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man in Morrisons

60 replies

Flossiesmummy · 20/05/2016 10:21

I'm pretty sure I'm not BU but I wanted a rant.

So I'm in Morrisons at the self scan checkout when suddenly I take a funny turn. I'm 34 weeks pregnant. My head is spinning and I'm struggling to breathe. Obviously I sit straight down and start deep breaths and fanning my face.

A bloke opposite (with a toddler) starts pointing and loudly exclaiming "look she's going to drop right here! Stand back everyone! There's going to be sick and blood everywhere!"

Cue stares from everyone within a ten metre radius and me bursting into tears. I had nobody with me and felt pretty shit.

What a dickhead, right?!


OP posts:
hellsbellsmelons · 20/05/2016 11:53

WTF is wrong with people?
This is the reason my DSis moved to Ireland.
Passed out coming off the tube while quite heavily pregnant.
Everyone just walked over her.
Not one person helped her.
She was well dressed in a suite with a brief case.

I would have told the guy to STFU and helped you.
Hopefully you are better now.

funty · 20/05/2016 12:02

What awful lack of basic human empathy. As well as humiliating you he must have terrified that poor child.
As for no one else helping you -just shocking.
My DS (about 14 at the time) saw a pregnant lady fall down on his way to school and although it shook him up went over to offer to help and let her borrow his phone to call her DP (proud :) ). If a teenage boy can do this what is wrong with people? I'm horrified also at the fainting and being walked over story!!

BadDoGooder · 20/05/2016 12:04

hells it makes me vv angry at the sheer fucking selfishness of lots of people.

FlossiesMummy I'm so sorry that happened. Flowers
I would always help someone in that sort of situation, what sort of special cunt looks at another human being in distress and makes rude comments or ignores them??
Where the fuck has the compassion and empathy gone??

Reminds me of my arthritic but young looking friend having a rest on a wall and being told he was a "lazy git, no wonder this countries going to the dogs"!! Angry

People would rather believe the worst, and feel smug about their own lives for some bizarre reason.

LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett · 20/05/2016 12:06

God what an asshat! And I'm totally shocked no-one came to help you either.

Snacks in the pocket at all times, I'd give your mw a quick call too. They may want to check your BP.

LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett · 20/05/2016 12:07

Braxton Hicks made me come over all funny too...

Flossiesmummy · 20/05/2016 12:07

Spoken to the DH and feeling much better. I really wanted to yell at the rude Morrisons man but I'm the kind of person whose anger manifests as tears.

OP posts:
Energumene · 20/05/2016 12:19

You poor thing. I'm not pregnant, but have a few health issues and had to get off the bus home on Monday as I was feeling very unwell. Leaned against a wall, then passed out. Came to and threw up some bile, before being berated by this huge woman for drinking that early in the morning and how I should pray to Jesus for help with my demons Hmm

On the other hand, at least her moralising prevented anyone going through my pockets/bag to steal from me this time. People can be utter shits.

Even though you're feeling better now, please call the midwife to make sure you're OK Flowers

Flossiesmummy · 20/05/2016 12:24

Energumene judgemental much? That's so rude! I begin to think that some people enjoy being atop their high horses a little too much. What's even more ironic is that she doesn't believe such lack of feeling paired with unspeakable rudeness constitutes having a few demons of her own Hmm

OP posts:
blitheringbuzzards1234 · 20/05/2016 12:38

How bloody awful Flossie, it would have been so much better if some concern about you had been shown instead of making you feel like a pantomime turn. Be grateful you're not married to this idiot.
Don't worry about returning to the same shop. You'll probably never bump into him again. Could you take someone with you for moral support in case you have another funny turn?

Flossiesmummy · 20/05/2016 12:48

Blithering I wouldn't be in the least bit bothered if I did encounter him again, so long as I felt well.

My DH asked what he was like and I honestly couldn't say, apart from him being perhaps around 35. I wouldn't recognise him if I did see him. DH reckons he must have been a proper knuckle dragger and I'm inclined to agree even though I don't have a clear image of him in my mind.

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