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to wonder why there isn't a big AIBU thread about Katie Price's daughter's ears by now?

55 replies

MyAutumnAlmanac · 02/02/2016 15:38

Maybe I missed it?

Katie Price has apparently been publicly criticised for getting her toddler daughter Bunny's ears pierced.

To me, it's the criticism, and not the ear piercing, which is ridiculous (and I rather like KP). But I'm surprised by the lack of MN outrage... what's going on?

OP posts:
Lweji · 02/02/2016 18:05

I thought the thread was about a non thread. TAANT.

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 02/02/2016 18:08

I wasn't even aware of this story until spotting this thread. By itself I wouldn't say this was newsworthy, I didn't chose to get my DD's ears pierced when she was an infant but that was my decision. Now had KP insisted on getting her older daughter's ears pierced in spite of the father's wishes, then I would expect a thread.

NewLife4Me · 02/02/2016 18:13

Don't like her and certainly don't like children with pierced ears.
Plenty of time for this when they are older and can choose for themselves.
Up to her what she does, some people will judge and others won't.
Just the same as any parent who has a child's ears pierced.

Aworldofmyown · 02/02/2016 18:32

I don't like pierced ears on small children, however other peoples kids have nothing to do with me. So each to their own really.

I like KP, but I do worry that Princess is too aware that people dislike some of the things that she does (make-up etc) and wonder what effect that could have on her. I like the fact my 7 year old daughter seems to live in blissful ignorance of other peoples judgements.

FarrowandBallAche · 02/02/2016 18:33


Fucking hell. KP won't give a shit.

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