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To condone a little light bestiality?

94 replies

AnotherEffingOrangeRevel · 29/03/2016 16:33

I've just seen Zootropolis and really quite fancied the fox (early on in the film before he became... well, better not do spoilers here).

DSis says it's sick. But I think if that fox wasn't out to impress me he wouldn't be all walking on his hindlegs and giving me the eye across a crowded Odeon.


OP posts:
blindsider · 31/03/2016 12:19

ŶepppOne can only imagine what a nightmare they would be to live with, like the Dementors in Harry Potter all the humour and Joy sucked out of everything :-(

SoupDragon · 31/03/2016 07:49

clearly some people are unable to spot a lighthearted thread without a huge light hearted warning. Hmm

ChishandFips33 · 31/03/2016 04:14

I'm a 'Beast' kind of girl blush
Belle had the right idea. Crap once he'd changed back to a poncey Prince

Baloo here too - not sexy but it's the dopey/laid back caring thing going on

LifeofI · 31/03/2016 04:05

bestiality is animal abuse so you thinking a fox is handsome does not make you an animal abuser. I think foxes are beautiful creatures.

SausageSmuggler · 31/03/2016 00:42

Foxy Robin Hood was a childhood crush of mine...still is if I'm honest!

Ratbagcatbag · 30/03/2016 22:17

In my teens I might have slightly fantasied about the biker mice from Mars. Blush

UterusUterusGhali · 30/03/2016 22:11

I'm reading these thinking "yep, yep, yes, sexy, yep". Blush

Panthera (sp?) from Thundercats was a favourite of mine.

ephemeralfairy · 30/03/2016 21:29

Aramis from Dogtanian for me. Such a dandy.

To condone a little light bestiality?
rimsky123 · 30/03/2016 21:23

Ninja turtles!! I had/have such a crush on Leonardo and Raphael Grin

Helenluvsrob · 30/03/2016 21:15

Umm those on p1 talking about the sexy cadburys caramel bunny - you do know she's voiced by Miriam margolyes. That was a shock!

HappyGirlNow · 30/03/2016 21:05

I fancy Uncle Scar from The Lion King - it's the voice! Blush

MrsS1990 · 30/03/2016 20:36

Just saw the movie. That fox is so sexy I would do him x

WhatTimeIsItCuckoo · 30/03/2016 20:22

Shere Khan in Jungle Book anyone? Also Classified in Penguins of Madagascar helped by the voice of Benedict Cumberbatch obvs

Mrsleighdelamare · 30/03/2016 19:53

Another yes to the fox Robin Hood.

raisedbyguineapigs · 30/03/2016 19:51

I didn't realise it was Jason Bateman. He was my teen crush. He was quite a fine fox! You've made me want to watch Zootropolis again- if only the cinema hadn't cost us £35! I'll have to wait for it to come out in the cheapo kids morning things!

Lovecat · 30/03/2016 19:43

Just back from seeing Zootropolis. As a long time fancier of Robin Hood, I was most taken with Nick Wilde...

Bluewombler2k · 30/03/2016 19:15

I always had a thing for Mighty Mouse in his civvies!

StillMedusa · 30/03/2016 19:06

Scar in The Lion King.
Especially when Simba says 'oh uncle you're so weird!' and Scar replies 'you have NO idea....' Grin

blindsider · 30/03/2016 17:26


Quite! it really is a reach to connect these two items. More utterly incomprehensible taking of offence...Confused

iklboo · 30/03/2016 17:08

Sure Baloo can sing - his human half was a jazz musician / singer called Phil Harris. Smile

To condone a little light bestiality?
SoupDragon · 30/03/2016 16:43

I think likening this to the abuse of a real pit bull is hilarious*.They are so not the same thing it's unbelievable!

  • obviously not the actual story, just the comparison.
Roobix04 · 30/03/2016 16:35

Definitely like Robin Hood and O'mally. I'll add the Tramp from Lady and the Tramp Blush it was my favourite film.


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ohmywhatamisaying · 30/03/2016 16:32

Given there was a headline yahoo news story about a pit bull that was raped, killed & hanged from a tree, I find this quick sick

Oh do enjoy a Biscuit

TrixieBernadette · 30/03/2016 16:30

Aw my earliest crushes were the Disney Robin Hood, and theFox from Fox and The Hound.

I really don't have a fox fetish now 30 years on. Promise.

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 30/03/2016 16:28

I fancied the elder brother in diary of a wimpy kid that's even fucking worse

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