BeautyQueenFromMars · 27/06/2016 10:44

I'm exactly the same, OP. If my weekend is going to be spent cleaning, I may as well do it in my already slightly soiled pjs (soiled by sleeping in them, I don't use them as a nappy), rather than getting hot and sweaty in clean clothes and needing a quick flannel wash another shower.

If I've spent the entire day in my nightwear though (this rarely happens btw), I always shower and change into clean pyjamas before going to bed.

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