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To ask for your PFB moments?

122 replies

Oysterbabe · 08/03/2016 11:38

We always try and put 9 week old DD down so we can have dinner and she always cries because she must be held the entire time. We end up picking her up and eating one handed. Put her down last night and she stayed asleep and then was still asleep about an hour later. We were worried and thought she must be about to die of something so we woke her up and she cried for ages..

Please can you tell me about your overanxious or overprotective PFB moments to reassure me that I'm not losing mind?
Will I eventually stop constantly worrying about something happening to her?

OP posts:
missybct · 09/03/2016 15:23

We have DSS over each weekend - he's 6 and has asthma and allergies, but I always check on him after he falls asleep and in the night.

Roobix04 · 09/03/2016 16:22

I think I've probably done loads of pfb stuff but I'm still too close to see it Blush
I love these threads.

BumWad · 09/03/2016 21:02

I made DS an emergency appointment with the GP as he woke up with a cold sore. GP took one look at DS lips and said it looked like he scratched it in the night and it most certainly was not a cold sore.

Understand warming ice-cream completely I warm DS yoghurts

PegsPigs · 09/03/2016 21:07

Is she your first? Lol

PegsPigs · 09/03/2016 21:09

For the first two months at least of PFB's life, DP wouldn't change her bum other than with warm water and cotton wool, and with a miniature fan heater blowing warm air onto her PFBum. It was winter. But still quite PFB.

Do we have the same DP Laura? Grin

newmumwithquestions · 09/03/2016 21:14

I didn't use a fan but I was obsessed with using warm water, and it had to be pre-boiled - not just to clean pfb eyes, but for every single nappy change.

I read the whole calpol leaflet trying to work out if the dispenser syringe was safe to put in a microwave steriliser - got VERY vexed that there was no info on this.

Oh and halving/quartering grapes wasn't enough - I peeled them too...

newmumwithquestions · 09/03/2016 21:15

Although thinking about it I still use the fan heater at bath time for p2nd born...

JuxtapositionRecords · 09/03/2016 21:15

Not mine but I remember someone posting a while back about their pfb moments, and they used to wee in a bucket in their living room of an evening as they didn't want to wake the baby going to the toilet next to his room.

Still makes me Grin

Roobix04 · 09/03/2016 21:18

I did obsessively change her nappy every time the yellow line went slightly green.

JuxtapositionRecords · 09/03/2016 21:19

For the first two months at least of PFB's life, DP wouldn't change her bum other than with warm water and cotton wool, and with a miniature fan heater blowing warm air onto her PFBum. It was winter. But still quite PFB.

This is hilarious!

MyDarlingWhatIfYouFly · 09/03/2016 21:23

I bought a ÂŁ300 air conditioner last year because of the hot weather - I was sure that PFB would overheat in the night.

We really couldn't afford it, it barely reduced the room temp by 2 degrees, it was too noisy to use at night and after about a week it was relegated to the spare room where it's been gathering dust ever since.

Complete moron Blush

GreenRug · 09/03/2016 21:27

These threads always crack me up, favourite one is the fan blowing hot air onto the baby's bum, that is so cute!
My main one is the palaver I used to make over batch cooking portions of meals, sometimes stood there for hours in the kitchen making sure dc1 had a good selection of healthy meals throughout the week, would arrive at other people's houses with a portion in toe (showing off). Several years and two more dcs later, not so much (not ever...), my poor neglected 3rd gets a mashed up version of whatever's going. I also remember avoiding a certain road when out and about with dc1 as it had a slight gradient and i was convinced he might roll off.

PegsPigs · 09/03/2016 21:35

Pages of instructions for DM who read them but didn't need them and MIL who didn't read them but should have done

Sterilised everything for DD1 until she started licking the floor. Decided that was a losing battle. Didn't even bother starting with DD2.

I've done the cooled boiled water for face bowl but also for bottom bowl for both DDs

DD1 would often have a viral rash that spread in minutes. Several emergency GP or OOHs appointments later I just did the glass test and Calpol'd her up.

Logged DD1s nappies, feeds and sleeps on an app. Her sleep we logged till she started childcare aged 10 months. To be fair she was an awful sleeper so I needed to work out how to stop her getting overtired. Didn't laminate the logs though Grin

newmumwithquestions · 09/03/2016 21:36

Now I think about it, I was so obsessed with using pre-boiled water for nappy changes that when DH pointed out that we bathed pfb in tap water (hoping to stop my obsession) I started only bathing pfb in pre-boiled water - pouring loads and loads of kettles of water into the bath and waiting until it had cooled to the perfect temperature. Confused

DawnOfTheDoggers · 09/03/2016 21:40

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

OVienna · 11/03/2016 11:47

I am sure a new PFB frontier will open up for me in September when DD goes to secondary school TBH. Will have to travel on tube home in the afternoons. I am stressing.

Oysterbabe · 11/03/2016 12:07

It doesn't help that my pfb keeps trying to suffocate herself by jamming her face into my cleveage for napping and when awake tries to claw out her own eyes if I leave her hands uncovered for a second.

OP posts:
Postchildrenpregranny · 12/03/2016 09:43

When my grown and flown DDs (think well into their twenties)come home they tend to sleep for hours and hours (Query:what are they up to that they are so tired)I still hover over them in the morning to make sure they are breathing.I think it's really because they look like children again when they are asleep.....

Oysterbabe · 12/03/2016 10:58

DH was just clipping pfb's fingernails and getting annoyed with me wailing "be careful!" every 2 seconds.

OP posts:
Rubygillis · 12/03/2016 11:27

Not me but my FIL warmed their ice cream in the oven so that it wouldn't be too cold for them. My DS now solemnly believes that "English ice cream is colder so you have to warm it up" as they (of course) happily eat it out the freezer here in Australia.

Sadly I wasn't there to witness it.

Rubygillis · 12/03/2016 11:31

Wow, just read the thread and see he's not the only loon pre warming a frozen treat! Difference probably is that the children are 5 and 3.....

Roobix04 · 12/03/2016 11:57

I still wash 2yo dd's clothes before she wears them! Is that pfb?


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