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AIBU to think that I have to quit my job over this typo?

150 replies

Trills · 25/05/2016 16:13

I sent out an email to tens of thousands of people with "bring" instead of "being".

Should I quit in shame?

OP posts:
dodobookends · 26/05/2016 11:00

Dear Sir/Madman


ArseHair · 26/05/2016 15:10

I once sent a letter to all Headteacher's that missed the 'o' out of County Council Grin

MummyBex1985 · 26/05/2016 15:18

Laughing my ass off at disco cunt


murphys · 26/05/2016 15:21

So, mine isn't as bad, but I sent a message to a male customer asking him about a product.. wanted to say 'The thing'......blah blah blah, and it autocorrected to 'The thong.'

He took it well and messaged me back with a smile...

He is bloody gorgeous just as an aside.... And no, I didn't do it on purpose which is what a load of my friends claim I did Grin


JamieVardysParty · 26/05/2016 15:24

Our organisation's accountant had the worst autocorrect on her email for ages.... a cunt ant.

My Nan's headstone has a spelling mistake and the wrong date on it.

These things happen.

SapphireStrange · 26/05/2016 15:50

Was it, Thisis? Grin That still makes me laugh.

I love 'but it was shit' too.

ZippyNeedsFeeding · 26/05/2016 19:22

A supplier once sent me a promotional email about some buttons with skanks. The description on their website said the same thing. I never let on and it still makes me snigger a bit.

I can't be trusted to type the word "account" without a spellchecker. I always type "acocunt". Every time.

SooBee61 · 26/05/2016 19:23

I once typed 'shit work' instead of 'shift work'. it gave the engineer who wrote the letter a good laugh.

And a secretary I once knew typed 'Cannon' when writing to the Canon of Coventry Cathedral!

violentvioletx · 26/05/2016 19:34

Once sent an email to a supplier complaining about their service and some mistakes they had made. Signed the email off


Mrs ViolentViolet'

Did not go down well and is most definitely a word I would NEVER use!

Now have the signature preset for all my emails!

sportinguista · 26/05/2016 19:38

I once made a terrible typo on someone's name, the name was Gary, guess which letter I left out...

It didn't help that he had a surname with an embarassing element...

I work in the design business and most designers I know have done stuff like this.

Mind the best I've ever seen was the insertion of a little cut out bottle of whisky which crept into a press ad for inclusion in the scottish papers. The firm I worked for did not sell whisky or any alcoholic beverages! Smile

mojojojo838 · 26/05/2016 19:39

Once had an email from a certain company about 'Alexander Fucks trunk show'. Fired them off a quick email saying they might want to send off an amended email with an apology for those that - are a bit delicate/are touchy/need a good slap for not reading it and reacting instantly with laughter.

MumsKnitter · 26/05/2016 19:40

I've been known to enquire whether a friend's daughter is also going to Tumble Tits this week. Sounds far too energetic for me!

sportinguista · 26/05/2016 19:41

Also have typed the word 'shutters' with the u replaced by the letter that is next to it on the keyboard - fortunately client has good sense of humour and it did not go to print!

sportinguista · 26/05/2016 19:42

Some absolutely hilarious ones on here!

blitheringbuzzards1234 · 26/05/2016 19:44

As an office junior I once had to check a senior typist's typing, she'd addressed a letter to the '. . . . Farthing Company' and you can guess which letter had been left out. It was my 1st job after leaving school and I very shyly and tentatively had to point this out to her, "Um, er, um I think you've missed a letter out?" Luckily she roared with laughter and then made me take it round the entire office so we all had a good chuckle. The boss laughed so much he nearly gave himself a hernia.

AllThePrettySeahorses · 26/05/2016 19:45

Could be worse - most people probably won't notice.

This could out me if any ex-colleagues are on here, but I once sent an invoice for ££££££s to a very important business customer for shitters instead of shutters - the director phoned them himself to apologise. This is not the reason that I don't work there any more :).

AllThePrettySeahorses · 26/05/2016 19:46

sportinguista - snap and x post!

hardheadedwoman · 26/05/2016 19:51

I once email a supplier 'send me one lover' instead of 'send me one over'

rosea19 · 26/05/2016 19:52

I work in marketing and won't emailed a photographer we hired telling him that 'I needed a really good shit', I meant 'shot'!

NonnoMum · 26/05/2016 19:55

I once worked in a solicitors and frequently invited the clients to come into the office to sing.

Has to witnessed you see.

NonnoMum · 26/05/2016 19:55

Has to BE witnessed. See, I'm a shot typist.

Dannysmam1 · 26/05/2016 19:55

OMG YorkieDorkie, that made me actually LOL! Grin


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mmwth3kds · 26/05/2016 20:00

I once started a diplomatic crisis over sending a press release stating "a certain Middle Eastern ambassador gave a cookery class with demonstrations" to the wives of other foreign diplomats. It was during Iraqi War and press reacted angrily to an ambassador giving a cookery lecture instead of focusing on the war that's going on. It was actually his wife doing that. I, by somehow omitted the word "wife" on the final draft.
I kept the job but I think my mental health suffered a big blow...

sportinguista · 26/05/2016 20:01

It's the way those two letters lay together! I am always very careful now when typing stuff for that particular client.
I did notice a particularly funny one on the BBC News 24 at the bottom, can't remember which. They are always doing it on there, they must have a sausage fingers sweepstake.

A Lithuanian friend kept spelling the word 'come' wrongly - a rude way. We had to tell him in the end - but it was truly funny.

Idliketobeabutterfly · 26/05/2016 20:07

My sons school sent the reminder to 'bring your Willies' text to all the nursery parents this year. Was quickly followed by an apology. I dread to think what replies they received.

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