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To condone a little light bestiality?

94 replies

AnotherEffingOrangeRevel · 29/03/2016 16:33

I've just seen Zootropolis and really quite fancied the fox (early on in the film before he became... well, better not do spoilers here).

DSis says it's sick. But I think if that fox wasn't out to impress me he wouldn't be all walking on his hindlegs and giving me the eye across a crowded Odeon.


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LemonySmithit · 29/03/2016 17:58

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WorraLiberty · 29/03/2016 18:03

When I Googled that Foxy photo, there were pics of fox tail butt plugs Shock

OnIlkelyMoorBahtat · 29/03/2016 18:03

Thank you for this thread. I now I have a safe space in which to let out that I've always had a bit of a crush on Baloo the Bear Blush I think it's the voice andtheeasycharmandthe-bearhugs ^^

blindsider · 29/03/2016 18:12

I had a bit of thing about Princess Fiona in Shrek so YANBU - I am glad the way the thread turned out. I was half expecting "I let Rover mount me AIBU to keep his claws really short"

DiseasesOfTheSheep · 29/03/2016 18:14

O'Malley and Puss in Boots! Hell yea! I'm all about the ginger tomcats, apparently...

Kinda had a thing for Tails too...

And Crash Bandicoot.

I may have ishoos.

GerundTheBehemoth · 29/03/2016 18:20

What do you fox-ophiles think about from Mongrels? (warning, rude song with lots of bleeped-out swearing).

DaphneWhitethigh · 29/03/2016 18:42

I can't believe no-one's mentioned Sir Didymus? Alone amongst the animated foxes he's a real gentleman.

CleverPlansAndSecretTricks · 29/03/2016 19:43

I'd do Idris Elba any day any way. Even if he was a buffalo or whatever animal his police chief was got too distracted to notice.

MartinaJ · 29/03/2016 19:47

I prefer the wolves. In a very non-sexual nice doggy way.

CockacidalManiac · 29/03/2016 20:04

ask any man over the age of 40 about the Cadburys Caramel bunny and watch his eyes glaze over with the memory...

Until you tell them that her voice was done by Miriam Margolyes.

CockacidalManiac · 29/03/2016 20:05

Given there was a headline yahoo news story about a pit bull that was raped, killed & hanged from a tree, I find this quick sick

Get a fucking grip, offense police.

DaphneWhitethigh · 29/03/2016 20:42

I think we can safely reassure any concerned posters that we're talking about activities with the enthusiastic informed consent of both parties.

MartinaJ · 29/03/2016 20:47

Well, DD just admitted to have a crush on Nick. She's six and I won't be dragging her to therapy any time soon.

BreakingDad77 · 30/03/2016 09:05

Until you tell them that her voice was done by Miriam Margolyes


Mouseinahole · 30/03/2016 09:12

I do confess to kissing kittens....

GladysKravitz · 30/03/2016 13:31

I've always had a thing for this guy.

To condone a little light bestiality?
BeautyQueenFromMars · 30/03/2016 14:40

My sisters and I all prefer the Beast to the Prince in Disney's Beauty and the Beast...

mrschatty · 30/03/2016 14:44

A friend of mine confessed her "disney crush" was simba from lion king...

OnlyLovers · 30/03/2016 16:07

OnIlkely, I know what you mean about Baloo. He can sing as well.

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 30/03/2016 16:28

I fancied the elder brother in diary of a wimpy kid that's even fucking worse

TrixieBernadette · 30/03/2016 16:30

Aw my earliest crushes were the Disney Robin Hood, and theFox from Fox and The Hound.

I really don't have a fox fetish now 30 years on. Promise.

ohmywhatamisaying · 30/03/2016 16:32

Given there was a headline yahoo news story about a pit bull that was raped, killed & hanged from a tree, I find this quick sick

Oh do enjoy a Biscuit


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Roobix04 · 30/03/2016 16:35

Definitely like Robin Hood and O'mally. I'll add the Tramp from Lady and the Tramp Blush it was my favourite film.

SoupDragon · 30/03/2016 16:43

I think likening this to the abuse of a real pit bull is hilarious*.They are so not the same thing it's unbelievable!

  • obviously not the actual story, just the comparison.
iklboo · 30/03/2016 17:08

Sure Baloo can sing - his human half was a jazz musician / singer called Phil Harris. Smile

To condone a little light bestiality?
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