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Neighbour complaining about jumparoo

307 replies

SeaLeaf · 26/03/2016 08:31

We live in a first floor apartment. Downstairs neighbour is complaining about 'thumping' noise when baby goes in jumparoo! I've put a foam mat under it and tried moving it to other rooms but she still complains! We have wood floors everywhere and I prefer to keep it in kitchen so I can cook!

He's 7months and uses it for about 30mins at a time, usually 7am, 9am, 1pm, 3pm, 6pm.

I feel she should put up with it, you can't expect silence in a building with families and what will happen when he's older and starts running and jumping?
Why should he be denied playtime in his favourite toy?

What do others think?

OP posts:
RiverTam · 26/03/2016 09:02

My auntie's upstairs neighbours put in laminate flooring. From not being able to hear a thing (and the previous owners had children) she can hear every. single. Thing.

Modern flats have them because people are selfish twats these days who think that their 'right' to fashionable interiors trumps everything. Hard floors, blinds not curtains - it all adds up to sound being amplified not absorbed.

CaffeineBomb · 26/03/2016 09:02

2.5 hours per day seems excessive ju period aren't good for their hips for that period. If baby wants to be held have you tried baby wearing. also yabu Boise will carry with wooden floors and 7am is too early for constant bouncing

CaffeineBomb · 26/03/2016 09:02

Noise! Damn autocorrect

ineedamoreadultieradult · 26/03/2016 09:02

I second having someone supervising baby while you go down and listen, at least then you will know if she is over reacting or not.

CaffeineBomb · 26/03/2016 09:03

Ju period= jumperoo sleep deprivation is messing with my brain Confused

EasilyDistracted21 · 26/03/2016 09:03

at 7am if i was faced with half an hour of solid thumping from above i would not be held responsible, especially if it happened every single day! As others said, drop the 7am bounce and get a rug for the others
You'd probably be the first to compain if she started playing loud music when you were trying to sleep

angielou123 · 26/03/2016 09:03

I think it's your flat, your wood floors and your jumparoo! People will always find something to moan about, like someone else said, in a few months it will be your child running and jumping around directly on the wood floors. I would just say ' Sorry but it's his age and theres nothing I can do. If they don't like it, they can move!

longdiling · 26/03/2016 09:03

I agree with a previous poster, offer to go downstairs and listen to how loud it really is before you dismiss his concerns. 30 minutes each time is a long time to listen to an annoying noise! Could you try one of those exercisers that have a kind of giant saucer on the bottom that the baby's feet rest on? They may not be as noisy

coffeetasteslikeshit · 26/03/2016 09:05

YABU that would drive me mad.
Y Landlord is BVVU for having wooden floors.

pictish · 26/03/2016 09:08

I am rolling my eyes at the posters here sniping about OP relying on jumparoo too much. She didn't ask for a critique on her day - mind your own bloody business ffs.

Otherwise OP, definitely cut out the 7am sesh and make sure the thing is on a thick rug otherwise I suppose. I just watched a video of a jumparoo in action and think it seems like just about the most irritating contraption I've ever and let live I say. Your neighbour hasn't actually got a right to silence and she'll have to expect some noise from your flat upstairs. Keep the jumparoo for mid morning onwards and before tea time.

Lunar1 · 26/03/2016 09:10

Ds2 used to male a bloody racket in his jumparoo. We have carpet and it could be heard in every room. It's really not appropriate to have in a flat with wooden floors.

ByThePrickingOfMyThumbs · 26/03/2016 09:12

What about getting something like this instead OP? Your baby would be contained and entertained but it wouldn't be noisy for your neighbour as there's no bouncing.

EmpressOfTheSevenOceans · 26/03/2016 09:12

Considering Easily's comment about loud music though, wouldn't it be better to resolve things now before the neighbour starts fighting back with late-night noise of her own?

NerrSnerr · 26/03/2016 09:16

We had a jumperoo for our daughter and yes, yabu. It'll be the vibrations. He is in it loads too, that's a long time for him to be in it every day. You definitely need to cut the 7am one.

FeckOfffCup · 26/03/2016 09:17

For the 7am session, could you put him in a highchair instead with some toys while you get breakfast ready etc? DS used to always want to be held but would tolerate the highchair if I was in the same room.
Surely you don't spend 2.5 hours a day cooking? Maybe adjust your routines a bit. Do quicker meals and leave cleaning/washing up until the baby's in bed. Anyway it's not really fair on your neighbour to have that noise for that amount of time.

coily · 26/03/2016 09:18

I have trouble with laminate floors and neighbour who complains about noise from small child

I WISH the laminate hadn't gone in but it did because of allergies and baby reacted to loads of fabrics so rugs were impossible too

Mind you the one room we did carpet she still moans about like she'd assumed we hadn't so there is a bit of moaning Minnie to her

We've had to limit our lifestyle considerably to reduce noise and I got rid of noisy toys early on and spend much more time outdoors than indoors

Thankfully allergies seem to be improving so rugs may be viable soon but I'm trying to save up for tiles or cork flooring to replace the whole flat

I feel your frustration OP but that's modern living - to acheive the freedom you want you'd have to live ground floor or in a house

potap123 · 26/03/2016 09:19

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

HackerFucker22 · 26/03/2016 09:21

We were always paranoid about our jumperoo - mainly as baby was rather vigorous in her bouncing - and we actually asked neighbours downstairs and made them promise to tell us (were top floor maisonette).. In the end we moved it upstairs to the bedroom as it sounded like a baby elephant. Neighbours never complained though.

Our place is carpeted as well.

I'd maybe knock the 7am bounce on the head!! Ask neighbour if there is a room she'd prefer you to use jumperoo in.

Baby won't be in it much longer. He'll soon be stomping around with his feet.

53rdAndBird · 26/03/2016 09:21

Cut the 7am one, put a big soft fluffy rug under it, and offer to go down to the neighbour's flat to see how loud it is from there.

But also... think seriously about moving. Your baby will only get noisier as he turns into a toddler, and if your neighbour is complaining that much now, you're just going to have years and years of hassle over it.

SoupDragon · 26/03/2016 09:22

Seriously? You have a baby jumping up and down on a wooden floor for half hour stints throughout the day? Starting st 7am? And you joined MN to ask if you were being unreasonable?

FlowersAndShit · 26/03/2016 09:22

I'd get my own back on you for being so entitled, I'd play loud music every night and wake your baby up. Selfish cow.

BombadierFritz · 26/03/2016 09:22

Thats a lot of time in a jumperoo.


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seven201 · 26/03/2016 09:23

You have got to drop the 7am one! More layers underneath it too.

HackerFucker22 · 26/03/2016 09:25

I don't want to be judgey and say it's a lot of time in the jumperoo but I am going to day 2.5 hours a day of thudding from an upstairs neighbour would drive me crackers. Especially if it began at 7am.

OP you seem very stringently routined with your jumperoo use and quite reliant on it mine was a godsend but was used as and when, not for set times each day

Zippidydoodah · 26/03/2016 09:25

What snoop said above!

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