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to think this will be a new one for my GP and they might not believe me?

20 replies

HubbaBubbaMum · 05/04/2016 02:46

So, Mrs Hubba Bubba, how did you severely damage your left nipple? Well doctor, I accidently jammed it in my laptop lid when I closed it. I was lying in bed after a late night catching up on the recent gripping Archers storyline, yes I was v tired, yes I have very saggy boobs Grin

OP posts:
LordoftheTits · 06/04/2016 13:43

I was in bed on my side with my boobs beside me (Grin) and the dog stood on my nipple. I yelped and tried to move him but he thought this was a game and the more I fought him, the more he did it Shock

That made my eyes water.

5Foot5 · 06/04/2016 13:40

Ouch! Yes I once gave my left boob nasty scratches and bruises when I fell over on a muddy slope and landed on a sharp thing sticking up.

My most recent unusual injury was when I fell asleep with the hot water bottle on my stomach and blistered my belly. The blisters have long since gone down but the scars haven't faded and they are a most unusual shape - like curved sea creatures.

SaggingTits · 06/04/2016 11:14

My nan was ironing topeless once and ironed her nipple Shock

CMOTDibbler · 06/04/2016 08:35

My grandfather once had a very nasty incident involving a het up ferret (they were rabbitting) and needing a wee urgently whilst holding said ferret!

SurroMummy13 · 06/04/2016 08:33

Oh my fucking God. You need a warning for that shit GrinGrinGrin

Read it while drinking and nearly choked laughing! BlushBrewGrin

UrgentSchoolHelp · 06/04/2016 06:45

I'm quite impressed that so many of you (presumably with big tits) are sitting up bra less, I could never do it.

emwithme · 05/04/2016 20:16

I did this two nights running, different boob each time

DH found it hilarious.

TooShyShyHushHush · 05/04/2016 20:03

We believe you OP!

My lovely GP had to have a look at an infected nipple after a naked ironing incident...

Crispbutty · 05/04/2016 19:53

I believe you too... ouch!!!

findingmyfeet12 · 05/04/2016 19:46

I made the mistake of thinking an iPad was a safer option. I was balancing it on my upper stomach/lower chest and watching YouTube videos in bed (very exciting life I have). It toppled forward and crushed my bottom lip against my teeth. Agony and a lot of blood.

eatsleephockeyrepeat · 05/04/2016 19:42

I feel your pain.

I'm breastfeeding. He has teeth, and a warped sense of humor.

UrgentSchoolHelp · 05/04/2016 13:00

Fire away then citydoc, we want to hear!

thecitydoc · 05/04/2016 12:46

there is very little GPs haven't seen

UrgentSchoolHelp · 05/04/2016 08:52

My friends mother had a parrot who regularly used to come into the shower / bath as its good for their feathers. One day the parrot was perching in the shower and slipped. You can guess what it grabbed on to....WITH ITS BEAK Shock

Obs2016 · 05/04/2016 08:44

We believe you! Smile
And the crisp £10 paper cut aswell. Ouch!

WavingFlag · 05/04/2016 07:54

Grin I believe you!
I once almost sheered off my left nipple as I placed a crisp folded £10 note in my bra.
Twas like a paper cut, made my eyes water i can tell you!

Ditsy4 · 05/04/2016 04:20

Sorry LOL!
Get an iPad is my advice. Less injury problem in bed.
By the way my GP would believe me. I'm accident prone.

thiskiwicanfly · 05/04/2016 03:55

I believe you, oh how I believe you, being rather blessed of nork (and saggy with it...)

I work in a medical centre and the most unusual injury I've come across was a man who squashed a testicle in the tailgate of a truck... and we believed him too! (Helped greatly by his workmate bringing him in and alternating between concern for his friend and howling with laughter.)

sharonthewaspandthewineywall · 05/04/2016 02:51

But I sympathise my long boobs get all sorts of odd injuries!

TanteRose · 05/04/2016 02:49

Owwwwwwww!!!!! Shock

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