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AIBU to think that I have to quit my job over this typo?

150 replies

Trills · 25/05/2016 16:13

I sent out an email to tens of thousands of people with "bring" instead of "being".

Should I quit in shame?

OP posts:
Elledouble · 25/05/2016 19:09

A colleague instant messaged me asking a question and I responded "give me a sec". Only I didn't put "sec", I put "sex".

BusStopBetty · 25/05/2016 19:14

Not me, but I've seen one suggesting that people bring their willies to an event as the weather looked iffy.

TheNaze73 · 25/05/2016 19:24

It's hardly My Beloved Aunt from Curb Your Enthusiasm. You'll be fine

Princesspeach1980 · 25/05/2016 19:27

DH got a takeaway menu at his office offering all employees a 10% discocunt!

CatsRule · 25/05/2016 19:29

It's not good when talking about counts and miss out the o! Blush Grin

Botofspother · 25/05/2016 19:33

Could be worse, once sent out an invoice to a customer who was called "3 counties xxxx". I typed it put as "3 cunties xxxx". Boss saw the funny side and I never heard from the customer about it!

Trills · 25/05/2016 19:45

Forgive me AIBUers for I have sinned.

I intended only to amuse.
OP posts:
Trills · 25/05/2016 19:48

Woe betide anyone who tries to advertise on AIBU.

I fear that they will not have understood the spirit of the place.

OP posts:
anotherbusymum14 · 25/05/2016 19:50

I wouldn't be worried. I've seen an NHS poster with wrong spelling too. No biggie. Just makes you realize we are all human

exWifebeginsat40 · 25/05/2016 19:50

i don't understand. is this a real TV show? because that's a TERRIBLE idea for a TV show.

SmallLegsOrSmallEggs · 25/05/2016 19:51

Discocunts I've met a few of those

Trills · 25/05/2016 19:54

It's a real TV show.

That's a real email in my inbox.

I don't work for them, I just got the email.

I thought "bloody hell that's weird, I wonder how many people receiving the email know what AIBU is"

Then I thought "hey look it has a typo"

Then I thought "maybe I'll show it to people on AIBU under the guise of an actual AIBU, because that would be amusing"...

And here we are.

OP posts:
exWifebeginsat40 · 25/05/2016 20:02

and what have we learned?

Trills · 25/05/2016 20:04

We've learned that MNers, even on the dreaded AIBU, are generally very kind to people who have made honest mistakes and offer hot sweet tea and sympathetic stories. :)

OP posts:
CrepeDeChineWag · 25/05/2016 20:15

Why did you say you sent it??

Fucked if I know why I even care but clearly I do Confused again

Mov1ngOn · 25/05/2016 20:16

I don't like it when ops aren't honest. I just don't "get it" when they lie.

Trills · 25/05/2016 20:27

Because I thought it would be funny. To be asking AIBU about a typo in an email that was about AIBU

OP posts:
liquidrevolution · 25/05/2016 20:31

I once a letter addressed to 'Dear Sir/Madman' Blush

Thisismyfirsttime · 25/05/2016 20:39

That was me sapphire! My colleague also sent an email to a lot of people saying she'd been to one of our service providers 'but it was shit' instead of shut. Grin

PuppyMonkey · 25/05/2016 20:40

The local paper in a town near me once featured a story quoting a spokesperson from the cunty council Grin

CantChoose · 25/05/2016 20:51

I regularly accidentally write 'bowel sounds pleasant' instead of 'bowel sounds present' on my discharge summaries... I imagine the local GPs having a good giggle at my expense...

CrepeDeChineWag · 25/05/2016 20:56

Yes it is mildly amusing but why not say AIBU to suggest that the person who sent this email resign rather than make out it was you who made the error??

I'll get my coat as I know I'm suckibg the fun out of this Grin


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RustyPaperclip · 25/05/2016 21:08

I overheard a previous manager on the phone one day to a client. She meant to says 'artists' but unfortunately it came out as 'arse tits'. I tried my best not to laugh, I hope she didn't notice! She was a lovely woman but known to be quite conservative so it came as quite a shock Grin

ParadiseCity · 25/05/2016 22:36

Does anyone remember that news reporter who was trying to report on Lebanese forces but kept telling us they were lesbians? That was hilarious.

Leigh1980 · 26/05/2016 10:55

Oh I remember another stupid thing I wrote. I advertised on our window and mailing to nearly 20 000 people that due to the INCEST day at schools we will be operating a two hour time limit. I meant INSET 😂😂. At least the parents found it funny!

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