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to wonder why there isn't a big AIBU thread about Katie Price's daughter's ears by now?

55 replies

MyAutumnAlmanac · 02/02/2016 15:38

Maybe I missed it?

Katie Price has apparently been publicly criticised for getting her toddler daughter Bunny's ears pierced.

To me, it's the criticism, and not the ear piercing, which is ridiculous (and I rather like KP). But I'm surprised by the lack of MN outrage... what's going on?

OP posts:
MaryPoppinsPenguins · 02/02/2016 16:16

I hate pierced ears on any children under about 10/11, let alone babies... But she's not my baby so it's not my decision.

I'm also pretty sure she wouldn't care about this thread.

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 02/02/2016 16:25

I couldn't care less. Did think it is a bit off that she made it clear to her older daughter that the toddler is allowed because her father is fine with it, but her older daughter needs an ex husbands permission and so she "needs to ask her Daddy".

I appreciate that's the reality of the situation but treating your kids differently is not going to foster good sibling relationships, never mind making it clear that you don't support your ex partners position. Not with an 8 yr old.

slithytove · 02/02/2016 16:25

My mum did mine at 10 months.
I don't like it and won't be doing it to dd.

What other people do? Meh. 17 months isn't that small and she might have even wanted them. Dd is 16 months and has very clear ideas about what she does and doesn't want now.

crispytruffle · 02/02/2016 16:32

I am not really bothered by what others do. I had my ears pierced as a toddler and it hasn't done me any harm. However, my daughter is 7 and I haven't had hers done. I believe it should be her choice, so if she asks me I will agree to her having them pierced at around aged 9/10.

seafoodeatit · 02/02/2016 16:33

a) please tell me that's a nickname, the child isn't actually called bunny?

b) ffs, who cares? why on do you care what KP does or what people think of her? I've not heard of any of this outrage?

how do people have the energy to follow the lives of these people? I didn't even realise she had another kid much less care about any outrage.

YABU and a little bit sad.

Jux · 02/02/2016 16:43

Not my business if she has the child's ears pierced, or navel done or has her tattooed all over. I didn't let dd have her ears done until she was in secondary but what other people do isn't a problem. I expect she'll have some really lovely earrings.

MamaBear98 · 02/02/2016 17:04

Probably because everyone knows that their opinions aren't going to influence a celebrity, especially as her daughter's ears have already been pierced so the public's input would be a bit late at this stage Hmm However, if it was an anonymous person looking for advice before doing something people would be more likely to give their opinion as they feel that their opinion might actually be of some use to the person who is looking for advice Smile

SweetieDrops · 02/02/2016 17:12

The only thing I'm judging KP for is that she said on loose women that she's had Bunny's done but won't let 8 year old Princess get hers done (KP says she's been asking for it) because Peter doesn't like it. I think it's unfair on Princess, she should have got both done or neither. I think 8 is old enough to make the decision about her own ears.

ClaudiaApfelstrudel · 02/02/2016 17:16

it's customary in Spain for girls to have their ears pierced the day that they are born...they seem to have survived as a nation so far

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 17:22

Seeetiedrops, surely that's something to be admired for rather than judged for? It's very good practice for exs to respect each other's wishes on things like this.

Earrings on toddlers though? Tacky and unnecessary.

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 17:24

Claudia, all sorts of things are fine under the name of tradition; circumcision for instance. Doesnt make it right and ok to lob off body parts from non consenting babies. Hmm

Lweji · 02/02/2016 17:25


SweetieDrops · 02/02/2016 17:29

I think Princess is old enough to decide about her own ears Lentilstew and I can't imagine she will be pleased her baby sister has something she doesn't.

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 17:34

What is she, 8? I disagree. There is no way an 8yr old is old enough to understand all the implications including the implications of not keeping them clean. Nor are they able to independently clean them without lots of help. I have reluctantly agreed to the summer between primary and secondary. As she's 3rd of Sept then she will be practically 12.

SweetieDrops · 02/02/2016 17:38

Why do they have to be able to clean them without help, what's wrong with a parent helping with that side of things?

BeccaMumsnet · 02/02/2016 17:41

Hi all - we've had a few reports about this thread, and although we're sensitive to the fact this thread is discussing a child, we would say it's okay to stay up as the thread is more about Katie Price and the info is in the wider press.

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 17:42

Well what's the point then? If they're not old enough to look after their ears themselves then they're not old enough to consent to having holes made in them.

VeganCow · 02/02/2016 17:42

I dont like pierced ears on children, but do like Katie Price and think she does a good job with her kids so cant you find a mum who really DOES deserve criticism and start a thread about that?

JustWantMyMoneyBack · 02/02/2016 17:44

I let my dd get her ears pierced at 12, she'd already started her period at that point so I figured she would be ok with the upkeep. She took them out well after the prescribed time for healing but they closed up overnight and she can't face getting them re-pierced. So that was a bit of a waste, really.

I can't be dealing with yet another task on my to-do list, so if my dc want a piercing they have to be old enough to take care of it themselves.

I would never pierce a baby's ears, but again, I have far too much to do already, I don't need another unnecessary task added to the list. Plus, y'know, the whole not-my-body thing.

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 17:47

It's not a thread criticising anyone as far as I can see. I can disagree with her decision to pierce her daughter's ears without suggesting she's a bad mum. My children had brioche smothered with Nutella for breakfast this morning. I'm quite sure that leaves me wide open to criticism from those who feel children have too much sugar in their diet.

SweetieDrops · 02/02/2016 17:49

If they're not old enough to look after their ears themselves then they're not old enough to consent to having holes made in them

I don't agree. My DD is 5, she had them done when she asked for it because most of her female classmates have it done. I cleaned them for her just the same as I brush her teeth and take care of her other hygiene needs. She absolutely consented to having it done or there's no way she would have let the piercers anywhere near her. She can be very strong willed, there is no way I would have taken her to get them done unless she understood what would happen and promised to sit still beforehand.

SoupDragon · 02/02/2016 17:53

DD won't be having hers done until the summer holidays between primary and secondary school. I don't care how many of her friends have them done before then.


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Fairylea · 02/02/2016 17:56

If this thread was about baby ear piercings generally everyone would be saying how awful it is. Because it's KPs child somehow that's ok? Hmm

I don't agree with ear piercings on babies or very young children. They should be old enough to understand it hurts and how to look after them. I got my ears pierced for a second time aged 31 and it really hurts! I couldn't sleep properly and ended up taking them out in the end as I couldn't be bothered with the healing process. I had my first set of holes done at 4 and I remember crying and finding it very painful. I wouldn't want to do something so unnecessary to a child myself.

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 18:02

Well my daughter is almost 10 and there's 3 classes I her year group and I don't know any child who has pierced ears. I know plenty of them have asked and been told to wait. School would not be happy. I'm sure your daughter's teacher loves having so many 5yr olds whose ears need seeing to for games.

LentilStew · 02/02/2016 18:03

And I don't think a 5yr old can possibly comprehend the idea of consent. At that age they'd consent to live off chocolate if you let them and no doubt demand it if 4 others in their class also lived off chocolate. Hmm

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