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To ask for your PFB moments?

122 replies

Oysterbabe · 08/03/2016 11:38

We always try and put 9 week old DD down so we can have dinner and she always cries because she must be held the entire time. We end up picking her up and eating one handed. Put her down last night and she stayed asleep and then was still asleep about an hour later. We were worried and thought she must be about to die of something so we woke her up and she cried for ages..

Please can you tell me about your overanxious or overprotective PFB moments to reassure me that I'm not losing mind?
Will I eventually stop constantly worrying about something happening to her?

OP posts:
Gobletofgin · 08/03/2016 20:39

I still check on my 13 and 10 year olds before I go to bed and if I wake in the night, that's normal isn't it ConfusedBlush maybe I am pfb and plb Grin

RoboticSealpup · 08/03/2016 20:41

Another time I took 8 month old DD to the optician to look at the optic nerve because she had a weird white 'glare' in her eyes in photos where you would normally get red-eye. I googled it, and found this campaign, 'know the glow' raising awareness of childhood eye diseases that can have that symptom. But mobile cameras will often make eyes look like this. I didn't realise that before I panicked and went out to look for an optician who would examine an 8 month old.

Niceteeth · 08/03/2016 20:44

I bought the wipe warmer too, I was so worried about him being startled by a cold bottom. That was a waste of time! I also woke up my PSB recently (4 months old) as he had stayed asleep for so long in his buggy I was sure he had suffocated!

HighwayDragon1 · 08/03/2016 20:47

I squirted no more tears shampoo into my eye to make sure it was safe. It stung like a bitch

OneTiredMama · 08/03/2016 20:47

My pfb is only 5 months old but I'm learning to ease up a little now. I treated bottles like they were part of a biochem lab because I was afraid of them touching anything after sterilising. Afraid that socks and waistbands are too tight or that he's too warm. I also wake up during the night to check if he's breathing and have woken him up after poking him too much just to make sure. It's good to know I'm not alone!

tibbawyrots · 08/03/2016 20:47

I still check my DD is breathing. She is 20 next month. 😳 I also grab her hand to cross the road. I embarrass her! 😹

TheAngelofNitshillRoad · 08/03/2016 20:48

I warm her weetabix - I thought everyone did?!

I even warm the milk in her sippy cup. Do people not do this??

I have been known to warm an EK pouch in a bowl of hot water where there are no warming facilities. I'd rather give hunger a temporary abatement with a fruit pouch than give her a cold meal pouch 😣😣

TheAngelofNitshillRoad · 08/03/2016 20:50

Awww tibba my mum still does that with me. I used to hate it but I realise now I'll really miss it one day Blush

LauraMipsum · 08/03/2016 20:50

Angel I warm weetabix and the milk in a sippy cup too. I think cold weetabix is foul muck and wouldn't expect DD to eat something that I wouldn't touch.

Although perhaps halving the blueberries I added to it in case she choked on them was a bit much, since I was still doing it when she was a year old...

SophieofShepherdsBush · 08/03/2016 20:50

I've got a good one. I bit the pointy ends off sunflower seeds (by the handful) for my pftoddler so that they didn't hurt his bottom on the way out (lots of his food seemed to come out the other end unchanged, in my defense) Blush

NotTHEBupcake · 08/03/2016 21:00

DH wouldn't bath DD on his own because he was worried he would faint and she'd drown. Even though he's never fainted, or been prone to fainting. He didn't want me to bath her alone either, but I pointed out that if she had a nappy explosion during the day, I couldn't really wait until he came home before putting her in the bath. I promised that if I felt at all faint I'd lift her out of the water immediately, and phone someone to come and help.

(I've also never fainted or come close to it)

Peyia · 08/03/2016 21:01

Sorry but food pouches should be warmed up. I wouldn't eat cold spag Bol...

I also panicked about the breathing thing. No one tells you about the rapid breathing when they are new born. I called the NHS line too Blush

I also use to put a hot water bottle in her Moses basket before doing the transfer from arms to bed. She still cried Hmm

Peyia · 08/03/2016 21:01

And no the worry never leaves you but it does get better.

wherethewildthingis · 08/03/2016 21:04

When my PFBeautiful boy was three weeks old I took him to the GP as he was constipated. The GP asked me how long since he pooed. I answered "six hours". GP was like Confused "is he your first child?"

AntiHop · 08/03/2016 21:12

RoboticSealpup I had a similar fear when my pfb was a couple of months old. I had tingly lips and I was convinced that I was developing a cold sore even though I'd never had one. I spent ages during a precious nap time googling photos of cold sores. In the end I worked out I just had dry lips!

Alisvolatpropiis · 08/03/2016 21:17

3 days old - called the maternity unit (as advised in the literature I was given) near hysterical because the baby "wasn't weeing".

A lovely midwife asked if the nappies had a coloured strip down the front. Yes, yes they did. Asked if it went all the way round the back, yes it did. She gently explained that as baby was a girl her wee was more likely to hit the back of the nappy and turn the strip blue than the front, which remained yellow, until she got bigger.

Until that point I hadn't even noticed the colour change strip and was convinced the baby had kidney failure Blush

LittleBlackTrilby · 08/03/2016 21:21

Not me but DH; he used to reverse DD down off the edge of pavements in her giant pram with better suspension than our car.

For my part I pushed the pram towards the edge of the harbour and ran away screaming because a wasp flew close to the pram. Blush The very opposite of PFB.

trilbydoll · 08/03/2016 21:21

DH will only eat Weetabix warm Smile

DD1 has been to out of hours 3 times and the GP twice with a viral rash. It seems she develops rashes at the drop of a hat. The last visit to out of hours was a Sat afternoon which pretty much cured me of phoning 111 ever again!

Alisvolatpropiis · 08/03/2016 21:23


I took mine to out of hours gp for oral thrush when she was about 4 weeks old. The lady I spoke to on the non emergency line was lovely about it, as was the doctor. She was in real discomfort! I don't think you or I were pfb there

nbee84 · 08/03/2016 21:30

When I used to put my pfb in the baby swings at the park I used to secure her in with reins!

freshprincess · 08/03/2016 21:30

These all sound perfectly normal to me I'm a loon though
I still check my babies are breathing before I go to bed (Dts are 12)

Eating the pointy bits of sunflower seeds wins the thread.

ShamefulPlaceMarker · 08/03/2016 21:32

I don't fet buying a specific bum wipe warmer. We used to just keep ours in the radiator in dc room... Is that pfb?


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TheAngelofNitshillRoad · 08/03/2016 21:35

Is it true you get judged on the maternity ward if you change your baby and use baby wipes instead of water and cotton wool?? Coz frankly that's a faff and I was hoping to avoid it next time....

Hepzibar · 08/03/2016 21:36

I put chocolate in my mouth to soften it before giving it to DD.

BTW - checking they are still breathing never stops, DS is 22 and I have still checked he's still alive if he's slept for a long time. you never know

SophieofShepherdsBush · 08/03/2016 21:37

Thank you fresh
No such pandering for neglected middle child and feral third baby!

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