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To think Big Issue sellers are as bad as chuggers?

65 replies

Littlecatbigpanther · 11/03/2016 20:14

I'm sick and tired of walking down the high street and being heckled by a couple of Big Issue sellers. They are pretty much begging which I understand is illegal.

Today I phoned Big Issue and complained. I asked what checks were done on these people to see that they are homeless (they didn't look very homeless). I was told that they probably aren't homeless, in this case they were Romanians who likely house share (words of Big Issue representative not me). I asked why they are effectively begging and harassing people, was told they are self employed and allowed to operate but they will look into my complaint. Apparently you don't need a council permit to sell the Big Issue but they do have a code of conduct. Also by being self employed you get an NI number and can claim benefits.

So if you receive benefits why harass members of the public for more money? I used to like the magazine and supporting homeless, but now I'm disgusted, it's just a scam to claim benefits (hours of work for tax credits).


OP posts:
leelu66 · 11/03/2016 23:16


Thing is if I mentioned the fact that he isn't English I would be flamed for immigrant bashing...

Wtf does adding 'he isn't English' add to your post?

It's irrelevant so you've revealed your agenda clearly.

MargotFenring · 11/03/2016 23:18

Define 'live' OP.

The Big Issue provides a self employment possibility. It is not designed as a hand out for homeless.

There are good and bad sellers, but mostly good. Like in anything. The minority ruin it for the majority.

You are judgey and set your own standards on how badly off someone should be before they are allowed to stand in the street and attempt to sell you a magazine.

Good on you.

jeremyisahunt · 11/03/2016 23:52

What's wrong with claiming benefits if you're entitled to them?


Vintage45 · 12/03/2016 00:04

A few years ago i used to see blokes selling this for £1 in a very inoffensive way.

Then a year ago I saw women selling it for £2, I knew they were Romanian because they stated it when calling out for a sale.

Now I don't see it.

FirstWeTakeManhattan · 12/03/2016 00:14

I've found that some Big Issue sellers are bloody annoying, have a go if you don't buy, make me feel crap even though I've already bought one that week etc. Others are really nice people who I enjoy a chat with.

So yep. They're all different. Like everyone else basically.

There's some barely-disguised bigotry on this thread which I find bloody disgraceful.

aliphil · 12/03/2016 01:42

I have had grief from two or three BI sellers in the past - shouted and sworn at when I said "no thank you", that kind of thing. But it's a minority IME. Near where I used to work there was a lovely man selling it who I used to chat with, and I went on buying it from him because he was so nice. But I think at some point during that job the BI changed quite a lot and I didn't enjoy reading it any more, so I stopped buying once I left.

IPityThePontipines · 12/03/2016 01:53

What a horrible thread.

Yep. There's a lot of this sort of thing on here at the moment, particularly accompanied by the crappy striking out that you've seen upthread.

As despite vast chunks of popular media being resolute in both xenophobia and benefit bashing, such views can't be aired without censorship. Apparently. Oh, and pointing out bigotry is "silencing". Hmm

heron98 · 12/03/2016 05:14

My next door neighbour sells the big issue. He's not homeless (clearly) but has been in prison, has MH issues and can't get another job. I think it's good he's doing something positive.

Dieu · 12/03/2016 05:22

I have no problem with BI sellers, but more often than not (in my experience anyway) they look at you as if to say 'oh, you do actually want your change?' This I find a bit annoying and uncomfortable.

BastardGoDarkly · 12/03/2016 05:50

Top and bottom is, they shouldn't be hounding people.

I've never been 'hounded' by a BI seller, but I certainly have by the chuggas.

TattieHowkerz · 12/03/2016 05:54

Well it depends what you mean. If they are following you along the street pestering you that's obviously not OK. If they are just asking if you want to buy a copy I don't see the problem.

We have a couple of local sellers who are Romanian. They are both lovely and polite, just stand and say hello and do helpful things like help frail older people, lift prams up steps etc. One found a purse full of money and went to an effort to get it back to the owner a couple of weeks ago. They are not on the streets homeless, but they live in very overcrowded conditions (they are local). I only buy from them very rarely (like once a year) as there is someone else I buy from if I want a copy, but they are always nice and friendly and don't pester me or anyone else. They are part of our community. They often get mentions for their helpfulness on our community website, hence all, the above info.

leelu66 · 13/03/2016 06:25


As despite vast chunks of popular media being resolute in both xenophobia and benefit bashing, such views can't be aired without censorship. Apparently. Oh, and pointing out bigotry is "silencing".

Exactly what I wanted to say.

HappydaysArehere · 13/03/2016 09:52

Don't mind the Big Issue as its up to me but get annoyed when asked if I Would like to donate a pound when paying for goods in a store. I feel mean if I don't but get fed up with it. Why not a box on the side?

AvonleaAnne · 13/03/2016 10:23

I wonder if it varies by which part of the country you are in. I'm originally from Devon and in Exeter there are a lot of homeless people on the streets. The Big Issue sellers were definitely part of that community. I've now moved to an affluent Surrey town with no visible homelessness or begging. Here, the Big Issue sellers are not homeless. To be honest I am more likely to buy the BI back home in Exeter. Not only because they seem more genuinely to need the money but they are also funny and friendly too.

Anyone who lived in Exeter in the 90s might remember the Little Shoe, Big Issue seller! Best selling pitch ever!

OohMavis · 13/03/2016 10:40

I was essentially mugged by a BI seller when I was 15. I was waiting outside a train station, and was bullied into buying one. I gave him what I had on me which was £10 and he refused to give me my change. I tried to meekly argue for my money back for a while but eventually had to run to catch my train, I turned around and saw him leg it.

It was pretty traumatic at 15 years old and I've never forgotten it.

I tend not to make eye contact with BI sellers whenever I see them now, which is unfair, I know, but I wonder how many other people have been put off by buying them by 'bad' sellers in the past, like me?

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